God’s Day of Judgment; The Real Cause of Global Warming.
Chapter 10: Prophecies of the End of Days. (c) 2007 Douglas Vogt

Chapter 10 PDF (pg 331-339)

Executive Summary

Chapter 10: I cover the Hebrew prophecies regarding the cataclysm. It also explains the secret of redemption, which is how we may save ourselves from the polar reversal. There are seven main prophesies and they are:

  1. The coming cataclysm, described as God’s Day of Judgment. I described many of these prophecies in the previous Chapter. The purpose of these prophecies is to warn people what will befall them in the future, if man does not learn what he is supposed to in time.
  2. The return of the Jews to their ancestral homeland, Israel, in the End of Days so Mount Zion can be built.
  3. Battles between Israel and the surrounding Arab states, and a much larger battle involving nations outside of the Middle East.  The last battle will take place in northern Israel, at a site known as Megiddo.
  4. A new philosophy of religion and science will be discovered and taught. The old philosophies will be discredited and discarded.
  5. The rediscovery of Mount Sinai.
  6. A New Jewish Temple that will be built in Israel, as described in Chapters 40-48 of Ezekiel.
  7. How to save one’s self from God’s Day of Judgment.

The seventh item I list as a prophecy but it is the deepest and hardest secret in the Torah. As far as I can tell, I am the first person to even discover it. It is without question the greatest secret in the Torah and the world. It is tied up with the question: What happened to the Exodus generation over the age of 20 (the lost generation)? Where did they go?

List of discoveries:
Chapters 40 to 66 of Isaiah were written by Piso.
Who was Baruch and which names did he write under?
What is God's Day of Judgment?
When will the next Day of Judgment occur?
When did the "End of Days" start.
Who was Joseph in Egypt?
What will the new temple be?
Mount Sinai will be found--fulfilled.
Will God be King of the Jews again?
The origin of the word "Zion."
Design of the new altar in the new temple.
The secret of redemption.
What happened to the lost tribes in the Sinai desert?
How can man survive the next polar reversal and ice age?