God’s Day of Judgment; The Real Cause of Global Warming.
Chapter 8: The Polar Reversal and the Ice Age. (c) 2007 Douglas Vogt
Executive Summary
Chapter 8: The Geomagnetic Reversal (aka Polar Reversal) and the Ice Age: The complete scientific explanation for the polar reversal, the resulting ice age, why the Sun novas at the time of the reversal and the complete affects on the Earth. The model explains all known phenomena relating to the ice age period including the mass extinctions and creation of new species. I also include the date for the next polar reversal and the sequence of events that occur at the time of the reversal. The polar reversal is an example of the clock cycle that occurs every 12,068 years. The Torah give the exact date for the next event.
List of discoveries:
Discovery of a clocking mechanism in the center of the Sun and Earth.
Proof the polar reversal is caused by a clock cycle in the Universe.
All the events leading up to, during and after the polar reversal and resulting ice ages.
How much heat is necessary to create an ice field 4,000-feet thick.
The evidence on the Moon and the Earth that our Sun novas.
Dating problems with carbon-14 dating during polar reversals.
The cause of the ice fields 12,000 years ago.
Correlating six ice ages with the six blank periods in space.
What caused the dramatic sea level drops 12,000 to 11,000 years ago?
Why radioactive isotopes are found in ocean sediments associated with ice ages.
What caused mammoths to be fast frozen in Siberia?
What mechanism creates the submarine canyons?
Why our Sun novas during the polar reversal.
What really powers the Sun?
What really created the Kuiper belt?
Why glass beads were found on the Moon and other evidence of a stellar nova.
The same glass beads were found on the Earth.
Where the tektites and manganese nodules came from.
What happened to the oceans and rivers found on Mars?
Why pyramids were found on Mars.
What event creates comets?
What is causing global warming?
Why successive sunspot cycles are increasing in intensity.
Why sea surface temperatures are increasing with sunspot cycles.
Why the polar ozone layer is decreasing during sunspot maximum.
Why the magnetic field of the Earth is decreasing.
Why is there an increase in earthquakes during sunspot maximum?
What mechanism causes the polar reversal and how often it occurs?
Why the Earth was warmer in the distant past.
Why there is an increase in volcanic activity just after sunspot maximum.
Why there is an increase in volcanic activity at the time of the polar reversal.
What caused the mass extinction of species at the time of the polar reversal?
What mechanism creates the new species just after the polar reversal?
When is the next polar reversal and nova?
Who else knows our Sun novas?