God’s Day of Judgment; The Real Cause of Global Warming.
Chapter 4: The Hebrew Alphabet. (c) 2007 Douglas Vogt

Chapter 4 PDF (pg 85-97)

Executive Summary

Chapter 4: It took me about 10 years to discover the original model that created the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The Hebrew alphabet proves that Moses told us the truth when he wrote that the two tablets were the work of G-d and the writing was of G-d. Moses’ civilization could not possibly have designed it because they would have had to have an information theory of existence, know about the natural log (ex) and do 3D modeling. None of which was present in the late bronze age. The Hebrew alphabet is the product of a very highly advanced previous civilization and the clues of their existence were encoded within the Garden of Eden story in Genesis.

The Hebrew alphabet is 22 views of a waveform that represents how information comes into this dimension and creates our matter world. I also show that these letters form three-dimensional shapes. The Torah is not what anyone thought. If you are a programmer or computer scientist you will really love this chapter. A more complete and newer explanation is found in Creation of the Hebrew Alphabet (2016).

List of discoveries:
The actual model that creates the Hebrew Alphabet and what it represents.
Closed-end string theory and how it relates to the model of the Hebrew alphabet.
The formula that creates the Hebrew alphabet.
The 22 letters are grouped into three distinct geometric shapes.
The Star of David is derived from one of these shapes.
The letters represent vectors that are converted into plains forming shapes.
The shape and model of the letters reveal the true origin of the Hebrew alphabet.
The letters and resulting shapes reveal the true nature of the Torah.
What kind of civilization would create the tablets of the Torah.
Why the Torah is considered the book of life.