God’s Day of Judgment; The Real Cause of Global Warming.
Chapter 11: Timelines and Patterns. (c) 2007 Douglas Vogt

Chapter 11 PDF (pg 397-400)

Executive Summary

Chapter 11, Timelines and Patterns: This discovery was surprising even to me. I knew the next Gleissberg Cycle (8 sunspot cycles, last one was January 1958) would be between September and December 2046. Shortly after, I discovered the exact month and day in one section in Genesis and the exact year encoded in the two long generations. The resulting date is October 16, 2047. In 1994 I discovered if I used that date as an anchor date and counted back every 12,068 days, something historically important happened on that date. Sometimes it would be a cycle and a half. I discovered over 30 such events. It appears God has given mankind further evidence for the polar reversal date. My conclusion is that God wants to give us clues of this cataclysm and also wants to give proof of His existence and how He manipulates events for His purposes.

List of discoveries:
How does God make events happen the way He wants?
What causes reverse speech?
Why are the tenses in the Torah reversed.
Discovery of time lines and patterns in history.