CHAPTER SEVEN, EIGHT AND NINE from Reality Revealed, The Theory of Multidimensional Reality:

By Douglas Vogt and Gary Sultan

Vector Associates, 11250 Old St Augustine Rd., #15, Suite 133, Jacksonville, FL 32257;

Kirlian Photography


Science tells us that in order for a theory to be considered correct, it must be proved by a repeatable experiment.  The experiment should produce the same results every time no matter who per­forms the experiment or where.  Kirlian photography is our experi­mental proof of Multidimensional Reality.  It is a repeatable ex­periment that can be done by anyone, anywhere; in fact, it has been done by numerous scientists and private individuals.


Historical Notes

The first high voltage, high frequency phenomena were first dis­covered and observed in the early 1890’s by Nikola Tesla.  During many of his electrical experiments, some involving voltages well over 100,000 volts and frequencies above 10,000 hertz, he ob­served an unusual blue glow around the capacitors used in the experiment.  In 1893 during the Chicago World’s Fair, Tesla per­formed a demonstration by hooking himself up to a one million volt, high-frequency line, producing a tremendous aura around


his body.  This is Probably the first time that the Kirlian effect was ever produced in the world.  Many years later a Czechoslovakian produced several photographs using high voltage, high frequency to produce an image on film. (1-p32)

In the late 1930’s in Russia, a husband and wife team by the name of Kirlian discovered the same phenomenon while working with high voltage, high frequency devices.  They further developed and refined this form of photography.  They produced new devices to create these images and did a great deal of research on the subject.  This form of high voltage, high frequency photography is named after them.

How It Is Produced

There are many fine books that go into great detail on how one can build a Kirlian photography unit.  We will not go into great detail on the actual workings of these units.  We are more concerned with explaining what we are looking at and why the phenomenon exists.  We do strongly suggest that you read some of these books describing the equipment before you attempt to per­form your own experiments, because high voltage equipment can be very dangerous.  We will describe the basic principles used to

produce this type of photograph.

The equipment consists of three parts: One is a frequency gen­erator which produces a sine wave or square wave ranging in fre­quency from several thousand cycles up to as much as 5 MHz.

The second part of the equipment increases the voltage of the oscillator circuit to about 20,000 volts.  Over 100,000 volts have been used in some of the Russian devices.  Kirlian photographs have been produced using pulse DC and low frequency AC.  The majority of the devices use the voltages and frequencies mentioned earlier.

The third part of the Kirlian device is the equipment to which the object is being attached.  The most commonly used device is something which resembles two capacitor plates (Figure 7.1). In the illustration, the top plate is attached to the step up voltage stage of the Kirlian unit.  Between the plate and the object (a leaf) is a dielectric (insulator) sheet.  The bottom plate is connected to a ground.  When the voltage is turned on, the electrons pass perpen-




Figure 7.1 Cross section of a Kirlian photographic unit

dicularly from the surface of the top plate to the bottom plate, where they pass on to the ground.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation

In order to understand how the image is produced, you must re­call our discussion of how electrons are created in a generator.  As the information of one object passes the information of another at 90’, small domains of potential are created which we call “elec­trons.” Between these two capacitor plates is an object, in this case a leaf.  The information for the leaf is directed around it from 360’.  When the voltage passes from the top plate to the bottom plate, it will pass perpendicularly to some of the information directed toward the leaf.  The information it passes turns out to be most visible at the edges of the leaf, when the electrons cross the information at 90’, forming other domains of potential along this 90’ plane.  This potential, in turn, raises the potential of the infor­mation of the leaf.  As the potential is raised, time slows down (a phase shift).  The effect is that the modulation coordinates for the leaf are extended outward, away from the surface of the leaf.  We observe it as a wide spectrum of light.  This image of light we will refer to as an “aura.” When you see light, you are seeing informa­tion passing us, relative to us, at the speed of light.  The light images that show up in the center of the leaf are caused by the


information that is directed toward these internal structures in the same manner as previously described.  Per our theory, each element that makes up the object should have its own specific light spec­trum and, in turn, its own frequency that will cause it to luminesce.  This method of photography shall also show the difference be­tween our second, third, and fourth dimensional existences, and how we can visualize and understand the differences in our reality.


Description Of The Effects

There are several basic variables that experimenters are familiar with that affect the outcome of the photograph.

The first is that the frequency used determines what the image will look like.  After many experiments, it is a well-proven fact that at one frequency the image would be very bright and large, and at a slightly higher frequency, the image would disappear completely.  Yet, at a little higher frequency, the image would then reappear as before! (1-p59) It has also been observed that as the frequency changes, different parts of the picture would appear and disappear. (1-pll2) The complete spectrum of light has been observed in these photographs from the low, infrared light to the high ultraviolet. (2-pl2)

These observations tend to prove our theory that each element is made up of specific frequencies, and that if another high poten­tial frequency is applied to the elements, they will become slightly demodulated and produce their various wave lengths of light.  This idea is further proved by the observations made from inanimate objects.  In Kirlian photography, inanimate objects such as metals produce uniform auras perpendicularly around the object.  The auras of inorganic or dead organic materials will both produce un­changed auras if the photographic variables are held constant.  The auras will change if either the voltage is changed and/or the fre­quency is changed. (1-p58) It has been noticed that the effect of changing the frequency or the voltage has the effect of focusing in the image of the aura.  When photographing inanimate objects, it has been noticed that the images show topographical features quite well.

When photographing metals less voltage is required to produce the aura if the metal is very hot.  If the metal is cold, more energy


is, in turn, needed.  This tends to prove our idea that potential must be applied to an object to demodulate it from our dimension.


Photographs Of Living Objects

The reason living organisms photograph differently from inanimate objects is because inanimate objects are third-dimensional exist­ences, and living things are fourth-dimensional existences.  The ob­servations to be described point this out quite well.

The auras given off by all living organisms, be they man or plants, are not constant and fluctuate in size and in intensity. (1-p37) The light given off has the appearance of small channels or round bubbles of light.  Some of the light given off indicates some of the internal structure of the organism, such as veins; but some of the domains of light do not correlate with any of the internal structures of the living organism. (1-p38) The luminescent colors of these clusters of light range from lavender to yellow.  Sometimes these colors are bright and sometimes they are faded.  Many times they appear to flicker.  On humans some parts of the skin will Rare up in plumes of gold and blue light.  Some bubbles of light splash from one point on the surface to another point, where they are absorbed.  What is interesting is that until the first spray of light is absorbed, the transmitting area on the surface will not send out another plume of light. (1-p45) Some clusters of light change shape to become spherical.  The colors of these spheres have been observed to be pale lilac, light blue, gray, or orange. (1-p45) This luminescent aura produces the impression of transparency to the object.  Where strong concentrations of energy are present, such as at the ends of plant stems, long plumes of light have been observed.  This light is seen flashing on and off in a myriad of colors. (2-p70)

We theorize that these strong plumes of light are the result of greater quantities of information being directed toward a specific area of the plant or animal.  When a leaf or other living organism dies, these domains of light gradually decline until they no longer appear.  When the object is totally dead, it will appear as an in­animate object would.  No longer would there be the fluctuations in the light intensity or the shape of the aura.  For this reason, Kirlian photography is a direct measure of the state and condition of life in a living object! (1-pl02)


Multidimensional Reality Explanation

The above observations are telling us something very important about life, besides proving plainly our definitions about dimen­sions.  Let’s take the example of the plant leaf.  When it is first photographed, the leaf appears as a glowing bright aura possessing many small bubbles of light, which move around in some sort of order, which as yet we do not quite understand.  If the leaf dies, the only thing that changes on the photograph is the disappear­ance of these bubbles of light and the brilliant fluctuations in the aura.  When the leaf is finally dead, it no longer gives off fluctua­tions of light.  Neither are the plumes or bubbles of light observed.  Just a small, evenly intensified aura appears around the leaf.  The remaining light represents only the information of the matter which still exists in our dimension.  The only thing that the leaf has lost is this excess potential.  Our conclusion is that life is con­scious energy or potential that is superimposed over three-dimen­sional matter.

This conscious energy does not actually exist in this dimension; if it did, there would be some sort of weight loss or physical change in the matter when the object “died.” The only change that is present is the absence of these domains of potential.  This idea will be further developed as we go through this chapter.

No two individuals produce the same aura.  There is always some slight difference in the areas of the flares or bubbles of light.  Human auras change from day to day and sometimes from minute to minute. (1-p62) It is not completely understood what all the causes are that change an individual’s aura, but two factors that definitely do are the emotional state of the individual and inter­action with other people.

When a person is relaxed, happy, open, and friendly, that person will produce a wide, bright aura.  Many times the color of the aura will be in the blue and ultraviolet range. (2-p96) When an individual is emotionally upset due to tension, arousal, anger, or when he is what is commonly called “uptight,” his aura will be small, and in the center of the image will usually appear a red blotch.  The red blotch is most characteristic of this emotional state. (1-p62, 102) For some reason, if the emotional state is great enough, the red will be observed far beyond the perimeter of the aura.  In other words, it is observed outside the actual physical body. (2-p66)


The entire human body does not give off the same color aura.  Different parts of the body give off different colors.  The typical colors given off in the area of the heart are deep blue to violet.  The arm pits give off a greenish-blue light, and the hips give off an olive color.  The finger tips generally give off a blue color, but this changes as the emotional state of the person changes.

The next factor that affects the aura is man’s interaction with his fellow man.  It has been discovered by many experimenters that the subject photographed is often affected by the experi­menter.  This interaction affects the image produced.  Most times the communication is on a nonverbal level.  During research done by Thelma Moss and her associates at UCLA, they observed non­verbal interactions between members of the same family or friends on the same photographic plate.  This interaction showed up as sparks of light between two or more individuals’ fingers.  Also, lopsided, deformed auras were observed either toward or away from the other person’s finger.  This seems to indicate that indi­viduals do communicate from another dimension; and these auras indicate this type of communication.  They seem to indicate the true feelings between two people rather than the plastic, artificial feelings we so often tell our fellow man.

There is another observation to be made about the auras ob­served from people’s fingers.  When two or more people’s finger tips are photographed close together, there is no penetration or overlapping of the auras.  Rather the image deforms away from the other aura leaving a small space between the two auras.  The-only way to explain this is to apply our theory stated in Chapter 3, that is, that like information cannot occupy the same time and space.  The information of these fingers is similar information, therefore, the diehold will prevent them from occupying the same time and space.  We see the result of this by observing the auras deform away from each other.

Another interesting observation, made by Thelma Moss and her colleagues, was that when a person breathed on a copper penny before the penny was photographed, the image of the penny dis­appeared.  They didn’t know why the image disappeared, but they thought it may have been due to the moisture from the person’s breath.  They tried the experiment again but using steam from a hot sponge.  The image this time came out to be extra bright as if more voltage was added to the photograph without changing the


frequency.  These results perplexed them because it implied there are two different types of water.  A series of experiments were done to see if there were two different types of water.  They photo­graphed the hand of a person who was asked to do strenuous exer­cises until he was perspiring.  When they photographed his hand, his aura appeared to be quite normal, having a nice glow to it.  When moisture was artificially induced on his hand by placing a plastic bag over it, the results were different-the red blotch appeared. (3-p2)

Nobody has yet figured out why there seem to be two differ­ent types of water; one that originates from the body, and the other originating from the atmosphere.  The only way to explain this phenomenon is to use our theory.

The key ingredient in water is oxygen, and the most perfect crystal shape of oxygen is the octahedron crystal.  Since the crystal shape is octahedron, therefore, the main frequencies of oxygen are similar to the carrier wave frequency of the diehold.  The frequen­cies of the element, oxygen, are also similar to the frequencies that make up the conscious energy of the person.  We theorize that the water that originates from the human body contains oxygen which has been charged up like small capacitors.  This charging has occurred because the potential of the living man is greater than the information of the inanimate element, oxygen.  The result is that the frequencies of the oxygen molecule from the body are at a higher potential than the ordinary oxygen.  The water vapor coming from the man’s breath has a different fre­quency than does the water vapor originating in the atmosphere.  When the man’s water vapor came in contact with the copper penny, it slightly changed the frequency of the penny; therefore, when the copper penny was photographed, it did not appear on the film.  It could have appeared if the frequency of the Kirlian unit was changed so it would produce a harmonic of the new frequency of the penny.

Another unusual phenomenon observed at UCLA is called the Anticipation Phenomenon.  This resulted from a series of experi­ments that involved the gashing of part of the leaf by one of the experimenters.  The leaf was first photographed before and then after it was gashed.  Their auras were then compared to see if there were any changes in the size and color.  The very observant experi­menter noticed in the “before” shots, a black vacant spot in the


location where he was going to gash the leaf. (3-p6) Our interpreta­tion of this phenomenon is that the leaf was perceiving its own future by perceiving the information of the experimenter.  It is un­known if the experimenter was even thinking about where he was going to gash the leaf, but the leaf evidentally perceived not only what was going to happen to it but even where.


Photographs of Magnets

Another unusual observation was made at UCLA.  They took a Kirlian photograph of a special type of magnet with several round holes in the center.  As you can see from the picture, the center opening shows an unusual aura forming perpendicular to the sides of the magnet.  These lines of light are directed toward the center of the opening; yet you will notice, many of these lines cross each other.  The average scientist who looks at this photograph would say that these wisps of light we observe are nothing more than sparks radiating from the sides of the metal.  But this cannot be correct because you cannot have two electrical fields crossing themselves, (2-p80) as evidenced in the photograph.  What we are observing is the information of the magnet being directed toward the coordinates in our time and space where it modulates into our existence.  The other reason that aura cannot be an electrical dis­charge is because it would be forming perpendicular to the flow of electrons produced by the Kirlian photographic unit.


Photograph of a Magnet


The Phantom Leaf Effect

If there is any one experiment or observation that we could say proves our theory correct, it is the phantom leaf effect.  There is an old Chinese saying that a picture is worth ten thousand words.


Photograph of a phantom portion of a leaf


The phantom leaf effect is produced when two-to-ten percent of the leaf is cut away.  When the leaf is properly photographed, using the correct frequency and potential, the cutaway section of the leaf will appear as if it is still there.  It is not often that this phantom appears, but at UCLA they seem to have a pretty good batting average.  They have reported that five percent of the tries, using still photos, will produce good phantoms. (4-p3) Using a motion picture technique, developed at UCLA, their success rate is between 10 and 20 percent. (4-p4) The phantom image is very interesting to observe.  When photographed with a movie or tele­vision camera, it is seen to fade in and out of the picture for five to eight seconds before it disappears altogether. (4-p5) There was some controversy at first regarding the phantom leaf effect.  Many felt that it was nothing more than an artifact of the remains left by the leaf, when it was first photographed whole.  The argument


was that some sort of remnant of the electrical field or maybe even residue from the leaf itself, remained on the film emulsion or glass plate; but through a series of experiments they proved the artifact theory totally wrong.  What the experimenters did was to cut the leaf before it ever came into contact with the film.  The leaf was then photographed and the phantom appeared.  This ex­periment was done many times to show it is a repeatable phenome­non.  No one has ever figured out why this could happen or even thought of the consequences of what this phantom leaf effect means, at least not until now.


Multidimensional Reality Explanation

When you first see the phantom leaf effect, you must ask yourself, “How does a leaf know how to recreate its original image?” If you consider what the leaf has going for it, in just this dimension, the answer you will come up with is: it doesn’t know how to recon­struct its original shape.  The only possible answer for the appear­ance of the phantom effect is that the information for the whole leaf exists in another dimension, that the life and conscious energy part of the information exists primarily in another dimension.  Since the only way to make this phantom appear is by using a high voltage, high frequency device, this implies that the signal that makes up the leaf is a modulated signal of some sort.  Other­wise, we couldn’t possibly have made the image appear.  As we look at the phantom portion of the leaf, we notice that the bubbles of light and the aura around the edges are quite visible.


Photograph of a portion of a leaf


The only thing that isn’t present is the light that makes up the actual matter in this dimension.  Parts of the signal that we are looking at are the carrier wave, the clocking and synchronizing frequencies that make up that portion of the leaf, along with the conscious energy that is the “personality” of the leaf.  The pulsa­tions observed from the phantom part of a leaf are a result of these different frequencies.  The reason more of an image is not observed is because the cut-away matter part of the leaf is still in our dimen­sion.  We theorize that if that cut-away portion could be moved out of our dimension in space and time, then, when if we try to reproduce the phantom image, using enough potential, the missing part of that leaf should reappear.  The end result should be the whole leaf with no evidence of its ever being cut in two.  The phantom leaf effect also proves, very simply, that energy does not come from matter (E = mc2).  In the picture we are observing, energy is being emitted from no matter; it is just a field produced by a domain of information.


The Different Theories of Kirlian Photography

Many of you have heard some of the theories concerning what it is we are looking at.  Some of these explanations sound quite plausi­ble.  We will examine some of the major ones in order to compare their theories with ours.  Theirs cannot explain all the phenomena that were previously discussed.

The most popular and acceptable theory of the Kirlian aura is that it is nothing more than a corona discharge or, more techni­cally, cold electron emissions.  This idea stems from the theory that all objects have free electrons in them; they exist in different densities.  When an object is at a temperature of absolute zero or in a zero field, the electrons do not have enough potential to pass through the surface of the object, so the electrons are bound in­side.  As heat or external voltage is applied, electrons start passing through the surface from inside.  This increase in free electrons continues until it reaches a maximum without causing light, the “Fermi Level.” Above the Fermi Level, there is a sufficient density of electrons whose potential and velocity are great enough that when they collide with other electrons or elements, they form photons, which is believed by scientists to be light. (1-pll4) This


is the reason scientists believe the Kirlian aura to be caused entirely by the high voltage used.

Taking this theory into account, a noted scientist, William Teller of Stanford University, did a series of experiments to see if the high voltage did entirely cause the aura.  What he found was that a small amount of the light could be accounted for by the stimulation of the high voltage, but this was only a small part of the total light being produced, and there was no explanation as to why this light was so closely related to the living object’s changing existence.  In other words, Doctor Teller proved that it was not cold electron emission that caused the Kirlian aura.  To quote him:

How can a light generated in the process be so sensitively related to the living organism’s condition, when a thousand photons are generated by collision events compared to only a few that can probably be directly correlated with the emitted electron condition from the living system? Perhaps this result is again telling us that more than electrons are in­volved here, or that they are involved in a far more complex manner than we presently imagine. (1-pl22)

The other popular theory was presented by the Kirlians them­selves.  They believe the Kirlian aura is evidence of what they call bioplasma.  Bioplasma seems to have a rather loose definition, but basically it is the idea that matter gives off an electrical field that in some way is able to communicate with other parts of itself and other organisms.  The problem with this theory is that it does not explain the phantom leaf effect, because here we have the electri­cal structure of the image without having the matter.  The bio­plasma theory is too matter-oriented.

Some other miscellaneous theories are; that the images reveal the state and condition of the peripheral vascular system of an organism, (1-p63) that the aura is showing the temperature on the surface of the object.  Another theory postulates that the image was showing galvanic skin responses. (1-p62) All the above theories were proved to be wrong by various research groups.  The round bubbles and clusters of light were thought to be caused by an undetermined matter of some origin. (1-p45) This idea is obviously wrong, because we observe these bubbles of light in the phantom leaf effect; and there is no matter present there; so, therefore, matter is not the cause of these bubbles or clusters of light.




We wonder if these theorists even realized the tremendous signifi­cance that this type of photography is telling us.  The only theory that comes close to the truth is from the ancient Yoga and Kab­balah literature; that the image we are looking at is the aura of the astral body.  These terms are obviously rather vague and amorphous, but this is because some of that information was probably given to the ancient masters by highly advanced beings.  They probably gave them this information in a form that could be most easily understood by primitive beings at that time.  There are a few humans that have evolved to this idea on their own, but this is usually after many years of meditation or study of yoga or study­ing of the Kabbalah.  Yet, the form in which they have this en­lightened knowledge is such that they cannot relate it to their fellow man.  We have all heard the saying, that allegedly came from Siddhartha, after many years of meditation and study, stated “The rock and I are one.” What he finally realized after an entire life­time is that he and the rock are made up of information and that the information for both him and the rock exists in another dimension.

We said earlier that the phantom leaf effect actually says it all.  Now we will tell you why, and the real significance of the picture.  We mentioned earlier that the bubbles and flares of light are a product of the conscious energy of the living organism.  We will call this for now the soul.  In the phantom part of the leaf, we see these bubbles of light still flashing and appearing as they did when they were modulated along with the matter part of the signal.  The deep significance of this observation is that our soul is modu­lated into the second dimension.  Our soul would be the modu­lated part of our conscious existence.

The next important point to be made is that it is possible that all our thinking, communicating, and perceiving of others is done entirely in the first dimension and that it has absolutely nothing to do with the fourth dimension in which we live.  In other words, our physical brain may be nothing more than for our conceptual convenience for our dimension.  It exists because we think some­thing must exist to do the “thinking” in this dimension; but really the actual thinking and collecting of information is done entirely in the first dimension.  The reason we do not perceive more infor-


mation than we do presently is because the matter part of our world interferes and distorts the information-gathering process of our real minds in the diehold.



1.         Krippner, S. and Rubin D., “The Kirlian Aura,” (N.Y., Anchor Books, 1974).

2.         Johnson, K., “The Living Aura” (N.Y., Anchor Books, 1974).

3.         Moss, T., et al, “How you see it; Now you don’t” (Unpub­lished, 1973).

4.         Hubacher, J., and Moss, T., “Phantom Leaf Effect as revealed through Kirlian Photography” (UCLA, unpublished).



Adamenko, V., Electrodynamics of Living Systems, Journal of Paraphysics, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 113-121, 1970.

Lane, Earl, (ed.), Electrophotography (San Francisco, And/Or Press, 1975).

Moss, Thelma, Various unpublished articles from her office (UCLA).

Ostrander, S., and Schroeder, L., Psychic Discoueries Behind the Iron Curtin (N.J., Prentice Hall, 1970).

Tiller, W., Progress in Understanding, The Osteopathic Physician, pp. 77-86, Feb. 1976.




Psychic Phenomena


Science’s Attitude Toward Parapsychology

It seems that parapsychology has been regarded as the “orphan child” of the academic community, possibly because there is no way in which the “accepted” theories of existence and time can be used to explain any of the psychic phenomena.  There is no logical explanation in quantum mechanics, field theory, or the theory of relativity to explain people reading the minds of other people, or the bending and moving of objects just by concentrating on them.  This is not to mention the phenomena of clairvoyance and psychic photography.

Scientists can’t explain psychic phenomena because there is no frame of reference in their theories of existence to explain them.  As mentioned in Chapter three, for a theory of existence to be correct, it must explain all phenomena, not just those that “fit.” We believe our Theory of Multidimensional Reality is the only theory that can explain psychic phenomena logically, using the same reality reference we used to explain the phenomena in phys­ics.  The only problem we have is in understanding the action


necessary for our conscious intelligence to cause the desired re­sponse; and this is because we don’t know enough about the work­ings of the thinking, conscious part of our existence.  What func­tion does it really play in the workings of the diehold?


What Is Psychic Energy?

The term “psychic energy” is used today as a catch-all phrase to try to describe a wide range of phenomena involving people inter­acting with the world around them; but nobody really knows what psychic energy” is nor how it functions.

The scientific community has avoided a serious investigation of psychic energy for another reason-they are afraid of being accused of delving into the occult.  We sympathize only slightly, because if a genuine phenomenon does exist, the true scientist should be curious enough to investigate it.

The “occult” has gained something of a bad name in our society.  The word “occult” conjures up thoughts of demons, “evil” cere­monies, witchcraft, voodoo, etc.  We believe that the field of the occult justly deserves its bad name, because it is a prime example of man demonstrating his tremendous reservoirs of ignorance and stupidity.  Originally, there was some truth to some of the ideas and principles, but over thousands of years, what was true has been so distorted and perverted that it now prevents its followers from evolving at all.

Some Eastern religions do a good job of describing some of the phenomena associated with auras and astral projection, but their way is too amorphous and esoteric.  The result is that the informa­tion is in a form useless to almost everyone, especially those in the scientific community.


Multidimensional Reality Explanation

We define the field of parapsychology or psychic phenomena as the result of the conscious entity’s ability to perceive and/or manipu­late the domains of information around it.  This interaction occurs only in the diehold (the first dimension).

Some of the topics we list have not previously been considered


to be psychic phenomena, but they are influenced by conscious thought.  The examples we use come from reliable sources, such as experiments done by Russian and American scientists.




Telepathy is defined simply as communication from one mind to another without using the five senses.  Several examples of this follow.

In 1966, the Russians performed a telepathic experiment using the well-known psychic, Karl Nikolaiev.  Nikolaiev was at the Academgorodok, in the city of Novasibirsk, in Siberia.  He was to receive telepathic messages from various subjects located in Mos­cow.  In one of the tests, a subject was given six objects to transmit mentally to Nikolaiev-1,860 miles away.  Nikolaiev successfully received the images of the object.  The Russians learned that it is just as important to have a trained sender as it is to have a tele­pathic receiver.  In the next test, a sender had to transmit the images on ESP cards.  Nikolaiev succeeded in receiving 12 out of 20 of the images.  The Russians noticed some interesting reactions in both the sender and receiver.  The EEGs showed drastic changes in both subjects during the moment of transmission.  They also noticed that when Nikolaiev received a visual image from the sender, the visual nerve centers of his brain were activated.

It was also determined that it was important that the receiver be in a tranquil state, free of involuntary motion and distracting thought. (1-pl3)

An American (Dr.  Thomas Duane, 1965) at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia did a series of telepathic tests with identical twins.  He also found similar simultaneous brain wave activity be­tween the twins. (1-p28)

This kind of telepathy is very common (and well documented) between mothers and their babies.  A mother’s EEG will go up if her baby cries or is in pain, no matter where the baby is.  Scientists at the Newark College of Engineering in New Jersey have done telepathic experiments with a plethysmograph (a device that meas­ures blood volume).  They found that if a telepath directed his or


her thought to a close friend, the friend would often register a change in blood volume.  This experiment and others performed by other American researchers proves that the receiving person will show a body change.  It has been estimated that about 25 percent of the population can show this unconscious telepathic reception. (1-p83)


Multidimensional Reality Explanation

The basic and most important question to be asked is: in what dimension are these people communicating? There have been many elaborate experiments done to determine if the mode of com­munication is electromagnetic.  Scientists placed their subjects in ground cages to prevent any electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving the cage.  This did not prevent telepathic communica­tion. (1-p100)

Another fact also proves that the communication is not taking place in this dimension.  Since distance does not influence the re­ceiving of information, it must be implied that the normal power functions used to determine signal strength over a given distance have no bearing on telepathy.

So we must conclude that the communication is not in this dimension.  These results corroborate what we said in Chapter 1, that the electrostatic field predominates in the third dimension.  Once we accept the reality of a storage dimension (the first dimen­sion), the explanation of how telepathy comes about becomes al­most academic.  The communication between individuals is done strictly in the diehold.  What determines whether a person is a psychic is the amount of potential he or she has.  Many well-known psychics have been found to have higher levels of voltage recorded in the rear portions of their brains.  A 50-to-1 ratio between the voltage registered at the back of the brain to the front is not un­common.

Since this section is concerned mainly with the receiving aspect of telepathy, we will only describe that for now.  Keep in mind that it is also necessary for the sender of the information to affect the information of the receiver.  This will be further described in the section on affecting.  A good telepathic receiver must be able to direct his thoughts to the exact spot where the domains of in-


formation are located that he wishes to perceive.  If the psychic is attempting to perceive the thought patterns of another person, his job is made a little easier because the other individual is made up of conscious potential located in the diehold as a domain of information.  Since the information in the diehold is in the first dimension, distances between the domains of information that make up the psychic and the person he is perceiving are irrelevant.  The psychic must then correctly interpret the thought patterns of the person sending the message.  In the diehold we would expect to see these thought patterns as transfers of domains of potential between the overall domain of information of the person.  The reason the EEGs for both the sender and the receiver mirror one another is because the receiver (the psychic) superimposes onto the information that makes him up some of these frequencies that make up the information.

The reason telepathic communication between a mother and her child is so prevalent is even simpler.  Since the baby comes from part of the information that makes up the mother, they share similar frequencies and, indeed, similar domains of information.  If a mother could correctly interpret which emotions and feelings she is receiving from her child, she would then be able to correctly interpret what the child is doing at that precise moment in time.

The psychic receiver must be calm and tranquil (or in alpha state) because he must eliminate all random potentials (voltages) caused by his own body or the environment around him.  These random potentials can be interpreted by him as random thought patterns, thereby confusing the signal that is meant to be per­ceived.  For the same reason, the sender must also be able to re­move any random thoughts and disturbances he has around him; otherwise he will unconsciously transmit this “mental noise.”

There are ways to improve the psychic’s ability to send or re­ceive.  The principle is simple.  We must be able to increase the po­tential of that person.  By increasing the potential, we are, in effect, enabling that individual to perceive more domains of information around him or her.  The Russians have been able to succeed in in­creasing the psychic’s ability to perceive more information.

“We surround both sender and receiver with artificial magnetic fields both before and during ESP tests ... It gives them extra energy.  The fields don’t have to be strong.  Weak fields work just as well.” (1-pll8)


Agroup of electrical engineers in the United States also dis­covered that high-frequency electromagnetic waves were able to increase their telepathic abilities. (1-pll8) The reason the electro­magnetic waves increase psychic ability is that the frequencies help increase the amplitude of the frequencies that make up the individ­ual’s information.  The increased amplitude is then translated into a higher potential in the first dimension, which is the desired effect to increase one’s psychic abilities.



This simply means “to be able to see without using the eyes.” The method most commonly demonstrated is having one run his palm or fingertip across a piece of paper with either color images or print on it.  There are several well-documented examples of eyeless sight.  A very famous Russian psychic, Wolf Messing, has been tested for his ability to be able to distinguish the colors printed on magazine pages without looking at them. (1-p45) We will be mentioning Messing quite often through this chapter be­cause he is such a good psychic.  There are several other Russian psychics that have demonstrated great paraoptic abilities.  For ex­ample, Rosa Kuleshova and Nelya Mikhailova.  Both women can run their hands across a colored page and sense the colors by how slip­pery or sticky they are.  Scientists have tested them to see if they were picking up some unknown texture quality connected with the color by simply placing a transparent film over various colored pictures; but both women were still easily able to distinguish the different colors.  It would seem that the characteristics of sticky or slippery have nothing to do with anything that is physically different from the surface of the paper.  In 1962, Rosa Kuleshova was tested by a group of scientists to get a better understanding of her abilities.  They gave her a photograph of an individual.  She was able to accurately describe the appearance and stature of the man, though she was blindfolded at the time.  The scientists also tested her to see if she was picking up slight thermal differences from the paper-the principle being that light colors reflect heat, while darker colors absorb heat.  The scientists took various colored plates and changed their physical temperatures to see if they could fool Rosa’s ability of detection.  The temperature of the plates had


virtually no effect on her ability to accurately describe the colors of the plates. (1-pl60) Rosa was also able to accurately describe images on television screens; the longer she practiced her unique ability, the better she got.  Eventually, she was able to read printed words by running her finger across the lines.  By 1964, she was able to read small print with her elbow. (1-pl66) She was eventually able to pick up the minutest details in a photograph, such as de­tecting the color of a necktie on a person in the photograph.  She described the sensation of “sensing the colors” by saying, “If you start on each side of the middle color, green, the sticky rough feeling increases as you finger your way toward either end of the band.” (1-pl6l) All the psychics that have this ability have de­scribed black as being the stickiest and white as being smooth­though it feels coarser than yellow.  The sensation of warmth is felt toward the infrared end of the light spectrum; toward the blue and ultraviolet range, it has the sensation of cold.

The Russians then began a concerted effort to find other people with this paraoptic ability.  They found many children able to dis­tinguish the different colors and also able to read letters with their hands.  Some were able to just wave their hand over a rug or other covering and detect objects, including pictures, under the covering.

Another interesting observation made by Russian scientists was that these children could “see” the letters or the pictures at a greater distance if the paper was placed on a plate carrying a weak positive electrical charge.

The scientists have not been able to come up with any explana­tion as to how or why one can “see” without using his or her eyes.


Multidimensional Reality Explanation

The paraoptic phenomenon is an excellent proof that we do exist in another dimension.  In fact, there is no other explanation as to why someone would be able to read letters and “see” pictures un­less the information for the individual and the material were both in another form and in another dimension.  These people are obviously not “seeing” in this dimension.

It appears that many of us have some kind of psychic ability, but it manifests itself in different ways.  Some of us can read minds, some have eyeless sight, others can move objects without


touching them.  For some reason, our potential is directed in dif­ferent ways to accomplish different results.  It seems that our con­scious existence in the diehold is capable of directing its potential to specific domains of information.  After it has located the de­sired domain of information, be it information that makes up a printed page or a photograph, it extrapolates specific information from the overall domain of information.  For instance, those who have paraoptic abilities are not able to perceive who or what last came in contact with the object under consideration.  These para­optic individuals are simply extrapolating a specific type of infor­mation from the page or the picture.  The reason the colors “feel” different is because that is how our brain makes interpretable the information actually perceived from the diehold.  Actually the color represents frequencies.  The brain translates the basic fre­quencies into a form that the conscious mind can interpret.



Psychometry is the ability of a person to obtain information con­cerning an object or its owner by touching the object.

Agood example of someone who has mastered psychometry is the Dutch-born psychic, Peter Hurkos.  Police departments all over the world have utilized his gifts to help solve crimes.  Mr. Hurkos has only to handle something that the other person has handled or owned, and he can tell you information about that person in minute detail.

Psychometry tells us something very important about our own existence.  The mechanism necessary for Mr. Hurkos to perceive another person’s information is similar to what goes on during telepathy, but it’s slightly more complicated.  Every object Mr. Hurkos touches is the product of a conscious entities thought form, from those who designed the object to those who built it; and the ultimate owner.  Everyone who came in contact with it directed some of their conscious potential or thought to that object.  An object is not just a domain of information that makes up some in­animate object such as a tool or picture, but it represents a thought form as well.  This is why Hurkos is able to pick up the information about any person who came in contact with the object.  When he places the object in his hands, he doesn’t just hold an inanimate


object in this dimension; but in the diehold, his domain of infor­mation is perceiving the domain of information that makes up the object.  His consciousness then traces the domain of information back in time until he reaches the desired point when the object was in contact with another conscious entity.

We would say that psychometry is the ability to “read” thought patterns in the diehold.



Dowsing is the ability to locate a specific item in the ground by using a “divining” or “dowsing” rod.  The person skilled at this practice is called a dowser.  Dowsing is a very old and well-known skill.  Many individuals have developed this skill to locate water and mineral deposits.  Some dowsers are able to tell exactly how many feet below the surface the deposit lies.  When dowsing for water, they can also tell the direction of flow and how many gallons are flowing.  There are many shapes that can be used for a dowsing rod.  Some dowsers use a Y-shaped willow branch, others use a T shape metal wire.  We theorize that the shape is actually not very important to the dowser-nor is the substance from which it is made.  The function of the dowsing rod is merely to direct the dowser’s conscious thought to a specific location.  Dowsers claim they find what they are looking for by sensing the vibrations coming from the object.  They say that every object has its own radiated vibrations.  They try to “feel” these vibrations in order to locate the object.  The Russians have done a great deal of research with dowsing.  They have found that no matter how much or what kind of shielding is used around the object, the dowser will find what he is looking for. (1-pl76)


Multidimensional Reality Explanation

It is obvious that the dowser is not detecting anything that is in this dimension.  He is receiving all of his inputs from the diehold.  Dowsers are correct in saying that they try to detect a particular vibration coming from the object, because, per our theory, every element in the universe has its own distinct group of frequencies.


When a conscious intelligence learns how to differentiate between these different frequencies, he could locate anything that is around his domain of information in the diehold.  In our dimension, the object may be located below him, but in the diehold the location of the information can be anywhere.



Clairvoyance is defined as the ability to perceive objects or events not present to the senses.  All of us have, at one time or another, sensed the location of something without being told where it was.  Some of us have had dreams about some place or object and later found out our dream was correct.  This is called clairvoyance.  Many people mistake clairvoyance for perceiving the future, but that is called precognition, which we will discuss later.

Clairvoyance deals with perceiving something that is happening in the present or which has happened in the past.

There are famous examples of individuals perceiving events and places by clairvoyance in their dreams.  In 1956 a Pennsylvania farmer, Jacob Dibert, had a dream about two missing boys who lived 12 miles away.  He did not know them, but he knew that the town’s people were trying to find them because they were lost in the forest.  Mr. Dibert dreamt the exact location of the bodies of the two boys.  What is interesting is that he had the dream twice.  The first night he had it he told his wife about it, but no one else, because they didn’t think anything of it.  The next night he again had the same dream.  After that he decided to investigate, which lead to the discovery of the bodies. (2-p49)

There are many examples of important archeological findings being made as the result of dreams.  Glastonbury Abbey in England and the ancient city of Mycenae of Crete were discovered because of dreams.

On September 5, 1880, a Captain Christian, on his ship bound for Rangoon from Sydney, Australia, had a detailed dream that his brother was on a ship that was sinking and he saved him.  The next day, Captain Christian sailed north and found the ship in his dream.  The dream resulted in the rescue of his brother and 269 other persons. (2-p55)

One of the most famous cases of clairvoyance is that of Byron


Somes, a reporter for the Boston Globe.  He dreamt that a small South Seas island, Pralape, had a large volcano that was furiously erupting.  In his dream, he could even hear the screaming of the islanders trying to escape.  The dream was very detailed and vivid.  It seemed he was really there.  When he awoke, he wrote down the dream and left it at his desk.  By mistake someone at the news­paper took his dream as a news story and printed it.  It wasn’t until several days later that news actually started coming in that a vol­cano on the island of Krakatoa had erupted blowing the island off the face of the earth.  Byron Somes had dreamt the eruption of Krakatoa at about the same time it was happening, though he was 12,000 miles away. (2-p59) Several years later he discovered that Pralape was the ancient name for Krakatoa.

Other examples of clairvoyance come from Czechoslovakian sources.  During WWI, the Czech army used the clairvoyant abilities of psychics to find the location of the Hungarian army.  The Czechs had great success at this.  In fact, they never received wrong in­formation. (1)

There are other, more common, examples of clairvoyance, such as psychics who can locate people and lost objects merely by con­centrating on them.  We would say that clairvoyance is a more advanced type of dowsing except that the dowsing rod is not used.  The clairvoyant needs no dowsing rod or other artificial device in this dimension to help direct his or her thoughts.  The clairvoyant, like the dowser, perceives the information of the object through the first dimension.  The clairvoyant can direct his thought pat­terns to perceive information any place in the present as well as in the past, but we do not believe any person in this dimension can perceive the future entirely on his own.  This will be further elabo­rated upon in the section on precognition.



This section is divided into two areas.  The ability to visualize your thought patterns as you are talking, and photographic mem­ories.  The only record of the first type of visualization we were able to find was described by Nikola Tesla.  As a young child, he was able to visualize the items he was thinking about.  For ex­ample, if he thought about a bowl of fruit, he would see before


his eyes a bowl of fruit.  He had a difficult time delineating be­tween the real object and the mental image.  This caused him a great deal of mental anguish through his earlier childhood.  Later, he was able to control this ability utilizing it in building his inven­tions.  For instance, the alternating current generator he first built visually in his mind.  He visualized it in the most minute detail.  When he finally built it, he built it exactly to his mental image and of course it worked perfectly.  This ability caused some friction among his working colleagues, because Tesla told them to build certain parts for his inventions without giving them any explana­tion as to the principles of the invention or what the finished in­vention would be.  This was because Tesla had all his calculations and plans in his head.


Multidimensional Reality Explanation

This example of visualization seems to prove our idea that three­dimensional objects, such as man’s inventions, are a product of thought forms.  Tesla was so evolved and his information possessed so much potential that as he thought he was able to form domains of information in the diehold that took the same shape as his thought.


Photographic Minds

Most people do not think of photographic memory as being a psychic phenomenon.  Most people think it is merely a mechanical ability to be able to store vast amounts of information in one’s memory.

We will give two examples of this type of memory.  Rabbi Elijah, a Lithuanian, was able to recall any portion of a page of any book he had ever read in his entire lifetime.  This was estimated to be well over a thousand volumes.  He considered this mental ability somewhat of a curse, because he said it was like living in a library all day and taking it to bed with you all night. (2-pl52) There have been many other documented cases of individuals with photo­graphic memories of various types.  One very interesting case was Mathurin Veyssiere, formerly librarian to the King of Prussia.  He


was able to memorize sounds.  This included recalling speeches made by foreign dignitaries in their native tongue.  Even though Veyssiere did not understand their language, he was able to repeat their words perfectly, including proper pronunciation and accent. (2-pl53)


Multidimensional Reality Explanation

These people had photographic minds because they were actually psychic.  Their psychic ability was directed toward the area of recall.  People who have photographic minds have been able to direct their conscious intelligence to recall information that has been collected by them in their past.  It is unknown why a psychic develops his ability in certain areas and not in others, but this seems to be the general rule with all psychics.  They wind up de­veloping their own peculiar ability.  What they are doing is recalling their past thought forms, playing them back at will.  Their ability to recall vast amounts of information is usually faster than any of our present-day computers.  For this reason, we feel that these people are recalling the information directly from the diehold rather than from anything that is physically stored in their brains.


Instant Mathematics

This is the ability of an individual to come up with the correct mathematical answer to a long, involved math problem.  It could be long columns of numbers to be added, large numbers to be multiplied, etc.  For example, a child by the name of Zerah Colburn from Vermont was able to solve long math problems without knowing the rules of math necessary to solve them.  He gave instantaneous answers to problems like cube roots or raising a number to almost any power. (2-pl53) Another example is Johann Martin Dase, born in 1824 in Hamburg, Germany.  He could multi­ply a 100-digit number with another 100-digit number and come up with an answer in 9 minutes.  He was also able to solve compli­cated calculus problems in astronomy within seconds. (2-pl53) Another individual who had this ability was Nikola Tesla.  He was able to visualize any type of mathematical problem including


complex calculus problems.  His image of the math problem in­cluded all the intermediate steps leading to the answer.


Multidimensional Reality Explanation

This phenomenon is usually not considered a psychic phenome­non, but we see it as a phenomenon similar to clairvoyance or psychometry, because a math problem involves a complex thought structure.  Most of us assume that math is something that exists only as a truth in this dimension.  As we mentioned in the first chapter, math is a tool; you can prove any type of reality you wish with it.  Math can also prove faulty logic correct.  What we are getting at, is that math at its highest level is actually a tool that can be used to express the structure and workings of our thought patterns.  When a child like Zerah Colburn can come up with instantaneous answers to involved math problems, this means that his conscious entity has evolved very far in the area of structured thought.  The reason it was unnecessary for him to actually know the necessary mathematical steps to solve the problem was because his consciousness in the diehold went through all the necessary structured thought to come up with the answer.  It was unnecessary for his conscious self in this dimen­sion even to know how the problem was solved.  It was just neces­sary for his conscious self to be able to interpret the impulses or feelings he received from his subconscious self, which possessed the correct answer derived from the diehold.  Many people who have this ability claim they perceive these numbers as different colors of light.  After they have glanced over the entire column of numbers to be added or multiplied, they see a resultant color which they psychically interpret into the answer, which almost al­ways come out correct.  The deeper question now is: what does a number represent and why does it show up as light to the indi­vidual?

When these people are given a column of numbers or a math problem to solve, these numbers represent thought forms that were put down by another individual.  Let’s say it is an astronomer who gives the problem to one of these psychics.  The astronomer may have an idea of what the answer should be.  He has collected various data which is a product of his conscious thought.  As we


mentioned in Chapter 4, light is actually the information of an object passing us at the speed of 3 x 108 meters per second.  The light some of these people see actually represents the information of the thought that makes up that number.  It is obvious that no person from this dimension could correctly interpret different colors of light and come up with the correct number.  It is there­fore obvious that these people receive the correct number from the diehold.  Their conscious domain of information in the diehold perceives these numbers, which are really domains of thought from the person who has written down the math problem.  Then the psychic’s consciousness performs the correct thought forms and comes up with the correct answer.  Each individual in this dimension may have a different way of interpreting the informa­tion he receives from the diehold.  Usually the conscious mind in this dimension transforms the information to a form that can be interpreted by the individual.  It is possible that many math for­mulas can be looked at from the viewpoint of the diehold as something like a subroutine.  Whoever is able to raise his conscious potential high enough can tap into these subroutines and come up with correct answers for almost any math problem instantaneously, often without actually knowing how to do the problem.



Precognition is the ability of an individual to accurately foretell some event in the future.  There have been many well-documented instances of individuals who could accurately predict future events.  Some of these are Edgar Cayce, Vanga Dimitrova, and Wolf Messing.

Mrs. Dimitrova is a blind Bulgarian psychic who has been mak­ing predictions for individuals since WW II.  She has been well­studied by the Bulgarian Government and works for them as a State psychic.  People come to her on a daily basis for her psychic prophecy about their future.  The Bulgarian Government regulates and documents all the predictions she makes.  They have been doing this for many years now; she is right 80 percent of the time.  The prophecy session goes something like this: the subject stands in front of Mrs. Dimitrova.  The blind Mrs. Dimitrova then tells something about their past and their present and then continues


by telling them what their future is going to be.  A Bulgarian doctor by the name of Georgi Lazanov was doing some research on this psychic phenomenon.  When it was his turn to have his future foretold by Mrs. Dimitrova, he instead started concentrating very hard to pretend that his was the life of a close friend.  She began to foretell that person’s future, but she was wrong.  She later recog­nized the deception and told him she could not help him.  Doctor Lazanov deduced that Mrs. Dimitrova not only needed the person’s presence in front of her but also that person had to be concentrat­ing along with her. (1-p257)

Another well-documented psychic is Wolf Messing.  He has a very high percentage of being correct in his predictions.  When asked how he was able to foretell the future, he said, “After an effort of will, I suddenly see the final result of some event flash before me.  The mechanism of direct knowledge by-passes the logical cause-and-effect chain and reveals to the psychic only the final concluding link of the chain.” (1-p53)

When Vanga Dimitrova was asked how she was able to foretell the future of individuals, she said that she is shown pictures and hears voices.  Then she tells the person what she sees and hears.


Multidimensional Reality Explanation

Per our theory, an individual cannot go ahead in time.  This is because you cannot go past the head device that is playing out your existence.  You can only perceive the present or the past.  The obvious question then is: how can these people so accurately predict the future, and how do people’s dreams often accurately predict the future? It is possible that one of the ways it is done is that the psychic is able to perceive the thought patterns of beings from the future-who are either thinking or who have moved back in time and space.  If another dimensional being was able to go back into time and space, he would be able to com­municate easily with certain people whose potential is great enough to receive his thought patterns.  We believe this is the method that was used to tell the prophets of the Bible what was to happen toward the end of time.  Edgar Cayce once said that in his early childhood he saw a woman in his room who looked as if she was glowing.  This woman said he would be famous when he


got older.  This represents to us that she was from a different dimension.  It is possible that many of his predictions came from people from the future who had an important stake in what was happening on this planet.  Most likely these people are from our future.

Let’s say you are a highly advanced being and you cannot go ahead of time because of the reasons previously described, but you can go back into time.  Let’s also say that you have come to a crossroads in your evolution, you must evolve to another level soon; but you are not able to evolve fast enough to prevent what might happen to you.  The only hope you have is to go back into time and improve your past without directly interfering with it.  By doing this, you will in turn be advancing your own future.  The way it might be done is for you to find an individual in the past whose potential is high enough that he would be able to perceive your thought patterns and correctly interpret them.  The next step would be to give him or her various predictions of their future, in order for them to have confidence in their ability to perceive the future.  Believing you can do something is very important in the field of psychic phenomena.  By giving the psychic information of the future, you would also be giving him credence among his fellow men.  It is unimportant whether some of the information has no historical bearing on man.  The important thing is that the person have some sort of credence, so that when you wish to trans­mit to him some important event about the future, people will believe him.  This subject will be covered further in Chapter 12.  Notice that all the psychics said they were shown what the future was by another entity.  What they saw is different from clairvoyance.

The other possible way an individual could perceive the future -we theorize-is if during a trance or unconscious state his con­sciousness, in the diehold, was able to perceive the thought pat­terns of someone in the future thinking about some event in the past.  The receiving psychic is not actually going into the future, but is merely perceiving the thought patterns of someone from the future.  It is possible that Mrs. Dimitrova is able to use this method in order to perceive another’s future.  When that person is standing in front of Mrs. Dimitrova, in this dimension, that person’s domain of information is also being perceived by the domain of informa­tion that makes up Mrs. Dimitrova in the diehold.  Her conscious entity might be trained in such a way that she may be able to pick


up that person’s thought patterns transmitted from the future and sent into the past.

As we get older, most of us reminisce about things that hap­pened in our past.  When we reminisce, we are actually forcing our consciousness to perceive events that took place in the past.  We can look at these thought patterns as radio signals sent from a distant star.  If the star is 20 light years away from us, it would naturally take 20 years before we received that radio signal.  When we receive the radio signal that star will be 20 years in the future.  A thought pattern from a person is very similar.  What Mrs. Dimit­rova is able to do is interpret accurately the thought forms sent by that person from the future.  These thought forms include both visual and audio information.




The simplest example of transmitting thought is when we concen­trate on a person, making him turn around and look at us.  This can be observed very easily when driving in a car in heavy traffic.  If you concentrate on the motorist to the side of you, he or she will usually turn and look back.

The Russians have done a great deal of scientific experimenta­tion with this type of telepathy.  One of the earlier documented telepathic experiments was performed by Doctor K. I. Platonov in 1924.  During the All-Russian Congress of Psychoneurologists, he demonstrated he could put a young woman into a deep hypnotic trance by just willing it.  He stood out of sight of her while he willed her to sleep.  For the demonstration she was on stage with a group of doctors, while Platonov telepathically communicated her to sleep.  She immediately slumped over, asleep, in front of the audience. (1-p97)

Shortly after the 1924 conference, two other Russians performed similar experiments.  The men were Professor Dzelichovsky and the psychologist Doctor K. D. Kotkov.  Professor Dzelichovsky selected a 19-year-old coed for the experiment.  He told her she would be helping him in a physics experiment.  He did not let her know what the real experiment was.  After a while, Dzelichovsky was


able to will her to come to him at any hour.  After this stage of the experiment was reached, Doctor Kotkov, who was located in an­other room down the hall from Dzelichovsky’s room, attempted to put the coed asleep while she was with the Professor.  Doctor Kotkov succeeded.  He was able to put her to sleep at will.  Over the two-month period that the experiment lasted, Doctor Kotkov was able to put her to sleep 30 times out of 30 tries.  When the girl went to sleep, it was described as like a hypnotic trance, but it wasn’t hypnosis. (1-p98)

In 1932 a series of telepathic experiments were performed by Leonid Vasilien at the Bekhterev Brain Institute.  He and several other colleagues were also able to make two female subjects go into trance at will.  The scientists even placed the subjects in an iron Faraday cage (ground cage) to prevent any electromagnetic waves from entering.  The purpose of this experiment was to see if telepathy was transmitted by electromagnetic waves.  Of course, they found it wasn’t, but they did notice that the cage seemed to produce better results.  The scientists then tried to determine if distance could limit telepathy.  One of the scientists traveled a thousand miles away and then concentrated on one of the women.  She lost consciousness on cue.  At the conclusion of these experi­ments, they were definitely able to say that telepathy is not car­ried by electromagnetic waves. (1-pl0l) When the women were in telepathic trance, they knew who had put them under. (1-pl02)

In 1964 Stanley Mitchell, a famous American hypnotist, trav­eled to Russia.  During his visit, he was asked by his Soviet hosts if he could will into a trance a Russian nurse they provided for the experiment.  He did so with no problem.  The American seemed to have no language barrier in telepathy.  He repeated the experiment in Poland with the same results. (1-pll0)

Doctor Lazanov developed the first telepathic code receiver in 1966.  It was based on the same principle as Morse code.  The sender telepathically told the receiver to press down on his right or left hand.  The right hand was dots, the left hand, dashes.  During the experiment, 1,766 messages were sent.  The messages varied from single words to phrases and sentences.  Seventy percent of those messages were received correctly. (1-p282)

The most amazing type of this telepathy was done by Wolf Messing.  Mr. Messing was able to project images into other people’s minds.  He was a Polish citizen before the second World War.  When


the war started, he was captured by the Nazis.  He was wanted by them because he was Jewish and also because he was a very well­known psychic.  He was taken to Gestapo headquarters and held for questioning, but he was able to escape from Gestapo head­quarters by mentally suggesting to the guards in the building that they go into another small room away from him.  After they all entered that room, Messing was able to walk out of the building, making good his escape.  From there he went to Russia, where he lives presently.  In Russia, he made friends with Joseph Stalin.  Stalin was more than casually interested in Messing’s psychic abil­ity.  Messing performed various tests of his abilities for Stalin, one of which included making a Moscow bank teller hand over to him 100,000 rubles.  All Messing did was give the teller an empty brief­case and a blank piece of paper; then he mentally told the teller to hand the money over to him-it was as simple as that. (1-p40)

Another unusual test performed for Stalin was to see if Messing could walk into Stalin’s headquarters at Kintsevo.  Stalin’s head­quarters was well guarded by many men, all members of the Soviet Secret Police.  Messing succeeded in getting through the guards by merely walking right by them in plain sight; he made no attempt to disguise himself in any way.  When Stalin asked him how he was able to do it, Messing replied: “I mentally suggested to the guards and servants, ‘I am Beria.  I am Beria.’ “ Lavrenti Beria was the head of the Soviet Secret Police at the time, and was a frequent visitor of Stalin’s. (1-p4l) What Messing did was to project the image of Beria into the minds of everybody in his vicinity.


Multidimensional Reality Explanation

The ability to affect the information perceived by conscious entities (intelligent domains of information) around you is de­pendant on the amount of potential you possess in the diehold.  It does not take much potential to make someone next to you notice your presence, but it takes a great deal more to throw images into other people’s heads or to force another to lapse into a trance.  All of the previously-mentioned telepathic communications involved forcing another person’s consciousness to perceive the information being transmitted to him.  This communication is done entirely in the diehold.


Regarding the examples of a psychic being able to force another individual to go to sleep, this involves a very interesting observa­tion about language and thought.  When the experimenter willed the subject to sleep, all he had to suggest was that the subject fall asleep; but it is obvious that just the word does not force sleep onto another person.  When the experimenter says the word,” sleep,” it means much more than that.  To the experimenter and to the subject, the word “sleep” represents a certain frequency pattern that institutes the unconscious state.

It may at first appear that we must have a Russian experimenter telling a Russian subject to sleep in Russian, and a receiving party who hears in his head the word, “sleep,” in Russian; but as we mentioned, an American hypnotist was also able to make a Russian nurse and a Polish woman sleep on command-even though he spoke neither of those languages.  In this case, the languages were totally different, but the end message to the subject was “sleep.” We theorize that the language spoken in this dimension has nothing to do with the communication process carried on in the diehold.  Let’s say the experimenter says, in English, the word, “sleep,” to a Russian subject.  The thought patterns for the word, “sleep,” represent the same domains of frequencies to the American indi­vidual as to the Russian.  Both are merely conscious domains of information in the diehold.  The transmitted message would be in the form of frequencies directed toward the domain of informa­tion that makes up the Russian subject.  These frequencies would then be interpreted as a command to the domain of information of the Russian.  A good analogy of this would be someone typing in the code letters for a subroutine to be played in a computer.  Once the code letters are typed, the computer translates the code into another language form which calls up the subroutine.  In this case, it would be sleep.  In the case of Wolf Messing, his ability to be able to project an entire image into anyone near him seems similar to visualization.  When Mr. Messing said to the guards the words, “I am Beria,” in the diehold, the word “Beria” represented to the guards another person.  Messing’s potential was so great that he was able to play the subroutine to the guards that represented the image of Beria.

We did some experiments ourselves to see if we could prove two points: can frequency changes be detected during telepathic com­munication, and is there also a universal-type communication be-


tween all living things? This would verify somewhat the language phenomena mentioned earlier.  For our psychic we used Gary Sultan (one of the authors) who has demonstrated some psychic abilities.  We wanted to see if Gary could affect the frequencies of an African violet plant.  We used a sensitive digital frequency counter (15 mV sensitivity).  The plant was placed two feet away from a table lamp.  It was nighttime when the experiment took place.  The first part of the experiment, we took the frequency count of the plant with the light on (35-45 KHz) and with the light off (75-82 KHz).  Gary and I did not concentrate on the plant at all.  We took many observations of the plant, so we could get a good mean average of these frequencies.  In the next part of the experiment, Gary concentrated on talking to the plant.  When the light was off, Gary told the plant he was going to turn the light on; immediately the plant went down in frequency to 50-63 KHz.  This was before the light was actually turned on.  After the light was turned on, the frequency of the plant went down to its former bias level of 35-45 KHz.  We repeated this part of the experiment enough times to remove any possibility of random frequency increases or decreases.  Then we reversed the process, starting with the light on.  Gary told the plant he was going to turn the light off.  Before he turned the light off, the frequency of the plant rose immediately from 40-55 KHz.

In the final part of the experiment, (when the light was off) Gary asked the question, “Do you want the light on?” The reac­tion was that the plant gradually went from about 80 KHz down to 60 KHz.  When he asked the plant if it wanted the light off, there was no reaction.

There are quite a few observations to be made from this experi­ment.  One is that it seems that the plant preferred having the light on. We assume this by making the assumption that when any living organism’s tension level is raised, its frequency goes up due to anxiety.  When a person or living organism is peaceful and con­tent, we assume that its frequencies are lower.

The most important conclusion from this experiment is that there is a universal communication between intelligent domains of information.  This seems to confirm what many plant lovers have said for many years: that talking to your plants helps them grow better.  In our experiment the plant was able not only to perceive what Gary was thinking but also to make its own decision about


whether it wanted the light on or off.  It definitely anticipated Gary’s questions regarding turning the light on or off.  This means that somehow the plant and Gary were communicating in the first dimension and that this communication began even before Gary said the words.  This experiment seems to confirm our belief that ideas are converted in the diehold as basic frequencies that repre­sent whole ideas, and that these frequencies can be interpreted by any conscious intelligence.



Psychokinesis is the ability to move an object with the mind with­out using any physical means.

A famous Russian psychic, Nelya Mikhailova, has been observed and filmed many times moving small objects placed on a table in front of her.  It sometimes takes her two-to-four hours to develop enough of her energy to move an object; other times it can be done within a couple of minutes.  She is able to deflect a compass needle as well as move matches, watches, and other small objects.  She has the greatest effect on objects of food.  Her most remarkable feat involved an experiment with a cracked egg placed in a saline solu­tion inside an aquarium.  She stood about six feet away from the aquarium, concentrating on separating the egg white from the yolk.  To the surprise of everyone around her, she succeeded.  She then mentally put the egg white and the yolk together again. (1-p68)


Multidimensional Reality Explanation

The way Mrs. Mikhailova and others are able to perform psycho­kinesis is by concentrating on moving the information that makes up the object.  When Mrs. Mikhailova does psychokinesis for any extended period of time, she suffers a weight loss and extreme fatigue.  This is because her information must exert a great deal of potential in order for her to move the information of the object in the diehold.



Psychic Photography

Psychic photography is the ability to produce a picture in a camera without the necessity of light.  Basically, the psychic “thinks” a picture into the camera.  Usually the camera lens is covered with a black lens cover to prevent any light from reaching the film.  The image that appears is put on the film strictly through the psychic’s ability to throw his mental images onto the film.

There are at least two people known to be able to do this.  One is Uri Geller; the other is Ted Serios, from Chicago, Illinois.  After an illness in 1963, Mr. Serios realized he was able to produce photographs of scenes onto a Polaroid camera with the lens covered.  He was tested at various universities all over the country.  He was once able to produce in a camera a picture of an airplane hangar.  The researchers later learned that the photograph was of the Canadian Mounted Police hangar in Rockcliff, Ontario-several hundred miles away from where Ted Serios was at the time of the experiment.  None of the scientists have ever figured out how he is able to “throw” pictures into cameras; but he is indeed able to do it. (3-p265)

The other psychic, Uri Geller, was tested by two famous British photographers in Miami Beach.  The photographers gave Geller their camera, which had the lens covered.  The photographers pro­vided three rolls of film.  Geller then placed the camera in front of him, at arm’s length, and commenced taking pictures of himself.  In the middle of the third roll, two consecutive pictures of Geller came out. (5-p25)


Multidimensional Reality Explanation

The big question is: how can anyone “throw” a picture into a camera? The possibility of trickery on the part of Geller or Serios is ruled out completely because of the control conditions used by the experimenters.  The only explanation we can see is that these individuals are able to translate their domain of information onto the domain of information that makes up the film emulsion.  The actual exposing of the film occurs in the first dimension.  It must take a great deal of potential to be able to accomplish this process.  Once they superimpose their thought patterns onto the film, the


picture is taken.  This is the same as if the film was exposed to light.  Remember, light is nothing more than the information of an object passing us on the tape at 3 x 108 meters per second.  There is no difference to the film whether it is exposed by light informa­tion passing through this dimension or by these psychics super­imposing the information onto the film.

In the case of Serios, when he is concentrating on an image to place in the camera, his consciousness literally roams through parts of the diehold.  Once he selects the image he wishes to place on the film, his potential records the image, then superimposes it onto the domain of information that makes up the film, thereby, producing the image.

There have been other examples of this type of psychic photog­raphy produced by nonpsychics during very special weather con­ditions.  All these instances occur during electrical storms.  One case occured in 1887, near Chattanooga, Tennessee. (2-p251) An old woman living in a small cottage leaned near her window to observe a violent thunderstorm.  During the storm, one large bolt of lightning struck a pine tree across from her house while she was observing it.  A few days later, neighbors were surprised to see the image of the old woman pictured in the front window.  The picture was an exact likeness of her peering out the window, as she was looking at the lightning storm.  The picture remained in the glass window for many years, only eventually fading away.

Another case was in Washington, D.C., in 1903.  The new owners of an old house discovered, while remodeling, that a window had been previously covered up.  To their amazement, there was a picture of an old woman and a boy superimposed on the glass.  The new owners contacted the previous owners of the house and discovered that the pictures in the glass were the images of his father and grandmother.  They had evidently been watching a lightning storm, at some time, when a lightning bolt struck near by, producing the photograph on the glass.  The glass was later sent to the Smithsonian Institute. (2-p252) We would say that this phenomenon occurred as the individuals were concentrating on the outside.  At a time during the storm when enough potential came close enough to them they were able to project their information, however unwittingly, from the diehold onto the information of the glass.  Theoretically, the galss should not have been able to produce the photograph because there is no silver or other photo-


graphic element in the glass.  What happened was that the informa­tion of the glass was physically changed, caused by the superim­posing of the information for the image of these people onto the glass.  The only way these people could have been able to project their information was if their potential was increased in some man­ner.  In the above cases, the potential was provided by the lightning storm.  But what provides the potential for Geller and Serios to be able to do their trick?


High Voltage Humans

The following cases all seem to have one common denominator.  The individuals that exhibited this phenomenon were all children or in their teens.  They all later lost their excess charge as they aged into their 20’s.  All were thin, and some had developed this condition after an undefined type of illness.  The first case took place in 1895: Jennie Morgan was a 14-year-old, nervous girl from Sedalia, Missouri.  When the word got around that she had sparks literally flying from her fingertips, a doctor who doubted these stories went to visit her to see for himself it the stories were true.  When he shook the girl’s hand, he was thrown back several feet, unconscious from the high voltage which she had imparted to him. (2-pl7l)

In 1877, Caroline Clare of Bondon, Ontario also exhibited the same unusual symptoms.  She had developed a high voltage ability after recovering from an unusual illness.  During the illness, she had lost a great deal of weight, and she often went into convulsions.  During these convulsions she would describe, in great detail, far away places that she had never seen.  After the illness passed, she found she was electrified.  Anyone who touched her would be severely shocked.  She had also become magnetized.  She was able to pick up any type of iron material. (2-pl72)

In 1890, Louis Hanburger, 16-years-old, also developed high voltage and magnetic ability.  His magnetic ability was far beyond anyone else’s.  He was able to pick up heavy iron and steel objects.  An iron rod a half inch in diameter and a foot long was easy for him to pick up with just one finger. (2-pl73)

In the above three cases, the children were able somewhat to control some of their electrical potential.  With Frank McKinstry


of Joplin, Missouri, in 1889, this was not the case.  He had no con­trol over the amount of voltage which he built up.  Often, on cold days, it was very painful for him to even walk. (2-pl73)


Multidimensional Reality Explanation

Science has forgotten about these people and the phenomenon they represent, because to accept that these people could do these things would mean that the theories of magnetism and electro­magnetism would have to be completely overhauled.  Look at it like this: we have human beings who are nonmetalic, becoming electromagnetic.  They exhibit all the properties of iron or mag­netism.  The clue to what is happening with these people is what was mentioned with Caroline Clare.  During her convulsions, she began describing far-away places.  We interpret this to mean that her information had gained so much potential, it was reaching out to other domains of information to gather information.  Unfortun­ately, it was beyond the control of her conscious mind, and what was occurring was strictly on a subconscious level.  The reason these people possessed large electrostatic charges is because their information was attracting large amounts of information from around them.  This was occurring strictly in the first dimension.  Remember that the electrostatic field predominates in this dimen­sion and the magnetic field predominates in the second dimension.  As more information is being directed toward a certain domain in time and space, its magnetic field will increase and, in turn, its electrostatic field will increase.  This is the same principle that applies to the center of a planet and a star.  For some reason these people were suddenly becoming fifth-dimensional beings.  However, the symptoms did not last.  Perhaps, someplace in the diehold, some mechanism recognized the error and slowly corrected the situation by removing the excess potential.  These four cases are clear proof of the idea that an increase in potential also increases the amount of information that a conscious entity can absorb or project.  It also determines the degree to which the individual is able to alter the domains of information around him or her.




It is not too uncommon to hear of cases where certain people can heal other individuals just by placing their hands on the affected area.  This kind of healing has been covered in many books, so we will not go into great detail on by whom and how it is done.

The patients of healers claim that when the healer places his hands on the affected area and concentrates on healing, they feel heat in the area of treatment.  Often patients claim that they hear sounds like “pops” or static electricity coming from the space be­tween their body and the healer’s hands. (1-p208) Before Kirlian photography, there was no way of detecting any obvious difference between a healer’s hands and those of an average person; but for­tunately, with the advent of Kirlian photography, we are now able to see a definite difference between a healer and ordinary people.  On Kirlian photographs, a healer’s picture, taken before the process of healing, shows a wide spark-like corona.  After healing, the corona has greatly diminished.  The patient’s corona before the healing process is always small and less predominant than after the healer has applied his treatment. (6-p68-70, 81-84) Healers have been known to improve the health of their patients, and in some cases to heal them entirely.  Unfortunately, it is difficult to find a person who has the bona fide capability of healing.


Multidimensional Reality Explanation

Before we can explain why a healer can heal, we have to give our own interpretation of what healing or curing is.  To rethink medi­cine, we have to analyze what is actually happening when medicine is taken by a patient.  Let’s say a patient has a viral infection.  After the doctor has diagnosed which infection the patient has, the doctor then prescribes the correct medicine which will kill or weaken the virus.  This is the point at which we have to look deeper into what the medicine is.  Let’s say the doctor prescribes penicillin.  The real question to be asked is: of what is penicillin made? Obviously it is made up of a chain of molecules and atoms arranged in a very specific order, but we have to go further than this.  Each element in the universe has its own specific frequency.  When we


mix frequencies of multiple types of atoms, we produce a “sums and difference” frequency.  This is called hetrodyning.  In other words, the penicillin has its own unique group of frequencies.  Now let’s examine the virus.  It also is made up of molecules and ele­ments that have their own unique group of frequencies.  What we theorize happens is that the frequencies that make up the peni­cillin cancel out the frequencies that make up the virus.  What this means is that the frequencies that make up the penicillin are 180’ out of phase to the frequencies that make up the virus.  The result is that the conscious part of the signal that makes up the virus ceases to exist and dies.  Now let’s get back to our healer.

Many healers have said that they psychically diagnose the per­son’s illness.  We would theorize that the information of the psychic perceives the domains of information that make up the patient.  The healer’s information accurately detects the location and type of desease from which the patient is suffering.  The information of the healer then communicates this raw data to the conscious part of the healer’s existence.  The healer then “feels” he knows where and what is wrong with the patient.  This information may come to the healer in the form of what we would call a hunch or feeling.  When the healer applies his hands over the affected areas of the patient, he is directing some of his conscious potential to the do­mains of information that makes up the patient.  We see this in this dimension from Kirlian photography, as sparks and flares passing from the healer to the patient.  If the conscious entity of the healer is capable of producing the correct out-of-phase fre­quency to ground out (destroy) the information of the infection, then the patient can be cured successfully over a period of time.  The important thing in medicines and in healing is the application of the correct frequencies that actually do the destroying of the disease.  This also means that it is possible to cure people by elec­tronically producing the correct frequencies.  It may be totally un­necessary to give the patient any medicine physically.  We feel this is the only explanation to explain the phenomenon of healing.  It is also the only way to explain the transference of potential from the healer to the patient.  We don’t want people running off and hunting down a healer to cure them of some ailment, because it is very possible that certain healers can only cure certain diseases.  The reason for this is that all people have different personalities and, therefore, different domains of information that make them


up. This means that each individual is made up of a separate group of frequencies; therefore, a healer could only produce a certain range of frequencies-and these frequencies may not be the ones you need.


Humans Attracting Time Warps

A time warp is caused by an intense concentration of high voltage at specific frequencies.  This time warp could appear to us in several forms.  One would be in the form of ball lightning.  A brief description of ball lightning is a small, round, glowing ball that has been observed as large as a meter in diameter.  Science says ball lightning theoretically cannot exist, but the bad news for them is that it has been observed many times by thousands of people.  We have listed below some well-known and well-documented observa­tions of ball lightning.  You will notice by these descriptions that the ball lightning seems to have a conscious motive to its actions.  There are two possibilities for this observation.  One is that the ball lightning observed is a conscious entity that moved back in time and space, and to us in this dimension appears as a round ball of light and static electricity.  The other possibility is that some of the ball lightning is caused by electric storms, and that these small time warps are attracted by our own consciousness.

1.         Location-Brown Mountain, North Carolina: Ball lightning has been observed in this area for about 150 years, many times at close range.  The color of the bright ball is usually yellowish or pink.  Many observers have said they have heard a sound that is similar to sizzling or frying.  This, of course, is the sound of the high voltage. (3-p35)

2.         Location-Hornet, Arkansas: Ball lightning was first observed here in 1901.  It is observed there to this present day.  Its gen­eral location is 12 miles southwest of Joplin or two miles southwest of the village of Hornet.  The lights have been described as white and the size of a basketball.  The lights were also investigated during World War II by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  No one has been able to get within 25 to 30 feet of the ball lightning.  If anyone gets too close to the ob-



ject, it merely blanks out.  An example of this is when a group of investigators was able to surround one of these lights.  They were able to get within 25 to 30 feet of it.  When they got closer, it disappeared from our dimension, then reap­peared in a nearby field.  The ball lightning usually forms five to six feet above the ground. (3-p35)

3.         Location-Suffolk County, Virginia: Ball lightning has been observed in this area for at least 100 years.  Usually forming five feet above the road, it has been described as bright as a locomotive’s headlight. (3-p38)

4.         Location-Between Marfa and Alpine, Texas: Ball lightning has been observed around a small peak in the Chinati Moun­tains.  Observers have said that the light sometimes appears as a small ball or is as bright as the intensity produced by a locomotive’s headlight.  Sometimes two balls of lightning ap­pear next to each other.  These lights have been observed by the residents for more than 80 years; and it is said that Apache Indians, before them, knew of their existence. (3-p39)

5.         Location-Hebron, Maryland, July, 1952: Two state troopers saw a dim yellow ball of light five feet above the center of the road on which they were traveling.  When they stopped, they were about 20 feet away from the light.  The light then suddenly zipped about 200 feet away.  When the car pro­ceeded ahead, the light maintained the same distance from the car for several miles.  The next night the two state troopers went back to the same place with five other officers.  They found the ball of light in the same location.  They got out and were able to surround the ball of light.  When they got within 15 feet of it, the light disappeared; it then reappeared in a nearby field. (3-p80)

The examples from Hornet, Arkansas, and Hebron, Mary­land, definitely indicate that there is some sort of intelligence associated with these balls of light.  If the ball lightning was just random potential bouncing around through our dimen­sion, then it should not have maintained a uniform distance from the patrolmen’s car or blanked out when the men got within a certain radius of it.



6.         1962: This example was reported by David Diez, Science Editor for the Scripps Howard Newspaper Chain.  In a grade school, during a thunderstorm, a ball of lightning, one foot in diameter, came floating into the classroom window.  It floated to a position just above the teacher’s head.  It then gradually faded away. (3-p292)

7.         Location-Long Island, New York: During a thunderstorm, ball lightning came through an open window of a house, then passed by a couple as they were watching TV.  It then passed harmlessly out of the room.

8.         Location-Washington, D.C.: In the spring of 1953, during a thunderstorm, three occupants of a house heard a sizzling sound coming from a patio door.  They then saw a beam of light pass through the keyhole.  In a few seconds the rod of light took the form of a ball, about ten inches in diameter.  It stayed by the door for awhile, and then rapidly moved over the astonished heads of the occupants, exploding against the fireplace. (3-p293)


It is possible in examples 6, 7, and 8 that the conscious energies of the people present during these happenings attracted these thunderstorm-induced time warps.  In the case of the teacher in the classroom, any of her students might have mentally attracted this time warp and directed it above the teacher.  In other words, whenever our conscious thought is directed to a location, it is pos­sible that random potentials will also be attracted in the same direction.  The ball lightning produced by thunderstorms are actu­ally large domains of potential roaming through the diehold.  In the example on Long Island, the couple could have been thinking about themselves at the time this random domain of potential was attracted by their conscious domains of thought in the diehold.  After the couple noticed the ball lightning, it is possible their consciousness directed the domain of potential away from their location.  In Washington, D.C., one of the three residents might have mentally attracted this random domain of potential.  Once it entered the house, through the keyhole, it took the form of a round ball.

It is not a coincidence that ball lightning is round.  Have you ever thought about why certain things are thought of to be certain


shapes? For instance, round, long tubes are always assumed to have something flowing through them.  Square and round objects are assumed to be storage shapes.  What we are saying is that it is pos­sible that the ball lightning takes the shape of someone’s thought form.  There are even more spectacular examples of a person’s consciousness attracting thunderstorm-caused time warps.  These are, for instance, when rain is moved in time and space.  The best way to describe this is by giving some examples, because they are so bizarre.

1.         September, 1866, Dawson, Georgia: There was a heavy rain that occurred for more than an hour on a small spot of land, no more than 25 feet in diameter.  It was a sunny day, with not a cloud in sight. (3-pl08)

2.         October, 1886, Charleston, South Carolina: During a one­week period, it rained four times for several hours on just one house and the yard around it.  It was a clear sky, but yet it rained. (3-pl08)

3.         October, 1886, Chesterfield County, South Carolina: For a fourteen-day period, a continuous rainfall occurred over a small section of the county.  Again there were no clouds in the sky; and it was quite sunny; but the rain kept falling over this small area. (3-pl08)

4.         Alexandria, Louisiana, November 11, 1958: It started raining about 2:45 p.m. over one person’s house.  The rain covered an area of approximately 100 square feet for two-and-a-half hours and stopped as abruptly as it started.  Again there were no clouds in the sky. (3-pl07)


In all the above examples, the day was clear.  There was no pos­sibility of water on any surrounding trees that could have dripped on the houses nor any possibility of planes dropping water.  The only way to explain these phenomena and others like them is that a time warp was caused in a rainstorm someplace on the earth.  The time warp was probably caused by lightning.  The rain from the storm was moved in time and space to another location on the earth.  This is why no clouds were present during these rainfalls.  The actual clouds were probably thousands of miles away and may


have even been in another time.  The other reason this rain could not have come from a cloud in the time and space where the rain fell is because all clouds travel with the wind current, but this rainfall stayed in a specific location for periods of time ranging from hours to weeks.  We theorize that the conscious intelligence of the people below determined the location of where this rain was to be moved in time and space.  Just like the ball lightning, if the person’s conscious potential is great enough at the right mo­ment in space and time, he or she can attract these time warps.  These strange time warps will remain above them as long as the time warp can be maintained by the high voltage and/or the per­son’s consciousness in the diehold.

One possible thought that could attract these rain clouds is a desire for a glass of water, or thirst, or even cleanliness.  As men­tioned earlier, a person’s ideas in the diehold are translated into basic impulses of thought.  It is possible that sometimes the thought has enough potential to attract water without having the physical body actually turn on a faucet or reach for a glass.  As most people know, thirst is a primal desire, very difficult to suppress.  If the person’s conscious entity desires water strongly enough, it could attract water to his time and space.  The most bizarre example of a consciousness affecting the movement of something in time and space is the example of a man being moved in time and space which follow.

The example is a well-documented phenomenon that occurred October 25, 1593.  Gil Perez was a guard at the Governor’s Palace in Manila.  In the morning he was ordered to go to a certain location in the palace to stand guard.  Some time between his receiving the order and his going to that location, he was moved in space and time.  The next thing he remembers is that he was in the palace court yard in Mexico City.  It was the morning of the 25th in Mexico City.

At first the commandant in Mexico City did not believe Perez’s story, so the poor fellow was thrown into prison.  Two months passed before travelers from Manila arrived in Mexico City, identi­fied Perez, and confirmed that Perez was in Manila on October 24.  Perez was then released and sent back to Manila.  The government officials in Mexico City wrote down the entire incident, as accu­rately as they could.  This phenomenon proves two important things about our theory.  One is that someone can be moved in


time and space.  The other is that the only direction you can move in the diehold is back in time.  You will notice that Perez reap­peared in Mexico City on the morning of October 25.  This is the same morning that he disappeared from Manila.  Considering how the earth turns and the date line, Perez was moved back in time 14 hours.  He reappeared in the approximate same location in time and space when it was morning in Mexico City. (3-pl8l)


The Phenomenon of Uri Geller

Since Uri Geller first came to notice in the early 70’s, he has amazed scientists and mystified thousands of audiences all over the world.  To this day, he remains an enigma to the scientific community.  He is probably the most unusual psychic that has surfaced in the last thousand years.  He has demonstrated in front of scientists that he is able to do telepathy, clairvoyance, psycho­kinesis, psychic photography, and severall other phenomena that have not been mentioned previously.  He is best known for his ability to bend things with his mind, fix watches and clocks, and move things in time and space, telepathically.  Uri Geller is not only telling us something very important about our existence but what man’s next stage in evolution will be.  In Chapter 3, we described what our definition of the different dimensions were.  In order to explain Uri Geller, we must come to realize that the traditional explanation for dimensions is totally wrong.  There has to be a way of explaining the existence of someone with the powers of Geller.  We will go through all his abilities and explain exactly how the phenomena occur.  After our explanation, you will see that Geller fits into our existence in a very logical manner, so you will have some better frame of reference to understand what he is.  We theorize that Geller is becoming a fifth-dimensional being.  He does not exhibit all of the traits that we would expect from a fifth-dimensional being, but he does exhibit many of them.  Perhaps later on in his life, he will become a complete fifth­dimensional being.


Geller has been able to demonstrate both affecting and receiving types of telepathy.  He is able to draw any picture that you can


describe in your head or write on paper.  He has demonstrated this ability at Stanford Research Institute; Kings College, England; and Birkbeck College, in England.

One of the telepathy tests at Stanford was the placing of ten cans in a row.  One can contained a hidden object-sometimes a metal object, sometimes just water.  The experimenters did not know which can it was, since they also were not in the room at the time the experiment was set up.  This was to avoid the possibility of Geller reading one of their minds.  In the early part of the experi­ment, when Geller entered the room, he would pass his hands over the cans and pick out the correct target.  Eventually he got so good at it that he was able to just walk in the room, look at the cans, and immediately pick out the correct one.  At the end of this series of tests, the probability of his guessing the correct answers was I out of 1012.  (4-p231)

During a brief promotional visit to Los Angeles, California, one of us had the opportunity of meeting Uri Geller.  While talking to him, I was thinking about a certain strange radio signal I had heard.  Mr. Geller was able to accurately mimic what this signal sounded like.  The only way he could have done this was if he had the capability of reading my mind.  I would expect this feature from a fifth-dimensional being, and I do believe Geller has the capability of reading minds.  He has also demonstrated to Leonard Santorelli, Science Editor for Reuters News Service that he can transmit to someone any desired picture image he wishes. (9-p64)

One of the most amazing examples of perceiving-type telepathy is demonstrated by Geller when he is able to drive a car with his eyes covered and the front windshield also covered.  He did this test with Doctor Andrija Puharich in Israel and also in California with several of the scientists from Stanford University.  He says there must be a passenger seated next to him that can see the road.  He says he sees the road through the eyes of the other per­son, but when driving with Doctor Puharich, Geller was able to accurately describe a car coming around a curve a minute before it could be seen even by Doctor Puharich. (4-p52) This again seems to indicate that Geller doesn’t really need the person sitting next to him.  He just thinks he needs him.  Actually when Geller wants to, he can perceive much of his surroundings through his information in the diehold.  It would have been physically impossible for any­one in the car to have seen the other approaching car.  The only


way it could have been is if Geller had perceived the information that made up that car in the diehold.

Geller is able to receive and transmit thought patterns so well because his conscious potential in the diehold is much greater than the average person’s.  He perceives other people’s thought patterns strictly from the diehold.  This is similar to the previous explana­tion we gave for both types of telepathy.



Geller has demonstrated in front of various scientific groups that he has the capability of moving something using only his mind.  When Geller was being tested by Doctor Puharich, in late 1971, Geller demonstrated that he was able to move match sticks placed on a table in front of him.  Eventually he was able to move only the match that Doctor Puharich indicated to him.  Doctor Puharich concluded from his test that Uri Geller was able to control the area which his mental energy could affect.

Atest given at Stanford Research Institute was to determine if Geller could affect the weight of a one-gram weight placed on an electronic scale.  Geller was able to affect the scale in two different ways.  The first was an electrical signal from the scale that corre­sponded with a 1.5 gram weight decrease.  The other response cor­responded to a .8 gram weight increase. (4-p233)

Geller has also demonstrated he can easily make a compass needle deflect 90’ in either direction.  Another test at Stanford was with a magnetometer.  A magnetometer is a device that measures magnetic fields.  They tested him to see if there were any magnetic fields associated with him and if they could be consciously con­trolled by him.  They found that Geller could create a magnetic field, but he had to exert great effort to produce it.


Multidimensional Reality Explanation

The ability to move things is not unlike that demonstrated by the Russian psychic, Nelya Mikhailova, except that Geller is able to do them much faster without strenuously exerting himself.  In fact, sometimes things move around him without him consciously


thinking about them.  It appears his potential is so high that any random thoughts he has can affect selected domains of informa­tion around him, such as ashtrays, pens, or anything else.  We don’t know if the Russian psychic, Nelya Mikhailova, is able to affect the magnetometer.  It’s possible she can, especially since she can also move a compass needle.  The scientists have never been able to figure out how or why Geller can produce a magnetic field.  This is because they don’t know what magnetism is.  Geller pro­duces the magnetic field by increasing the amount of information that is directed toward his domain of information, thereby creat­ing the magnetic field.  Whenever the rate of information passing to a certain location in time and space is greater than the sur­rounding area, a magnetic or gravitational field will be present.  The way he is able to move things with his mind is simply by moving the domain of information that makes up that object in the diehold, to the location desired by his conscious entity in the diehold.  This movement has nothing whatever to do with this dimension.


Bending Metals

This unusual phenomenon is the one for which Geller is most famous.  He has performed this feat in front of countless audi­ences all over the world.  Geller takes a key, either in his own hand or in someone else’s hand, and lightly rubs the key, con­centrating on bending it by repeating over and over again: “bend” until the key does, in fact, bend.  Many times it will bend as much as 90’ and sometimes even break.  He has also bent spoons, forks, and knives.  Many people have seen him bend spoons in public.  It is a bizarre sight to see someone lightly running a finger across the neck of a spoon and suddenly see the spoon drooping like a piece of wet spagetti, often completely breaking in two.  Andrija Puharich tested Geller to see if he could crack a metal ring instead of bending it.  Geller succeeded.  Puharich then sent the cracked ring to Stanford University to have it tested.  The report from Stanford University said the electron microscope revealed a fracture that was of a type unknown to science.  They said no temperature increase caused the crack. (4-p36) Geller is also able to bend spoons and other objects by merely placing his hand over


the object without touching it.  The effect is the same.  The object will bend to as much as 90’ and many times break.  Another inter­esting phenomenon associated with this bending ability is that once Uri gets the key or the spoon bending, he can put it down or leave it and it will continue bending for as much as 24 hours afterward.

The experiments conducted at Kings College under the direction of Professor John Taylor (June 1974) were under very strict scien­tific control.  There was no chance of Geller tampering with the experiments beforehand nor any possibility of trickery involved in the results.  One of the experiments was for Geller to bend, tele­pathically, a ten-inch-long brass strip.  The brass strip was attached to an instrument that measured the pressure Geller applied to the strip.  When Geller put his finger on the strip, the instrument indi­cated he was applying only a half ounce of pressure.  Within a few moments, the brass strip started bending upward 10’.  Shortly after, the needle on the measuring dial bent to an angle of 70’; but Geller’s hand was nowhere near the dial.

The next experiment involved an aluminum strip imbedded in a small cylinder covered by a metal diaphragm to register any pres­sure.  After Geller started concentrating, the aluminum began to bend, but all of a sudden the pressure stopped registering.  The scientists looked at the cylinder and saw the metal diaphram begin to crumble in front of their eyes.  It started with a small hole, and within ten seconds the aluminum diaphragm was completely dis­integrated. (5-p74) We’d better explain why and how these metal strips bend before we get into the subject any further, because we are dealing with many important points here.  The first question to be asked is: how can any metal bend just by someone thinking about it? When Uri concentrates on a piece of metal to bend, the word “bend” represents a group of complex steps.  Geller’s conscious entity in the diehold translates the word “bend” into altering the rate at which the information that makes up the metal propagates.  If some of the information which makes up the metal is propagated at a slower rate than the rest of the information, the metal in our dimension appears to bend at the point where the propagation differential exists.  This is all happening in a different time-space reference in the diehold.  The end result is that the key or the spoon becomes bent in our dimension.  Many times when Geller does his bending trick, other spoons, forks, and keys also bend.


How could this be if he is only concentrating on one object? Let’s say he is bending a fork.  Most forks are made of brass, which is made up of copper and iron; sometimes, in addition, the fork has a silver plating over it.  In order for that fork to bend, the informa­tion that makes up copper and iron must be propagated at a slower rate; therefore, any metal object that also has the same chemical composition as the fork is also liable to bend, especially if someone else puts his or her conscious thought to it.  Remember what we said earlier: An object, such as a fork, actually represents a thought form.

The next experiment conducted at Kings College was to see if Geller could bend a crystal of lithium chloride sealed in a plastic container.  No one could touch the crystal, and Geller could not even come in contact with the container.  Instead he held his hand over the top of the container.  Within ten seconds, the crystal broke in several pieces.

The reason the crystal broke instead of bending was because the information that makes up the crystal is being directed in very specific directions representing the vectors of information that make up the elements.  This is unlike the random arrangement of matter in metal objects. (5-p75)

The next experiment was a strip of copper with a copper wire soldered to it.  The device was built to record any distortion in the metal.  After Geller began bending the strip, the wire broke off. (5-p76)

The copper wire broke because as Geller was concentrating on the copper strip, he naturally affected the rate at which the copper information was modulated into our existence.  Fortunately, this effect is localized only to the area where Geller is located; and naturally the strongest distortion of reality would be in the area where Geller is concentrating.

At Birkbeck College, England, Professors Bohm and Hasted also tested for Geller’s ability to bend things.  They also came up with the same results as Kings College.  Professors Bohm and Hasted wrote in their summary, “We feel if similar tests are made later, enough instances of this kind will probably accumulate, so that there will be no room for reasonable doubt that some new process is involved here, which cannot be accounted for or explained in terms of the present normal laws of physics.  Indeed we already feel that we have come some distance toward this point.” (5-p88)


These same opinions were also echoed by Professor Taylor on his conclusion with his experiments with Geller.  He said, “The Geller effect of metal bending is clearly not brought about by fraud.  It is so exceptional that it presents a crucial challenge to modem sci­ence, and could even destroy the latter if no explanation became available.” (5-p77) As you can tell by these opinions from promi­nent scientists, they realize that there is something very wrong with our acceptable scientific theories.  The only way to explain Geller’s bending phenomenon is by using our Theory of Multi­dimensional Reality.

The U.S. Government was also interested in Geller’s bending powers.  The Navy felt they had a foolproof and tamper-proof test they could give Geller to see if his powers were genuine.  They had a new alloy called nitinol (nickel and titanium).  The unique char­acteristic of nitinol is that it has a memory built into the metal.  If the metal is bent in any way, it returns to its original manufactured shape if heated to over 200’F.  They gave Geller a rod of nitinol to bend mentally.  He stroked the special alloy wire, and it bent, forming a semicircular kink in it.  When the wire was placed in boiling water, the wire stayed kinked.  When the wire was heated with a match, it continued to bend to almost a right angle.  The scientists then tried to remove the bend by other methods.  They placed the wire in a vacuum chamber, while stretching it, then they passed enough electric current through it so it glowed at 900’ F. The wire was straight when they took it out of the cham­ber, but as it cooled, it gradually returned to the bent shape.  To quote Eldon Byrd who was in charge of the experiments, “In other words, Geller was somehow able to put a kink in the metal, using only the power of his mind, and we were unable to unkink it, using a combination of extreme heat and mechanical force.  Neither I nor other experts can offer any scientific explanation for how those deformations in the wire could have occurred under the con­ditions imposed.  Uri obviously has some very special power.” (8-p3)

The reason the nitinol wire could not be bent back to its original manufactured shape is because when Geller directed his conscious thought from the diehold onto the domains of information of the alloy, he, in effect, remanufactured its shape.  He permanently altered the domains of information that make up that wire.

There were some very interesting experiments conducted at


UCLA by Thelma Moss using Kirlian photography.  She placed a brass key on the photographic plate while Geller placed his finger several inches away from the key also on the photographic plate.  As the photograph was being taken, Geller was to concentrate on bending the key.  You will remember that metals normally photo­graph with a small, even aura that does not change; but the key that was photographed with Geller showed it glowing as if it was a living organism.  Geller’s finger had large sparks emitting from the edge.  In addition, there was one very long wide spark being emitted from the tip of his finger toward the key.  Doctor Moss stated, “The photos clearly show something happening which science can’t explain.  There is evidence that some energy force is coming from Geller’s finger.  As he displayed his powers, I saw things I’d never seen before.  I can’t believe what was happening.”

Again, the only way to explain the glowing aura of the key is to use the Theory of Multidimensional Reality.  When the picture was taken, Geller was in the midst of directing his conscious potential onto the domains of information that made up the key.  The reason the key glowed as if it was a living object is because we were seeing Geller’s potential being superimposed onto the information of the key.  The long spark of energy observed being emitted from the tip of Geller’s finger represents the concentration of information being directed toward the key.  Actually, Geller does not need his finger to direct this potential.  He only needs it because he thinks he needs it to direct some part of his body to the object.  Actually just directing his thought patterns is good enough.  This is proven by the fact that other metal objects in his vicinity start bending.  Wherever his random thought is directed, some chemically similar object might bend.

Stanford Research Institute had him do an interesting experi­ment on a reel of videotape.  The reel had on it various images and information.  Geller concentrated on it to see what kind of effect he would have on it.  Needless to say, when they played the tape, Geller had succeeded in distorting or completely erasing the in­formation. (5-p245)

It is actually quite simple for Geller to be able to erase any type of magnetic tape.  This is because magnetic tape is made up of iron oxide.  Since Geller has demonstrated he can create a magnetic field, it would be simple for him to magnetically rearrange the domains of information that make up the iron oxide on the tape.


Effects on Watches

One of the other demonstrations that Geller is famous for is his ability to fix broken watches.  What he does is merely place his hand over the broken watch, many times not even touching it, and concentrates on it by saying, “work.” Within a short period of time, the watch will start ticking again; and usually it will be fixed.  Many times when he fixes a watch, the watch will lose or gain time.  For instance, when he fixed a watch in front of Doctor Puharich, the watch advanced 32 minutes. (4-p32) Geller has stated that as long as the watch is not missing any parts, he can fix it mentally.  How could someone mentally fix a watch? We would say there are two separate processes occurring while he is fixing the watch.  Usually a watch stops because a part inside of it is bent or kinked from being dropped.  As you know, Geller certainly knows how to bend metal in any shape his conscious thought wishes; but how does his conscious thought know which part is the defective unit? This implies an intelligence that goes way beyond anything that has been theorized by other scientists.  The only way to explain this is by applying one of the principles we stated earlier, and that is that inventions and other man-made objects are actually thought forms.  Geller does not just have a watch in his possession, when he is concentrating on it.  He also has the thought form that represents the information that makes up the watch.  If his conscious entity has enough potential, basically he perceives the thought form as it should be originally.  His poten­tial is used to bend or correct the parts that have failed in the thought form (watch).  The result is that the watch works.


Moving Things In Time and Space

Uri Geller is the only person we have heard of who has been able to consciously move something in time and space.  What we mean by this is that he is able to make something disappear in one location and reappear in another.  Many times this occurred as an unconscious by-product of something else he may have been doing.  He has claimed that extraterrestrial beings help him do some of these things.  We would tend to agree with him on this one phenomenon because we would not expect a fifth-dimen-


sional being to be able to move something in time and space.  This is more the capability of a sixth-dimensional being.  A fifth­dimensional being could levitate things as well as move them around, but to make something disappear and reappear involves concentrating a great deal of potential on an object, forcing it to demodulate from our time and space, and then to direct it to another location in time and space.  It is possible that extrater­restrials could be providing the additional potential necessary to do this trick.  All we will say is that we have the theory to explain how an object is moved in time and space, but who is doing it is some­thing else.  The following are some documented examples of Geller moving objects in time and space.

When Doctor Puharich was working with Geller, he had set up an experiment to see if Geller could bend a specially machined steel ring.  He placed the steel ring inside a wooden microscope box.  Geller placed his hand over the box and concentrated on bending it.  Geller then stepped back and said he thought some­thing had happened.  Puharich opened the box and discovered that the metal ring had disappeared.  Six hours later, Uri tried to make the ring reappear in the box.  At first he had difficulty doing it by himself.  Geller then asked Pularich to place his finger on the side of the box.  Geller then tried and succeeded in making the ring reappear. (4-p6l) The reason Geller needed Puharich to touch the side of the box was because the ring was a product of Andriia’s thought forms; therefore, Andrija was necessary in order for Geller to locate the information that made up the ring.

Often when Geller attempts to bend or break a chain with his mind, a link will disappear. (4-p32) This is probably because the potential necessary to bend or break a link may not be much different from the potential necessary to move it in time and space.

The experimenters at the Stanford Research Institute took painstaking efforts to make sure Geller was not some sort of magician performing slight of hand in front of them.  To prevent this possibility, they had all of Geller’s actions monitored by closed-circuit television.  There were also several other cameras scanning other parts of the room.

One of the experiments performed concerned a watch placed in a locked briefcase.  The watch disappeared from the briefcase.  It was then seen by the television camera reappearing just below


the ceiling, falling.  Then it disappeared and reappeared twice as it fell to the table.  It reappeared just before it reached the table.  The videotape clearly showed the dematerializing and rematerializing of the watch during its fall. (5-p247)

During the Kings College experiments, a similar series of dis­appearing and reappearing phenomena occurred.  Just after the copper strip and copper wire experiments, a piece of brass that Doctor Taylor had placed at the other side of the lab started bend­ing; and nobody was near it.  The next moment, the piece of brass landed next to the door.  Just after that, a piece of copper that was on the table next to the piece of brass, left the table and also landed on the floor near the door.  A few moments after that, an iron rod placed inside a tube dropped behind Doctor Taylor.  The iron rod was for a later experiment.  It was originally straight, but now it was bent to the side of the tube.  To quote Doctor Taylor, “None of the flying objects could have been thrown by Geller, because he was some distance away from them, and would not have been able to get close to them without being spotted.” (5-p77)

We will attempt to explain why some of these actions occurred.  We can explain why the other piece of brass bent by itself.  As you will remember, he was concentrating on bending a piece of copper.  As you will remember, brass is made of copper and iron, so when he was concentrating on bending the information that made up the copper, any piece of brass, copper, or iron could also have bent.  We feel that the brass and iron bar bent because Geller might have been nervous in the presence of these noted scientists, and when he perceived from their information which experiments he was going to be doing, he just performed them simultaneously.  It is possible the reason the brass and copper landed next to the door is because Geller might have wanted subconsciously to leave.  So the domain of information that made up the brass and copper was directed at Geller’s thought patterns.

At Birkbeck College, one of the experiments he was to perform was to see if he could bend two crystal discs of vanadium carbide, sealed in plastic capsules.  Professor Hasted held his hand over the capsules so Geller could not touch them.  One of the capsules moved across the table.  The professor felt a slight warmth when it happened.  The result was that half of one of the crystals dema­terialized. (5-p86)



Effects On Geiger Counters

A geiger counter is like a capacitor possessing two charged plates.  When a radioactive particle passes from one plate to the other, it discharges one of the plates to the other and records a click.  Kings College wanted to see if Geller could affect a geiger counter.  The normal radiation count recorded on a geiger counter is about one click per second.  When Geller concentrated on it, the count went up to 500 times greater than normal.  The clicking would increase and decrease as Geller would increase and decrease his powers of concentration on the tube.  There was absolutely no chance that Geller had any radioactive material with him. (5-p79)

At Birkbeck College they performed the same experiment, and the geiger counter went up to 150 counts per second. (5-p85) The reason Geller was able to affect the geiger counter is because he was raising the potential of the filament inside the geiger tube with do­mains of potential from his consciousness.  The analogy is similar to Geller’s effect on the key during the Kirlian photography ex­periment.  The clicking represented potential coming from Geller’s domain of information.


Effects On Time

At Stanford Institute, he was asked to concentrate on a videotape recorder and also on a television screen.  When he did so, he was able to seriously distort the image on the television screen. (4-p8l)

While he was doing the experiments at Stanford Research Insti­tute, and unbeknownst to him, the U.S. Air Force had an advanced computer project going on the floors below, run by the Advanced Research Project Agency.  They never said officially what had happened to their computers, but it was obvious that they had seriously malfunctioned during the time of Geller’s demonstra­tions. (4-pl8l, 5-p20) This is not the only time Geller affected computers.  During Geller’s November, 1973, London radio and television appearances, very strange malfunctions occurred to some important timing and radio transmitting equipment.  The malfunc­tion occurred simultaneously with Geller being on the air. (5-pl9)

Another time, in Norway, January 19, 1974, during a television appearance, the computers at the Norwegian Ministry of Defense


malfunctioned. (5-p30) It is unknown how many other computers malfunctioned due to Geller’s performances, but it is well-docu­mented that computers malfunction when Geller is nearby.


Multidimensional Reality Explanation

The reason Geller affects computers is that distorting time is a by­product of bending things.  He bends things by slowing the rate of propagation of the information that makes up the object.  The reason the videotape recorder and the computers malfunctioned is because all these devices have internal clocking circuits in them that control the bits of information that pass from the core of the computer to the accumulator.  If time is distorted in any way or if it is altered during this process, the wrong number of bits will be counted by the computer.  The effect is very similar to what occurred to a computer when it was placed inside the Great Pyra­mid of Giza, covered later in the chapter on pyramids.


Power of Suggestion

One of the most unusual mass phenomena that have occurred due to Geller’s world-wide demonstrations is that other people have discovered that they can also bend things and repair watches just by watching Geller.

For example, in Texas, July 1973, after a delayed radio broad­cast, three women employees of the Texas Attorney General’s Office tried to do Geller’s trick while listening to him on the radio.  To their surprise, one of them bent a spoon handle, another broke a door key in half, and the last caused a large paper clip to dis­appear. (5-p4)

In London, November 1973, on the BBC’s Jimmy Young’s radio show, Geller suggested to the radio audience that they con­centrate along with him to bend various articles, like spoons, forks, and knives.  Later he asked the audience to take out only broken watches and try to will them back to work.  The results were amaz­ing.  Hundreds of people called up to report that things had bent and watches had started up. (5-p6)

The next night on the BBC’s David Dimbleby’s Talk-In, Geller


repeated the same demonstration with one of the forks on the table in front of him, bending it without him even touching it.  One of the watches in the television demonstration did an unusual thing.  The hands of the watch suddenly curled up against the crystal.  The audience’s response was the same as before.  Over a thousand people claimed that spoons and forks and other metal objects had bent along with watches that started up instantaneously.  This phenomenon occurred all over England.  Newspaper reporters were sent out to confirm dozens of the stories from the audience, and the stories proved to be correct. (5-p8)

On November 25, 1973, Geller tried an experiment in coopera­tion with the newspaper, Sun People.  While he was in Paris, at exactly 2:30 p.m., he was supposed to try to send a thought pat­tem to London to bend things.  The paper received 1,375 letters from its readers stating that watches had started up, spoons and forks had bent, or something else bent or broke. (5-pl3)

It is not difficult for us to explain why he was able to do this long-distance phenomenon.  As you will remember, in the diehold where all information in the universe is stored, distance is irrele­vant.  When Geller directed his thought or potential to England, it didn’t matter whether England was 500 miles away or 10,000 miles away.

During television appearances in Norway, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark, the same story was repeated.  Thousands of people reported that various articles had bent or were broken and count­less numbers of watches started up due to Geller’s demonstrations.  The reason so many people were also able to have various degrees of success in bending things and fixing watches is because as Geller did the demonstration, he created the necessary error in the propa­gation of the information that made up the elements on which he was concentrating.  The people who were able to bend things at the same time with Geller were able to forget about reality.  Once their reality framework had broken down, and if the individual had enough conscious potential, he or she could, so to speak, “tap into” the same program that Geller was doing at that time.  Many people, mostly children, were able to continue this ability after Geller’s demonstration was finished.  For instance, Professor Taylor gathered a group of 12 children, six boys, six girls; their average age was twelve years.  These children were able to do many of the



same bending and watch-fixing tricks that Geller had demonstrated. (5-p57)

As you can see, Geller demonstrates many of the traits we had theorized would be found in a fifth-dimensional being.  He is not yet demonstrating quite all of the capabilities of a fifth-dimensional being, but perhaps as he gets older he will demonstrate all those qualities.  Eventually all of us, during this lifetime or the next, will have to evolve to this stage before we can go onto the next dimen­sional level of existence.


Where Do We Really Exist?

It is possible that our thinking processes are done entirely in the diehold and that our physical brain is merely meant as a conveni­ence for this dimension.  In other words, it exists in this dimension because we think something has to exist.

For example, many operations on people’s brains have been performed in which large sections of a person’s brain is removed, but the patient’s “mind” still carries on its function as before without a serious disturbance of consciousness. (1-p200)


Description of the Spiritual Body

We mentioned in Chapters 3 and 7 that the second dimension is the transmission dimension.  This dimension has less potential than the higher dimensions and it was in this dimension that the soul or conscious entity was first modulated into existence.  You will notice by the following descriptions that they fit our theory perfectly.  Most of the people interviewed by Raymond A. Moody, Jr., M.D., for his recent best seller, Life After Life, had a very difficult time describing what they called their spirit­ual body.  A composite description of these spiritual “bodies” was made by Doctor Moody.  He said, “It is agreed that the spiritual body has a form or shape (sometimes a globular or amorphous cloud, but also sometimes essentially the same shape as the physical body) and even parts (projections or surfaces anal­ogous to arms, legs, a head, etc.). Even when its shape is reported as being generally roundish in configuration, it is often said to


have ends, a definite top and bottom and even the ‘parts’ just mentioned.  Words and phrases which have been used by various subjects include a mist, a cloud, smoke-like, a vapor, transparent, a cloud of colors, wispy, an energy pattern, and also charged waves.” (7-p47) These descriptions seem to be describing something very similar to the image seen in the phantom leaf effect or even the light patterns seen in regular Kirlian photography.  To amplify this point, the Russians have done many experiments with Kirlian photography photographing plants and animals as the physical body died.  In the photographs, the Russians saw the flares and small round bubbles of light going off into space away from the physical matter and out of sight.  Eventually there was no energy pattern coming from the dead plant or animal. (1-p205)

Another experiment done by the Russians was done by Doctor Sergeyev.  He used an electronic device to detect magnetic fields.  He set up various detectors several feet around the body of a dying individual.  No brain waves or other life functions were being re­corded from the body.  Shortly after the patient’s death, his equip­ment detected a pulsating electromagnetic field.  His conclusion was that some sort of energy was leaving the deceased individual’s body. (1-p72)

Other descriptions from people, mentioned by Doctor Moody, were that their spiritual body moved through other three-and-four­dimensional objects with no difficulty at all.  Others mention a sensation of weightlessness.  One individual thought his body was the shape of a small round ball.  This description sounds similar to what we have seen as ball lightning.  Is it possible that under the right conditions, if a sixth-dimensional being who possesses a great amount of potential dies, his soul can appear in our dimension as ball lightning? You will also notice by the various descriptions of the shapes that these spiritual bodies have many different forms, usually round.  As we mentioned earlier, objects in the third dimen­sion are actually thought forms.  It seems that this postulate would hold true for the second dimension and most likely for our dimen­sion.  After all, in the Bible it does say, “And God said: ‘Let us make man in our image after our likenesses.’ “ Genesis 1.26. In other words, the reason the forms of these souls vary so much is because they represent the thought forms of the individual.  What they are perceiving is the information that makes up just the conscious entity part of their information.


The Mind

The previous section is strong evidence that our entire thinking process is done in the diehold.  In fact, it is possible that all of our information-gathering is done in the diehold.  This is ob­viously a revolutionary idea, but if you consider the psychic phe­nomena previously mentioned involving people communicating with other people and interacting with the domains of information around them, it seems to be the only conclusion we can come to, like it or not.  The best evidence to prove our point is from people that come back from the dead.  One of them described her con­sciousness as follows, “My thought and my consciousness were just like they are in life, but I just couldn’t figure all this out.” (7-p42) Another said: “I was still thinking just like in physical life.”

Another said: “Things that are not possible now are then.  Your mind is so clear.  It is so nice.  My mind just took everything down and worked everything out for me the first time, without having to go through it more than once.” Doctor Moody concluded from his many interviews that people said they were able to think more clearly and rapidly than when they were alive. (7-p50) This is be­cause when our conscious existence is being modulated and super­imposed onto the physical information that makes up our body, there is a great deal of “noise” from the information that makes up just our body.  This “noise” distorts much of the information we receive from the diehold.

Many of the people mentioned that their vision was much bet­ter in the two-dimensional state.  Some said they were able to see very far, and other said they had zoom lens-type vision.  Others said they were able to see anywhere.  This is because they were perceiving their visual impressions strictly from the diehold.  Ob­viously, they could not physically see in this dimension, since they had no eyes.  All they were, basically, was a modulated conscious ball of potential.  The reason they were able to see was because they perceived the domains of information around them in the diehold.  To make an analogy from this, let us say that it is like Geller’s ability to drive blindfolded or the Bulgarian psychic, Vanga Dimitrova’s ability to see people’s images and past, even though she is blind.  This is also similar to why people are able to see without their eyes.


These people also claim that their hearing is much better than it is when they are alive.  Many say they were able to hear voices and sounds and even pick up the thoughts of people around them.  One person said she was able to hear what a person was saying a moment before their mouth moved physically. (7-p52) The last observation again proves that these spirits (two-dimensional beings) were not actually hearing sounds.  What they “heard” was actually the thought forms of the living conscious entities on which they were concentrating.

Others mention that there was no language barrier.  When a foreigner spoke, they were still able to understand what he said.  This seems to prove our point that all thoughts are translated into one universally understood form.  It is similar to the psychic who is able to command a person to go to sleep, or Gary Sultan’s ability to communicate with an African violet.  In other words, communication among all conscious intelligences in the diehold is in the same form.  We realize that most people may not be inter­ested in the theoretical applications of our theory to the fields of electronics, nuclear physics, astronomy, and crystalography; but when a theory is able to logically explain not only the fields of psychic phenomena but also what is reported back by people who have died, we may possibly be dealing with a far greater truth than even the authors of this book expected originally.



1.         Ostrander, S., and Schroeder, L., “Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain” (N.J., Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970).

2.         Edwards, F., “Stranger than Science” (N.Y., Lyle Stuart, 1959).

3.         Edwards, F., “Strange World” (N.Y., Lyle Stuart, 1964).

4.         Puharich, Andrija, “Uri: A Journey of the Mystery of Uri Geller” (N.Y., Bantam Books, 1974).

5.         Geller, Uri, “My Story” (N.Y., Praeger Publications, 1975).




6.         Krippner, S., and Rubin, D., (ed.), “The Kirlian Aura” (N.Y., Anchor Book, 1974).

7.         Moody, Raymond Jr., M.D., “Life after Life” (N.Y., Bantam Books, 1975).

8.         Cooke, J., (National Enquirer, July 20, 1976, p. 3).

9.         Santorelli, L., “Mind-Bending With Uri Geller” (Los Angeles, Los Angeles Times, Oct. 19, 1975, Part 4, p. 4).




Halevi, Z. S., Adam and the Kabbalistic Tree (N.Y., Samuel Weiser

Inc., 1974).

Kerrell, B., and Goggin, K., The Guide to Pyramid Energy (Santa

Monica, Pyramid Power V, Inc., 1975).

Saratt, J., Geller Performs for Physicists (Science News, vol. 106, p. 47, July 1974).

Trotter, R., (Science News, vol. 104, p. 300, Nov. 10, 1973).

Weil, A., (Psychology Today, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 45-50, June).






The reason for understanding what crystals are and how they function is because they are the basic building blocks of the third dimension of inanimate objects.  Since they are the basic building blocks of matter, by studying them we begin to get an idea of how the information is modulated into this dimension.  Remember crystals are not just inanimate objects, but are the product of thought forms.  An understanding of crystals, we feel, should also give us a better insight into how the universe works.


Basic Background

Some untold thousands of years ago, women realized that they like to wear or possess brightly-colored stones. 150 years ago, the Germans began to make a scientific study of crystals so they could facet the stones to bring out the maximum brilliance in them.  As their study of crystals progressed, they realized that man could grow his own crystals and, sometimes, produce stones more perfect than nature.  The possibility that man could produce rare precious


gem stones, at much less cost than finding them in nature, excited many scientists with ideas of great wealth.  The obstacle in their way was that they had to know much more about the internal structure and chemical composition of crystals in order to produce man-made gemstones.

Unfortunately, man’s reasons for studying crystals have not progressed much farther.  He has found many more reasons to study these little building blocks of nature.  Some of these reasons are in the chemical industry, where it is very important to grow crystals of a specific size and at a fast, economical rate.  Crystals are also used in the electronics industry for timing and frequency standards.

Crystalography (the study of crystals) is also an important part of metallurgy, since after all, under an electron microscope cast metals are seen as many very small crystals arranged randomly.  The cooling process affects the size of the metal’s crystals, which in turn affects the strength of the overall metal object.


Crystal Description

The first thing to be said about crystals is that it is a total phe­nomenon why each element tends to grow to specific shapes with the angles being the same for each element.  Crystals are solid fig­ures with six or more sides.  Well-formed crystals usually have smooth, mirror-like sides (Figures 9.1 to 9.5). The first question an inquisitive mind must ask is: How can an inanimate object with no intelligence of its own “know” what shape and angle it should form? We have read many mineral and crystalography books, and none of them attempts to answer that particular question.  Some books do a good job of quantifying the crystal shapes and angles that each element and mineral takes, but cannot explain why each takes any particular form.  What these books do is avoid the ques­tion completely.

Per our theory of multidimensional reality, all information that makes up the universe exists or is stored in the first dimension.  The information is transmitted from the diehold to the second dimension (the transmission dimension).  As the information (which is now frequencies) that makes up that element modulates itself to form the third dimension, it manifests itself as a specific vector


- .0









TETRAHEDRON                          TRISTETRAHEDRON



Figure 9.1 Drawing of the Isometric Crystal System

angle of energy which becomes a specific atom.  A good analogy would be a laser hologram, which forms an image of an object with three-dimensional qualities to the picture.  The only thing the hologram does not do is have the capability to create the matter part of the picture.  Since each element has its own specific group frequency (vector angles of energy), it attracts its like elements when their vector angles line up.  When a number of these atoms link up together, they form what crystalographers call the unit cell, which is thought by scientists to be the basic building block




      PRISM                     PRISM                        PRISM                     PYRAMID




PYRAMID                                 PYRAMID






Figure 9.2 Drawing of the Tetragonal Crystal System

of the crystal.  As you can see by our theory, the basic building block is a single atom.  Other scientists (Burton, Cabrera, and Frank - 1951), through careful analysis, have concluded that the nucleus of the atom is not circular but some type of polyhedren (Figure 9.6). So now we have an atom that has two parts to its existence; one is its physical shape, which is the vector angle of mass, and the other is the specific frequencies for that element.  At





  PRYSM              PRYSM              PRISM            PYRAMID



               SECOND ORDER       DIHEXAGONAL        HEXAGONAL

                   PYRAMID          PYRAMID        TRAPEZOHEDRON













Figure 9.3 Drawing of the Hexagonal and Trigonal Crystal systems




MACRODOME                BRACHYDOME                 PYRAMID















Figure 9.4 Drawing of the Orthorhombic and Monoclinic crystal systems







(RHODONITE-TYPE 11)      (ALBITE)              (ANORTHITE)



Figure 9.5 Drawing of the Triclinic Crystal systems

this point, we must add that there is not just the frequency of the element being transmitted, but also a carrier wave that might be more important than the other frequencies.  In this section on crystals, we see evidence in this dimension of the carrier wave and the shape it forms.

It is generally accepted the crystal shape is dependent on five factors:

1.         The rate of growth.

2.         The diffusion of the growing solution.

3.         The type of solvent the crystal is grown in.

4.         The crystal’s proximity to other crystals and the walls of the growing area, and

5.         Its internal structure.


Scientific thinking today does not even consider that matter is made up of information that exists in another dimension.  Since


Figure 9.6 Drawing of the different types of six-sided molecular cells

they don’t know this, they have given explanations that are only partially true, if observed from this dimension.

Factors one and five should be combined since the atomic den­sity or saturation of the element is directly proportional to the growth rate, down to one percent saturation.  Scientists have per­formed experiments with iodine crystals in a slightly saturated vapor at O’ C. It was noted that the growth rate was proportional to the saturation percentage, down to one percent: below that there was.a drop-off, but not very sharp.  The optimum growth rate of crystals will occur when the atom has a little more poten-


tial than when it is in a crystal state but should not have too much potential, because in such a condition its vector angle will not be the same as when it is in the solid crystal state; therefore the vector angles will not line up.

In 1922 a scientist by the name of Volmer did experiments on the growth patterns of thin plates of mercury crystals grown from a vapor.  He observed that the absorbed, or first layer of molecules of mercury, diffused along the surface of the crystal with consider­able ease.  It was also found that the only way to explain the faster growth of the main faces of the crystal was if there was a surface flow of considerable magnitude.  The question left unanswered is: what caused the surface flow?

Per our theory, the surface flow is due to that additional poten­tial which that first layer of molecules has.  When the mercury atom is in the vapor state, it is too hot or has too much potential; therefore, its frequency is higher than when it is part of a solid.  As it begins to lose potential, its frequency comes down; it is now able to combine with other mercury atoms to form a crystal.  When the mercury atom comes close enough to the crystal (Figure 9.7), the information that makes up that crystal “pushes” the information that makes up the single atom until it comes in contact with the crystal itself.  At this stage scientists know there is a movement of atoms around the surface of the crystal to the right spot to grow a specific crystal shape.  The question scientists wonder about is: why does that atom go to that correct space?

This selective movement implies some kind of intelligence.  Per our theory, this is the first big proof of the existence of the car­rier wave and, more importantly, the shape of the diehold.  Keep in mind that the diehold is like a computer, transmitter, and an­tenna all in one.  The signal is being transmitted off the sides of the diehold.  From this concept, we can now make an analogy with antenna theory.

It is a proven observation that when we have a vertically­polarized transmitting antenna (electrical lines of force being transmitted vertically, and magnetic lines of force being trans­mitted horizontally), we can tell by our receiving antenna how our transmitting antenna is polarized.  When our receiving antenna is polarized in the same direction as our transmitting antenna, the signal will be much stronger than if it is perpendicular to the transmitting antenna.  Relating this to the signal coming from the






Figure 9.7 Enlarged surface of a Mercury Crystal showing the mercury cells being directed to their proper locations


diehold, the carrier wave that makes up that crystal is phased in the same way as the sides of the diehold, which is acting as the antenna.  There really isn’t a receiving antenna in this dimension, but the crystal or any other matter is the modulation point for the signal.  As the signals modulate themselves into our dimension, they try to form the same shape as the transmitting antenna, which is the diehold.  We theorize that if the only signal modulating was the carrier wave, then the shape would be an octrahedron crystal based


on pi; but since there are other frequencies that form the elements, all the frequencies together form a third frequency (called hetro­dyning), which manifests itself to another vector angle of energy.  This, in turn, forms the specific angles of the crystal.  Each element has its own specific angles to its crystal shape.  No two elements of crystals are exactly alike.

Getting back to that first layer of mercury atoms on the crys­tal, the reason they go to the correct position is because the col­lective signal that makes up the larger crystal body has greater amounts of information going to certain faces of the crystal.  These faces are called the growing faces and grow at a much faster rate than do the other sides.  Crystalography theory proves our idea that the octahedron crystal is the most perfect crystal.  This theory will be covered more completely in the next section on the internal structure of the crystal.  For now, we will state briefly that the scientists conclude that the side of the octrahedron crystal, which is abbreviated (111), is the simplest to grow; the molecules have the strongest bonds on that (111) face; and the most freely grow­ing face is the (111) side.  What the scientists do not tell us is why the (111) face is the most freely growing face.


The Internal Structure

Scientists feel that the structure of crystals give us the real reasons why different elements produce specific crystal shapes.  In reality, it can only show the product of the original information that makes up that crystal.

The first thing to be said about crystals is that no two are ex­actly alike, nor are they perfect.  The acceptable theory on struc­ture goes like this: the basic building blocks of a crystal are called cells.  The cells are six-sided polyhedrons (Figure 9.6). These cell types are believed to be the basic shapes that make up all the crystals.  Not all faces of a crystal have the same rate of growth.  The fastest and easiest growing face is the octahedron face, also noted as (111).  The (111) face is the simplest to grow because the atoms can be attached anywhere.  The more sides that are attached to the main crystal, the firmer the cell is, which leads to the greatest stability.  Molecules on the (111) face have three of the six sides attached and are the most firmly bonded.  The first layer on a (110)


face have two bonded sides, and the first layer of a cube or other (100) face has only one bonded side.

The unit cell is too small to measure its actual size, but scientists have been able to determine its angles and the ratios between the height and length.  A good example is the quartz crystal, which falls into the trapezohedral class.  The quartz unit cell has four sides of equal length and height with angles of exactly 60’ and 120’.  These cells form a larger hexagon.  The top of a perfect crys­tal looks like Figure 9.3. Most quartz crystals are not as fully de­veloped as this, but their angle between each adjacent face is 141º 47’.

Now you will see something very interesting.  Per our theory, we would assume that a crystal might exhibit some corresponding angle to the diehold.  This is because the carrier wave would try to form its own vector angle of energy.  This could be, as long as the other frequencies do not hetrodyne together to form a third fre­quency that is too disharmonic from the original.  To find that angle, you must subtract 90’ from the 141º47’ and you get 51º47’ (Figure 9.8). (2-pl3) The angle of the slope of an octahedron crystal based on pi is 51º51’ 14.3”. This is no coincidence.  The difference is only 4º 14.3”, which, per our theory, is the difference caused by the frequencies that make up the elements that are in quartz (SiO2)’


Figure 9.8 Close-up of the slope of the top of a quartz crystal


Another example of this angle coming up is dendrites of germa­nium.  The angle of two adjoining plains is 141º.  To get to our angle, you must deduct 90º and you have 51º.  Germanium is an important element since it is used in semiconductors.  Its crystal shape is octahedron. (2-pl26)

There is a system of categorizing all crystal shapes; this system is called the Reciprocals of the Intercepts.  This system is derived by taking the crystallographic axes and stating them as a whole number ratio to one another (Figures 9.9 and 9.10). These recipro­cals of the crystal are most often used to designate the whole crystal.  The crystal is measured along an imaginary XYZ axis.  The ratios between the axes of the different faces are always expressed as whole numbers or zero.  The numbers 0 and 1-6 are mostly used.


  Octahedron                                        (111)

     Rhombododecahedron or Dodecahedron (110)

     Cube                                                 (100)

     Trisoctahedron                                   (221)

     Tetrahexahedron                                (210)

     Trapezohedron                                   (211)

     Hexoctahedron                                   (321)

     Pyritohedrons                                     (210)

     Tetrahedron                                       (111)



     First order prism                                  (110)

     Second order prism                             (100)

     Ditetragonal prism                               (210)

     First order pyramid                              (111), (223), (221), etc.

     Second order pyramid                          (101), (203), (201), etc.

     Ditetragonal pyramid                           (421), (321), (122)



     Base                                                     (0001)

     Prism of the first order                           (1010)

     Prism of the second order                      (1120)

     Dihexagonal Prism                                (2130)

     Pyramid of the first order                       (1011), (2021), etc.

     Pyramid of the second order                  (1122)

     Dihexagonal Pyramid                             (2131)

     Rhombohrdron                                      (1011)




      Macropinacoids                                                      (100)

      Brachypinacoid                                                       (010)

      Rhombic Pyramids                                                 (111)

      Macropyramids                                                      (214), (213), (212), (421), etc.

      Brachypyramids                                                     (123), (122), (121), (241)

      Hemimorphic class                                                 (100), (010), (001), (101)



      Orthopinacoid                                                         (100)

      Clinopinacoid                                                          (010)

      Basal Pinacoid                                                         (001)

      Hemipyramids                                                        (321)



      Positive Rhombohedron                                         (1011)

      Negative Rhombohedron                                        (0111)

      Scalenohedron                                                         (2131)

      Negative Scalenohedron                                          (1231)

      Second order Pyramid                                             (2243)



      Macropinacoid or a-pinacoid                                  (100)

      Brachypinacoid or b-pinacoid                                (010)

      Base or c-pinacoid                                                  (001)


The octahedron or pyramid shape shows up in several crystal categories.  The above seven groups are all the crystal groups found in nature.  The tetrahedron has the same (111) notation as the octahedron shape, but it is different in two most important aspects: one, the tetrahedron is not summetrical when it is turned 90’ on its axis.  The second reason is that the tetrahedron is an incomplete and imperfect crystal form.  In the illustration Figure 9.11, we see that there is an octrahedron crystal inside.

In summary, this section on the internal structure has told us that the octahedron crystal shape is the most perfect of all the crystal shapes.  The (111) faces are the fastest-growing sides with the greatest surface flow of energy.  There are very similar angles that come up among crystals that are similar to the angles of an octahedron crystal based on pi; and, finally, the only crystal shape with perfect internal symmetry is the octahedron shape.


The most widely used method of determining a crystals symmetry is called the Millers system of Indices.  These indices are the ratios of the axial inter­cepts of the sides expressed as rational numbers.  Most crystal systems are visualized as having three axis, x y z. The hexagonal system has four axes with the addition of another horizontal x’ axis.  To determine the indices each side is measured from the axial center of the crystal (0).  Side ABC intercepts the x y z axes four units from the center.  Since the indices are relative measurements of one sides three axial intercepts, the 4x: 4y: 4z is simplified as 1:1:1 or 111.  Side ABD would be expressed as 112.  Side EF intercepts only the x- and y axes so we would express this side as 1 1 0. Sides G through K intercept only one side so their notation indicates only the one axis it intercepts.

Figure 9.9 Diagram explaining Crystallographic Axial ratios and Indices



Figure 9.10 Diagram explaining Crystallographic Axial ratios and Indices


Figure 9.11 Drawing of a Tetrahedron crystal with an Octahedron crystal inside.


The Third Factor, The Growing Solvent.  The reason the growing solvent has an effect on crystal shapes is simple.  When growing a crystal of a specific element or mineral, we must keep in mind that it possesses a unique group of frequencies.  When we put these elements in with another group of elements, the growing solution, there will be some kind of “mixing” or hetro-dyning of these frequencies, which will change the vector angles.  This “mixing,” we feel, is the only logical explanation of why, if we grow the same element under the exact same conditions and the only vari­able changed is the growing solution, we will come up with two different shaped crystals.  Scientists have no theory as to why the shape changes, they just know it will change.

The Fourth Factor: Proximity to Other Crystals and the Sides of the Container.  The explanation for this is the same as for the grow­ing solvent.  The vector angles of different elements can be very easily disturbed when they come too close to other elements of different frequencies.

The Last Factor: Diffusion of the Growing Solution.  The grow­ing solution is the suspended element or molecule we wish to grow into a crystal.  If there are more molecules of an element in an area, there will be faster growth, since there will be more available atoms to attach to the surface of the crystal than in an area of low concentration.

We have now given a basic background of crystals and their structure and have also explained that the octahedron crystal is the most important crystal of the whole group.  We have presented some proof of this by showing that there-is a perfect mathematical symmetry in the octahedron shape and that there is an unusual growing characteristic associated with that crystal shape that no other shape has.  But, one of the most thought-provoking points is that 82 percent of all the good conductors of electricity (.10 and more microhms) form or can be cleved into octahedron crystals when grown in perfect conditions.

They include:

       ELEMENT                             (MICROHOMS)-l


                 Silver                                             .616

                 Copper                                          .593

                 Gold                                              .42

                 Aluminum                                      .382



       ELEMENT                                          (MICROHOMS)-l


                      Rhodium                                                        .22

                      Sodium                                                          .218

                      Calcium                                                         .218

                      Molybdenum                                                .19

                      Iridium                                                           .189

                      Tungsten                                                       .181

                      Nickel                                                            .145

                      Potassium                                                      .143

                      Lithium                                                          .108

                      Iron                                                                .10


The following is a list of other good conductors of electricity that don’t normally grow to octahedron crystals by themselves, but, combined with another element, will become an octahedron crystal when grown in ideal conditions.



Magnesium                 Magnesioferrite                Mg Fe204                         .224

Zinc                            Gahnite                             Zn A1204                         .167

Cobalt                         Linnaeite                           C03S4                               .16

Cadmium                    Cadmium Oxide                Cd 0                                  .146

Ruthenium                  Laurite                              RuS2                                 .10


Other elements that fall into the above category but are not very good electrical conductors are:

Sulpher - Will form acute pyramids

              Chlorine               Sylvite                     K Cl

                                Antimony            Senarmontite           Sb2O3

                                Arsenic                Arsenolite               As2O3


Other elements that do form octahedron crystals when grown in ideal growing conditions are the following: (Many are conduc­tors of electricity and are important to everyday life.)

        ELEMENT                                           (MICROHOMS)-l


                   Carbon                                                                                 .057

                   Chromium                                                                            .078



        ELEMENT                                          (MICROHOMS)-l


                   Germanium                                                    .022

                   Lead                                                               .046

                   Manganese                                                    .054

                   Oxygen                                                          .00006

                   Palladium                                                       .093

                   Platinum                                                        .095

                   Strontium                                                         .043


This is not a complete list of all elements that form octahedron crystals, because very little has been studied about what crystal shapes different compounds take; nor is there yet much interest in the field.

Special mention must be made of magnetite (Fe 3 04) (loadstone).  This mineral is mostly iron and is the only natural magnet found on the planet.  Magnetite is also the most common type of iron found in meteorites.  It is interesting and thought-provoking that the only natural magnet should be found as an octahedron crystal.  The reason for this is very logical, if you explain it using our theory.  If magnetism is mostly the carrier wave, then the shape it will produce will be the octahedron shape.  There is no other theory in science that explains this phenomenon.


Crystals and Batteries

Nickel cadmium batteries exhibit a very unusual phenomenon that also proves our theory.  These batteries are rechargable.  If these batteries are not completely discharged and recharged again to their maximum storage capacity, they develop a “memory.” What will happen is the battery will only charge up to the last charge level.  Let’s say we charged the battery to only 70 percent of its capacity repeatedly; what would happen is that the maximum we could then charge that battery would be 70 percent.  No one in the industry knows why this happens, but they have directly corre­lated this occurrence with microscopic crystals that grow between the plates of the battery.  These crystals align themselves perpen­dicular to the flow of current.  The crystal shapes depend on the elements used in the battery.  Many of the crystal shapes are flat, six-sided dendrites, but other shapes have been found.  It has been


observed that these crystals develop a memory capable of regu­lating the amount of charge the battery can take.  This shows that crystals have the capability of storing and regulating information passing through them or in their vicinity.

You will notice from the previous lists of elements that they include most of the metals in the universe.  You will also notice that the most important elements that make up life, such as oxy­gen, are included in these lists.  Scientists may disagree with some of our ideas or examples, but they cannot explain by using their laws of physics why so many elements form octahedron crystals and that they should be good conductors of electricity.


Snow Crystals

Snow crystals are predominantly made up of H20 with trace amounts of other elements.  We have all heard that no two snow crystals are exactly alike, and if you have seen photos of snow crystals with their beautiful designs, you would agree.  The best book in which to see photos of thousands of snow crystals is Snow Crystals by W. A. Bently and W. J. Humphreys.  When studying the snow crystals, we observe that they fall into two basic shapes (Figure 9.12). We must add that they are the basic shapes for snow crystals that fall below the polar regions.  In the polar regions there is a third type, the octahedron crystal.  These octahedron crystals produce the most unusual halos of unusual radii in the sky. (3)

The variety of snow crystal designs is due to the rate of growth and the trace elements captured in the crystal.  Small and simple snow crystals are due to slow growth, and complex designs are due to fast growth.  The slow growth crystals are usually perfect hexa­gonal plates and develop in very cold weather.  The fast growth crystals have six equidistant and equal length spokes growing from a common center.  This type of crystal is the most common for the lower latitudes.  Both types of crystals have the same angles of growth.

The first question to ask is why should snow crystals take this type of crystal shape? After all, it is just water, the most common molecule on the surface of the earth; it has no special shape when it is a liquid, so why should it take this shape? Scientists have also wondered the same thing; but they don’t mention it in their books



Figure 9.1 2 Photos of various snow crystals


on the subject because they don’t know the answer-just as they don’t know the answer to why the other elements in the universe take specific crystal shapes.

Now we will attempt to explain why snow crystals take these shapes.  First of all, we must restate one of our assumptions; that every element in the universe has its own specific group of fre­quencies.  These frequencies manifest themselves in a specific angle.  Now, let’s look at the water molecule.  It is made up of two hydro­gen atoms having an atomic weight of 2.016. The crystal shape of H is theorized to be hexagonal, but no hydrogen crystal has ever been produced because man has never been able to produce abso­lute zero.  The other element in water is oxygen, with an atomic weight of 16 or 89 percent of the weight of the water molecule.  It is logical to say that oxygen will have the biggest influence on the shape of the water crystal.  The most perfect crystal shape of oxygen is an octahedron.  Why are the snow crystals that fall on most of the earth basically flat hexagonal shapes? Because they are flat three-dimensional representations of an octahedron crystal.  As shown in Figure 9.13, if you draw straight lines connecting alter­nating points of the hexagonal shape, you will first see two triangles forming a Star of David within the larger shape.  When you look closer, you will notice you are actually looking at an octahedron crystal (Figure 9.14). You are looking down at it, perpendicular to one of its sides.  So now you know, when you are looking at an hexagonal snow crystal, you are actually looking at the silhouette of the octahedron crystal out of phase 45 degrees.  They only grow as thin plates because these crystals are not exactly being grown in the most stable conditions when they are falling for thousands of feet.  The crystal planes that can grow are the ones that can make the strongest atomic bonds.

We are not yet done with our discussion of snow crystals be­cause these crystals are telling us something very important about existence and about this planet.  First of all, when a crystal grows to a specific shape, it is implied by its actions that something is instructing it to take that shape.  There is an intelligence implied in the shape of that crystal and in the shapes of all crystals.  Again we see evidence that matter is the product of thought forms pro­duced in the diehold.  If this theory is correct, we would expect to see the most perfect crystals in places where the carrier wave is the strongest in our dimension.  The two places where this carrier wave


Figure 9.14 Drawing of an Octahedron crystal looking down on it at a 45 degrees angle



Figure 9.13 Drawing of a hexagon showing it is really a two-dimensional representation of an octahedron crystal.


is the strongest are the north and south poles; and, indeed, we do find that the most perfect snow crystals (octahedron crystals) fall only at the polar regions.


The Star of David

We have noticed a definite connection between the Star of David and the octahedron crystal shape (Figure 9.13). This connection is logical once we study what the Star of David represents.

For one thing, this “star” predates David by many thousands of years.  The star was used by both the ancient Jews and non-Jews.  The teachings of the Kabbala say that the center of the star repre­sents the limitless light which is also the dimensionless point which is between the manifest and unmanifest of our existence.  The Kabbalists do not explain this meaning further in scientific terms, but they are hinting at the same thing that we are saying: that existence is someplace else.  Primitive man did not come to this idea by himself.  To discover it on his own, he must have evolved to a certain scientific level, which primitive man had not.  Either ancient man was told by highly advanced beings from this planet or from another, or ancient man was told by a Divine Being.  To make our point, it does not matter who told man; but rather what he was told.  If you were a highly advanced intelligence many mil­lions or even billions of years ahead of time of the primitive people you were visiting, and you wished to leave them with something very important, you would tell them something about their own existence-about the most important secret of the universe.  It would be unimportant to you whether that generation or the 200th generation figured it out.  The important thing is that they be given the secret.  The form that you would give this knowledge would probably be a symbol.  Writing would probably be changed through many rewritings over the years; and also most of the people you were telling would be illiterate so the information would not be widely desseminated.  The best way to get your message over would be as a symbol that is easily reproducible, such as a star.  There are further philosophical points to be made on this subject, but they will be covered in Chapter 12.



Chapter Conclusion

We have covered a lot of ground to prove that the octahedron crystal shape is the most important crystal shape of all, and that there is evidence of a Universal Intelligence.  We have said that the octahedron shape is the only one that has internal symmetry (111) around its axes; that the octahedron shape is the most perfect of the cube crystal group.  We also have to mention that the octa­hedron shape is the only crystal shape in which the electrical re­sistence tensor is the same, no matter what direction the current is flowing through the crystal.  This also means that the power dissi­pated in an octahedron crystal is the same in any direction of the current.  The structural and electrical symmetry is important to our theory, because if we say a certain structure (the diehold) is storing information and retrieving it, it is acting as a computer.  In a computer like this one, where time is the speed of the informa­tion across the tapehead, it is important that the information on that time level have equal access, as like information in the system.  Another way of saying this is that all information in that level, or part of time, must be able to be retrieved in equal time intervals.

These crystals are not only telling us that a frequency will pro­duce specific crystal angle, but they also reflect the shape of the structure that contains the information that makes up them and US.



1.         Humphreys, W. J., and Bently, W. A., “Snow Crystals” (N.Y., Dover Publications, 1962).

2.         By the scientists of the Westinghouse Research Labs.  “Crystals Perfect and Imperfect” (N.Y., Walker & Co., 1965).

3.         Bauer, Max Dr., “Precious Stones” (N.Y., Dover Publications, vol. 1 and 2, 1968).



Verma, A. R., Crystal Growth and Dislocations (Butterworths Scientific Publications, 1953).