The Theory of Multidimensional Reality

Douglas Vogt


Gary Sultan


Vector Associates, 11250 Old St Augustine Rd., #15, Suite 133, Jacksonville, FL 32257;


Copyright c 1977 by Douglas Vogt and Gary Sultan


No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electrical process, or in the form of a phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public or private use-other than “fair use” -without the written permission of the publisher.

First printing, May, 1978

Manufactured in the United States of America



Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Vogt, Douglas.

Reality revealed.


Includes bibliographies and index.

   1. Psychical research.   I.   Sultan, Gary, joint

author.    II. Title.

Q175 .V638 1978     001.9 77-88915 r94

ISBN 0-930808-01-0


To Nikola Tesla for being the most creative scientist

of his time;


to my wife, Susan Vogt, for having the patience to put up with my dictation and typing the manuscript.


We would like to take a few lines here to properly recognize a number of people who gave of themselves to help us in our research.

L.     S. Bartell, PhD. - Department of Chemistry, University

of Michigan.

Joseph Cain, PhD. - U. S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado.

Albert Crewe, PhD. - Enrico Fermi Institute, University

of Chicago.

Thelma Moss, PhD. - University of California, Los Angeles.

George W. Stroke, PhD. & Maurice Halioua, PhD. - Department

of Electrical Sciences, State University of New York

at Stony Brook.



INTRODUCTION                                          vii


Chapter 1            THE VIDEO TAPE ANALOGY            1

            How information becomes matter


Chapter 2            NIKOLA TESLA            21

            His theoretical discoveries and inventions


Chapter 3            MAGNETISM AND GRAVITY            29

            Electron formation; definition of the eight

            dimensions; magnetic fluctuations and

            polar reversals


Chapter 4            LIGHT            89

            Electromagnetic properties of light


Chapter 5            THE ATOM            105

            Particles or waves; subatomic particles


Chapter 6            ASTRONOMY            137

            Quasars; black holes; novas and the cause

            of the Ice Age


Chapter 7            KIRLIAN PHOTOGRAPHY            189

            Causes of the aura; the phantom leaf effect


Chapter 8            PSYCHIC PHENOMENA            205

            What psychic energy is; the attraction of time

            warps; the Uri Geller effects; the source of

            our existence


Chapter 9            CRYSTALS            259

            The octahedron; crystal formation; snow

            crystals; the Star of David


Chapter 10            PYRAMIDS            285

            Pyramid energy; the Time Phase Shift


Chapter 11            MYTHOLOGIES OF THE WORLD            327

            Ancient legends of a cataclysm from all over

            the world


Chapter 12            MAN’S DESTINY

            Scientific determination of the polar reversal;

            the solar expansion; decay of the Earth’s

            magnetic field; Old and New Testament



GLOSSARY                455


LIST OF THEORMS                                     459

INDEX                                               461


There was once an angry, disillusioned, young man.  Although he is a fictional character, the words he utters are among the most famous and recognizable in the English language.  “To be or not to be, that is the question,” is a phrase which most English-speaking people have heard although relatively few people know to what Hamlet refers.  Shakespeare wrote these immortal words over three centuries ago.  Our interpretation of these famous words differs in meaning from that intended by the Bard.  However, we contend that the statement, “To be or not to be,” is the question! It is the ultimate: question.  We know not from whence we come, we know not our purpose or even if there is a purpose to our existence, and we know not where we are to go.

Man has dealt with the questions of existence and being through­out his history.  What is existence? What is being? What is reality? These three questions have been asked by wise men through the ages.  Many philosophical discussions have taken place on the sub­ject.  Unfortunately, the men that pondered these questions were limited by their knowledge.  The experiences one has throughout a lifetime are the limiting factors which allow a person to abstract, conceptualize, or analogize in this reality.  They are a few of the tools which allow man to crawl through his dark cave and make sense out of the flashes of light, of dim shadows and faint sounds which strike him constantly but are rarely perceived.  Like the blind man that has just been given back his sight, we have light hitting our eyes; but the brain doesn’t know what to do with the impulses coming from the eye.  The eye is receiving light impulses, but the brain has to learn how to see.  The light impulses have to be organized by the brain into logical patterns before we can really “(see.”

Our original intent was to explain a different way of looking at existence and then to use our model to help explain many differ­ent phenomena in science.  But a funny thing happened as we were developing our theory of existence.  We realized that it could also


logically explain all phenomena in all fields of science, parapsy­chology and archeology.  It also made sense out of the ancient mythologies and the Bible.

Science has made little headway in understanding the most basic phenomena in our reality, phenomena like electromagnetism, mag­netism, gravity, and light.  Unless you understand what these things are, you will not understand what existence is.  The theories scien­tists use presently are only workable over a narrow range.

Many scientists have found that their discipline breaks down at the limits.  Then another scientist comes along to try to increase the area that that discipline can explain.  However, no one has been able to explain the total picture or even to define the most basic definitions of their discipline.  We will be so bold as to say that we are going to do this.  As you read this book, you will come to understand that our approach to reality is far different from anything written elsewhere or taught in any institute of higher learning.  It had to be different because we reasoned that if science had not been able to explain these basic phenomena by now, using their way of looking at existence, then we must conclude that their philosophy is wrong.

The essence of the problem we face is going from the finite to the infinite.  In order for our finite minds to approach the infinite, we have to use all of our resources.  We have been taught to deal with existence in a quantitative measuring way.  We have been taught that infinity cannot be understood by the finite mind.  We have been taught that some concepts are beyond the minds of men.  We are going to show that this is not true, that the complexity of the universe comes only from an inaccurate picture of reality.  The picture of reality is wrong.  To understand infinity is to understand only what the basic systems are.  You can’t understand the basic systems unless you have a definite understanding of the underlying philosophies that make up the system.  Man has been taught to see reality in only one frame of reference.  Academia tells us that our reality can only be defined if we can accurately measure and quan­tify what we have observed.  Then we must demonstrate that this quantification can be duplicated repeatedly by anyone, anywhere, at any time.  We believe that too heavy a burden has been placed on quantifying a reality.  We believe we have been able to describe qualitatively what infinity is.  And then we were able to understand why man must evolve to a very specific idea.  Once you realize, for


yourself, the ramifications of our ideas, you will see life totally differently.  You will begin to realize why man exists.

Sometimes it is hard for us to condense many of our ideas into language that can be readily understood by everyone.  It is hard to condense the subtleties of what we have gathered from over thirty years of studying electronics and the working of tens of thousands of mathematical solutions.  You can’t put those thought processes on paper.  They can only be experienced.  You have to evolve to truth and knowledge.  It is difficult to explain them and to convey their full meaning.

The average person may ask “Why read a science book?” Our answer is that this is not just a science book.  It is a book written like none other you have read and it presents philosophies you have never read or heard of before.  How many times have you spent money on books on subjects like psychic phenomena, Kirlian photography, pyramid energy, physics, or astronomy hunting for answers about a particular phenomenon? After you read the book, you found out they didn’t know what it was either.  They just knew what its effects were and they were able to quantify their observations, but they still didn’t know much more than you did about the subject.

Our book will not treat you like that.  We will briefly describe the phenomenon and then tell you exactly what causes it.  Nothing will be left to your imagination.

Once you understand this theory of existence, you will easily be able to relate it to facts you have picked up in your life.  Many times in the book we appear to be a little hard on the science com-

munity, but this is because we are attempting to use a form of “shock treatment” on them to force them to look at reality differ-

ently.  We feel that if they do this, they will be able to make tre­mendous advances in science.

The first chapter describes the basis of our theory.  Some of the material at the end of Chapter 1 is a little technical, but most people should be able to understand it.  In Chapters 3 through 6 we apply our theory, which we call the Theory of Multidimensional Reality, to the major fields of physics.  Some of these chapters are technical in nature, but anyone with a high school education should be able to understand most of the material.  The reason we have to relate our theory with these fields of physics is to prove to you that our theory has a scientific basis.  We want to show to you


that the Theory of Multidimensional Reality is not just some dreamed up fairytale-there is a definite scientific basis for the theory.

Chapters 7 through 10 are dedicated to explaining the phenom­ena in the non-traditional fields of science.  Chapters 11 and 12 relate our theory with the phenomena mentioned in ancient myth­ologies and to the prophecies and purpose of the Bible.  You will notice through all the chapters that we are able to explain more than 100 different phenomena using one theory of existence.  Using our theory of existence, it becomes simple to explain previously impossible-to-understand phenomena of nature.

In order to fully understand and appreciate the concepts we are putting forth, the reader must free his mind of all the prejudices and pre-notions he has accumulated over the years.  This isn’t easy to do.  We have been taught in school to put facts into certain and specific sequences.  Every fact or concept was taught as if it existed in its own address, autonomous to itself.  The assumption we make is that everything is related.  The truth is all around us.  The truth can be found in nature; it can be found in the total man and in his technologies.  The complete underlying principles of existence can be found in everything.  However, we will show that the only way to understand these principles is to destroy the categorical mind and develop a creative mind.  It is time for the few creative thinkers to overturn the “Golden Calf.” False idols have to be replaced by clear, free thinking.  The infinity of the universe will be explained qualitatively in this book.  The finite mind is a function of the in­finite universe, and infinity can be understood if underlying prin­ciples are defined accurately.  If you doubt us, read on.



The Tape Analogy

Our Educational System

The number one stumbling block for mankind is that for too long we have been told how we should think, what we should think, or even if we should think at all.  In the motion picture, “Planet of the Apes,” we see man return to a future earth.  The apes have evolved and man has devolved.  If the viewers of that movie thought that that was the theme of the movie, they missed the most im­portant point.  The film was showing how ignorance is institu­tionalized in politics, in religion, and in higher learning.  The elders of the apes knew there was something past the “forbidden zone.” They knew that there was a more advanced life form on the planet in the past.  To keep control of the masses, certain thought processes had to be repressed.

Mankind’s institutions have been just as kind to us as apekind’s institutions were to them.  Only certain kinds of thinking or non­thinking are rewarded in our world.  There is no financial reward in thinking creatively.  There are financial rewards for thinking “properly.” “Properly” is the way you have been taught to accept


reality in your learning years.  There is, also, social acceptance in doing what is expected of you.  Nobody questions what they have learned.  They accept it because to do so is the route to getting the sheepskin.  In fact, as we will point out, the great masters of west­ern scientific thought didn’t question each other’s works until it was found that their predecessors’ work didn’t hold the total answer.  The problem with these great thinkers was that they tried to patch together a theory of reality which was based on an awk­ward and inadequate view of reality.  There has been no major re­thinking of existence and reality since mankind’s recorded history.

There is another way we can look at our educational system that will best illustrate what we are about to describe.  Let’s look at our society as if we are all on the rim of a large spoked wheel, with each spoke representing a different facet of reality.  Newton and Einstein were on the edge of the wheel observing what they thought was existence from a relativistic point of view.  They were not dealing with absolutes.  Velocity is the greatest on that rim and there happens to be the most action and friction at that point.  This is the place at which most people accept reality.  However, this is an illusion.  We perceive our lives on the rim of the wheel.  But existence, which is truth, actually takes place at the wheel’s hub.  The idea being, to get to the truth of existence, you must be able to define the most fundamental questions.  These questions deal with the absolutes of existence.  You must be able to shed the prejudices of your learned perceptions of reality.  You can’t live your life on the rim of the wheel and perceive what happens at the hub.  You must follow the spokes of the wheel to the hub to per­ceive existence as it really is; where truth exists.  At the hub you can see that all phenomena in the universe are related to one idea, and that all fields of human endeavor are related to each other.  It is here that absolutes do exist.  When you deal with absolutes, the quantity of the material needn’t take pages of dissertation, nor can quantification prove a truth.

It wasn’t too long ago that the earth was considered to be flat and the center of the universe.  This was in the face of facts which showed otherwise.  Many free thinkers were beaten, tortured, and murdered in the name of religion, because they expounded their views in public.  The idea that the earth was the center of the uni­verse died as hard as did the proponents of ideas to the contrary.  Today most people think that we have left the dark ages.  They


Figure 1.1 The spoked wheel of existence

think that this is a new age of enlightenment-with all our tech­nological advances, this must be progress.  However, we contend that without the generals’ great appetites for bigger and better war toys and international hostilities, we would still be hearing folk stories in front of the campfire.

It has been over three generations since Einstein published his Theory of Relativity and Maxwell introduced his Theory of Elec­tromagnetism and his Field concept.  Over this period of time, these men have been considered among the few who have been the cornerstones of thinking in physics and science of today.  Few people in or out of science have dared to question the merits of these men’s works.  Our institutions have taught us not to question the “great thinkers” of our civilization, be it the fields of physics,


astronomy, medicine, economics, psychology, philosophy, religion, etc.  This has been programmed into us from our earliest stages of learning.  It starts when an adult, usually a parent, says to a child, “Don’t say that word, it’s naughty,” or “Don’t talk to that per­son”-“Don’t ask questions, just do what I say”-“Don’t waste your time daydreaming, do something constructive.” By the time the child starts his formal education, he is well on his way to regi­mented thinking with very little creativity.  In grade school, the student is subjected to a barrage of highly structured series of courses which produce regimented thinking.  In essence, everyone is fit into the same cubbyhole, regardless of the individual stu­dent’s thought patterns.  Everyone is forced to run the same maze, regardless of the individual’s sense of reality.  Compound this with four-to-five hours a day of the electronic media’s highly-structured, Madison Avenue, brainwashing techniques and you have a body that is not only afraid to think creatively but which cannot think of anything for more than twenty seconds at a time, without creat­ing excessive tension in the person.  In a scientific study, it has been found that the average student can concentrate on a single topic for no more than twenty seconds without losing interest.  No study that we have encountered has ever correlated the poor attention span with television’s approach to keeping people tuned­in. We have found that the most successful shows are designed to have scene-changes every twenty seconds or a change of theme for that duration.  Successful news broadcasts don’t go into depth.  To be successful, they give cosmetic vignettes that last no more than an average of a half a minute.

By the time the student reaches college his value structure is highly distorted.  He worships people of position rather than ideas.  Because he has learned that to succeed you have to deal with peo­ple of position, his ideas have to interface with the people that will allow him to succeed.  The same attitude is present when he goes into graduate studies.  Any thesis he develops must not be too radically different from the philosophies of the professors on the committee examining his thesis.  An example of this is currently in the news.  The predominant thought a year ago was that sophisti­cated electronic equipment was the route to predicting earthquakes.  The idea of using animals to predict major earthquakes would have gotten a prospective seismologist his walking papers and a lot of laughs then.  The idea of using farm animals or a cockroach


to sense earth movements would never have been considered had it not been for a major earthquake in China.  Who would think that an animal or insect could be utilized as a sophisticated piece of sensing equipment?

Comments on the Field of Science

We feel that science is leading us down a dead-end path.  However, many people will say that “science has done much-it has created much.” Quality of life for a few has been greatly improved by these technologies.  The underlying philosophy of science is use­able in a narrow frame of reference.  Academia has not been able to answer the most fundamental questions of our existence: What are light, gravity, magnetism, electricity, and why does man exist? If Einstein and his predecessors were correct in their theories and in their approach to reality, then why could he not relate some of his ideas to other fields of physics and to other phenomena in life? It is not a question of Newton or Einstein being partially right, it’s a question of these men being totally wrong.  It is only because reality is multifaceted and can be approached from so many dif­ferent positions that these men were able to prove their concepts within a very limited framework.

Our fundamental understanding of the universe and existence isn’t even in the conceived state.  The principles which science uses are makeshift at best.  They work for a narrow range of parameters and then rapidly fail.

The Bohr model of the atom does not come close to explaining what the physicists were seeing when they looked at the atom for the first time under an electron microscope that can magnify 260 million times.  Yet, chemists still use the Bohr model of the atom, which is incorrect, because it fits their needs; and they can work with it.  It works well in describing many of the behavioral char­acteristics of elements and compounds.  The point we are trying to make is that there is little, if any, understanding of many of the basic principles.  Nonetheless, our technology isn’t too bad.  It isn’t necessary to understand something fully in order to make it work.  Many discoveries were just that-accidental discoveries.  People “fell” into the answer.  A noted example is Charles Goodyear’s wife pushing the soft rubber and sulfur compound on the stove’s high


burner.  If she hadn’t gotten angry that evening and pushed the rubber compound on the burner, vulcanization would have been postponed.

An interesting note about discoveries is that many are made simultaneously by two or more people at the same time in differ­ent places.  This is a very interesting phenomenon, because it seems to show an evolutionary system at work.

Comments on Mathematics

Anoted example of accidental discoveries is the discovery of calculus by Leibnitz and Newton at about the same time.  Their notations were different, but the idea was the same, Newton’s notation for the differential was y’, while Leibnitz’s notation was dy/dx.  The dy/dx notation is mathematically more descriptive, but both systems do the job.

Another interesting note about the discovery of calculus is that Newton didn’t think too highly of his discovery.  He had to be forced by his friends to publish his ideas.  Newton really didn’t fully understand the power of his discovery.

While the power of math is an invaluable tool to explain ab­stract ideas, it can be misused.  In fact, it has been misused by many who know the powers of mathematical description.  How­ever, the real power of math isn’t in its descriptive use, it’s in the ability of a person to use it to evolve to abstract concepts.  This is where math’s real forte lies.  When one works with numbers long enough, he can make anything fit his conceptual view of a prob­lem.  This is where the vulnerability of the “tool” is most pro­nounced.  In other words, the final formula is really the least im­portant to the math process.  The thought process is the most important.  If the logic is wrong, the math won’t show it.  In fact, math can prove faulty logic correct.

Many people accept ideas that have mathematical bases.  On the other hand, many concepts that are difficult to quantify are dis­counted.  Math is only one tool of many which should be used to discover reality.  Other tools are abstraction, conceptualization, analogization, intuition, and just plain guessing.  As a matter of fact, guessing a solution to a problem is part of the approach to solving higher mathematical problems.  When math is used as the


end instead of the means to an end, its validity should be highly suspect.

Amathematical proof is supposed to be the ultimate proof, scientists say.  Our senses are considered fallible and shouldn’t be relied on in a scientific proof of a theoretical point of view.  Emo­tion is the enemy of objective analysis and is considered to be an enemy of logic.  It seems only right that our senses and emotions should be discounted in proving a theory or evaluating a phenom­enon.  This should be the attitude of a person seeking a logical answer to a logical question.  The big trouble with the logical ap­proach to a problem is that there are so many questions in this reality which defy logic.  Logic can only be used where underlying principles are firmly understood.  Unfortunately, many of the phenomena of our universe, or reality, aren’t understood.  This is because much of the thought process that we employ blows up at the extremes of our reality.

No theory has ever attempted to explain the phenomena of physics and the phenomena of the non-traditional fields of science and religion under one theory of existence.  Einstein tried explain­ing all the phenomena of physics using his Unified Field theory but failed.  To quote him:

“The question of the particular field law is secondary in the preceding general considerations.  At the present time, the main question is whether a field theory of the kind here contemplated can lead to the goal at all.  By this is meant a theory which describes exhaustively physical reality, including four-dimentional space, by a field.  The present-day genera­tion of physicists is inclined to answer this question in the negative.  In conformity with the present form of the quantum theory, it believes that the state of a system cannot be specified directly, but only in an indirect way by a statement of the statistics of the results of measure­ment attainable on the system.  The conviction prevails that the experi­mentally assured duality of nature (corpuscular and wave structure) can be realized only by such a weakening of the concept of reality.  I think that such a far-reaching theoretical renunciation is not for the present justified by our actual knowledge, and that one should not desist from pursuing to the end the path of the relativistic field theory (1-pl57)

1Einstein, A. Reality New York: Crown Publishers, 1961.


Unlike Einstein, we do think that a complete break with the present concept of reality is necessary.  Scientists have spent long enough using the old concept of reality to try to explain phenom­ena; the proof of the pudding is that they haven’t come up with any answers, just more questions.

Our universe has underlying principles from which it operates.  Everything in the universe has to adhere to the same principles.  Everything in the universe is a reflection of everything else.  Only the way these reflections hit our senses determines the individuality of entities.  Since man is a function of the universe, his structure must also conform to the underlying principles of the universe.  Our physical and mental structures are microsystems of the uni­verse.  This is much like modern day integrated circuits operating on the same principles as the older tube circuits.  The integrated circuit is a refinement of the old tube circuits just as man is a re­finement of his universe.  Man is smaller than his universe, but the underlying principles are still the same.  Even the microscopic struc­tures that make up man or the integrated circuit structures are a reflection of what they make up; they, in turn, reflect everything else in the universe.  This, in effect, links us with every other thing in the universe.

Since our minds and our senses are functions of the universe, they reflect the universe.  The universe is also a reflection of our mind and sense organs and everything is reflected with everything else.  If all this sounds redundant, it’s meant to be.

If this sounds too far out, just think of how we came into being.  We began as one cell and a sperm.  The resulting zygote contained 46 chromosomes.  The DNA molecule had all the information on how every cell was to be formed and where it was to be in relation to everything else and how the cell was to function and when.  Is the information that makes us up stored only in 46 chromosomes? Is this where the information that makes us up ends? Where is the information stored about how the amino acids that make up the DNA are to be made? What about the atoms that make up the amino acids or the parts of the atom? Behind the underlying prin­ciples that determine everything is a creative force.  The effect of this creative force can be seen everywhere.


The Tape Analogy

If you accept the idea that man is a reflection of the universe then his inventions are also reflections of his universe.  Let us then take the example of a video tape recorder.

Atelevision camera converts the light images from three and four-dimensional objects to electrical impulses.  The electrical im­pulses can then be stored on magnetic tape.  You will notice that the form and dimension in which the picture is stored is different from the electrical impulses that came from the camera, even though the electrical impulses also represent the same picture of the object.  Let’s take the example a little farther.  You have a mag­netic tape that contains the information for a color picture with sound.  It is stored in a form where time stands still.  When the tape is played for broadcast, the information on the tape is again con­verted to electrical impulses.  The impulses are put into a trans­mitter where they again change form to become electromagnetic waves transmitted from the antenna.  The picture information is now traveling in a two-dimensional form.  There is not only the information for the picture but also other frequencies as well.  There is a center beat frequency, a carrier wave frequency (on which the picture frequencies are superimposed), a separate fre­quency for the sound, and finally a frequency that determines the sweep of your picture tube.  The final image you see is a completely synchronized, two-dimensional reality.  All the analogies for our own existence are combined in this one invention.  It seems ironic that an invention that holds the most analogies to our own exist­ence should be the tool used to mesmerize us with fairytales.

Our tape theory (the Theory of Multidimensional Reality) is a simple idea.  We theorize that everything in the universe is made up of information and is stored in the first dimension.  The informa­tion is stored in a computer-like structure, which we call the “die­hold.” The information from the diehold is then transmitted into the second dimension.  The form in which the information is trans­mitted could be in the form of pulse modulation (to be explained later).  This is obviously an oversimplification of the tape analogy.  There is every indication that “here” may be very relative to what you mean by “here.”


“Here” in one form may not mean “there” in the same form.  If one examines a piece of video tape closely with a magnifying glass, or a conventional microscope, he would see only a brownish red compound.  The compound is called iron oxide.  No matter how highly you magnify the tape, you could never see the objects represented by the domains on the magnetic material.  If you could identify the objects represented by the domains, the distances be­tween the domains which make up the object would be micro­cosmic compared to the distal relationships in this reality.  The frequencies of the colors which represent the object would be at a much lower frequency on the tape and in a totally different rela­tionship to each other compared to their representation in this time reality.  There would be no time perspective for the objects represented as domains on the tape.  They would be frozen in their space.  Frozen until passed over by a magnetic tape transducer (head device).  This transducer converts magnetic fields of a mono­lithic structure, iron oxide, into electrical fields.  These electrical fields are returned to two-dimensional information representing a totally different time-space reality from what was physically repre­sented by the domains.  If the tape speed is increased, time would seem to be shorter between two events.  If the tape speed is re­duced, time would seem longer between two events.  Neglecting synchronization considerations, if the tape is speeded up, the in­formation reproduced at the receiver would appear physically shorter.  That’s because the receiver’s picture-scan is in real time.  The transmitted information is in a shorter time; therefore, there is a shorter object.  This is reminescent of Einsteinian Relativity.  The opposite is also true: slowing down the tape speed makes the object longer.  Of course, corrections would have to be made in the synchronization or the image would appear totally un­recognizable.

If an object is taped with an increased tape speed, the object would be represented by more domains on the tape.  This repre­sents more information, therefore, more mass.  This is the same as increasing the velocity of the object.  And so it seems that our representative object not only gets shorter when its velocity in­creases, but its mass also increases.  The Lorentz Transforms seem to spell out the same facts.

In this analogy of existence, matter is converted to energy and energy to matter.  This is all relative to whether the tape is going


through the head device to receive an image or transmit an image.  The information-domains passed over by the tape transducer (head device) determines reality, or existence, and velocity determines time-space relationships.  Objects representing large domain areas on the tape could distort the time-space relationships of other objects represented by domains near the large object.  This can be represented by beams of light from a star passing by a large mass such as our sun and being displaced in time and space.

One might ask, “What does this analogy have to do with our existence? An object on a tape doesn’t have self-determination, can’t think; the object can’t live.  It is only an electromagnetic representation of an object, whether the tape is moving or is stopped.”

Well, for one thing, the “tape theory” of existence shows the universal reflectiveness of existence of which we spoke earlier.  Everything in this universe is relative to everything else.  Even ideas are relative to each other.  For another thing, we never said that our model was an exact replication of the real system.  Our model at best is an understandable reflection of the real system.

Truth is all around us.  Truth is in our reflective universe, in our reflective environment, in reflective man and in all his reflective inventions.  It remains for us to cut through dogmatic thought processes to see the underlying similarities in all things of this reality.

How The Information Would Be Transmitted

To help you understand how the information in the diehold could be converted to various frequencies, we will present our hypothesis on how it could be done.  This is not to say that it is done this way, but the example is presented in order for you to better under­stand how the principles of the system work.

The information in the diehold could be converted by the head device to a pulse-modulated signal.  The trick would be to hetero­dyne a low frequency, high voltage carrier wave and other control­ling frequencies (see Chapter 3) with the much higher frequencies that make up the information on the “tape.” If the two frequen­cies are less than 90 degrees out of phase with each other, there will be a beat frequency.  This beat frequency will be stronger than the


original frequencies.  The new frequency created should be the sum and difference of the original frequencies used.  The amplitude of the new frequency should be the sum of the two original fre­quencies.

One might ask, “How do we know that matter has frequencies and is made up of frequencies?” The idea is easy to prove using two separate processes.  One is called light spectrum analysis (ex­plained in Chapter 4); this method of analysis has been used for over 100 years by scientists to determine the individual elements in a compound.  It is known that each element in the universe has its own distinct spectral lines which identify it.  Spectral lines are different light wave lengths that the element produces when it is raised to a high potential.  This light is a function of what makes up the element.  A prism demodulates the light into its individual wavelengths.  The process is called dispersion.  What is seen is a highly sophisticated form of pulse modulation; not only are these pulses amplitude-modulated, but they are frequency-modulated.  For instance, the individual pulses are different colors and intensi­ties.  This would constitute the amplitude modulation part of the pulse modulation.  The spaces between the pulses make up the frequency or phase modulated part of the pulse modulation.  There may be other information superimposed on each individual pulse.

One of the important principles to be understood in this section is that in the information state, the magnetic fields predominate.  In the matter state, the electrostatic fields (energy) predominate.  There is a sinusoidal relationship between the matter-energy phase and also the magnetic-electrostatic phase which is found in electro­magnetic waves.

The second process is called Kirlian photography (see Chapter 7). The Kirlian photography method uses a high frequency AC signal to produce an unusual “aura” around the object.  Living objects photograph differently from non-living objects.  This is not the only observation taken from Kirlian photography that proves our point.  The AC signal necessary to produce a similar picture varies between the different living organisms.  Also no two organ­isms produce the exact same “auras.” Another phenomenon pro­duced is called the “phantom leaf “ effect.  This effect clearly shows that the information for the object exists in another dimension.  This one phenomenon proves our entire theory without the neces-


sity of other proofs or analogies, but we will include most of the others to show how our theory is related to them.


The tape theory analogy can explain the immense amounts of energy found in the universe.  The theory can explain the huge amounts of energy produced, allegedly by the fission and fusion process, by the smallest of particles of matter.

If one thinks in terms of information rushing in to stabilize an atom, the immense amount of energy released from very small atoms can be understood.  When atoms become so unstable that our “infinite computer” (the diehold) cannot get all the informa­tion which makes up the atom, to the atom, the information will demodulate and leave this dimension.  A time warp developes and a tear is created in our universe.  Information has to fill that tear.  In effect, when we see a thermonuclear explosion, we are not really seeing atoms producing lots of energy, but rather we are seeing information rushing in to fill a tear in an unstable part of the universe.

Quasars, which give off huge amounts of energy, can be anal­ogized to transient or bias voltages produced on the tape head of a recording device.  The bias voltages on the head device far exceed the voltages produced by the domains of the tape passing over the head.  If any of these voltages should leak through to the tape, more energy would seem to appear available from the tape system than exists on the entire tape.

There is a high voltage phenomenon that tends to prove our theory of information leaving this dimension.  This phenomenon deals with delayed radio signals.  A radio transmitter sends out a signal.  A delayed signal is heard from a few seconds later to ten, fifteen, or more minutes later.  The signal is usually pretty weak.  Even a few seconds delay represents hundreds of thousands of miles.  Reflection, which happens in the ionosphere, is highly re­mote.  This is especially true when you are dealing with a five­minute-long delay or more.  In this case, you are dealing with tens of millions of miles of space.  This phenomenon is being studied at Stanford University.  The phenomenon was first recognized in 1927 by a couple of Norwegian scientists. (2-p54)


It is quite possible that the very high voltages produced on a resonant type antenna produces a time warp.  These high voltages can bleed energy from the transmitted signal to other areas of the “diehold.” This can only be described by using the “tape theory.” For example, when a strong signal exists on a tape recording, the signal bleeds through the various layers of tape and produces a “cross talk” effect.  Time and space for that signal are changed.

The transmitter which produces this effect needn’t be high power.  High standing waves on the antenna system can raise the potential of the signal tens of thousands of volts, even millions of volts.  It is interesting to note that when the two scientists adjusted the an­tenna to make it more efficient, the phenomenon disappeared.  The standing waves had been reduced and with them the very high potentials.

The second phenomenon of which we will speak deals with the tornado effect.  In this effect, straw has been observed driven through windows, two by fours, doors, and other “solid” matter.  The straw is inbedded in the glass, and the glass isn’t broken.  The straw is also intact.

The story the experts tell us is that the straw is accelerated to a high velocity and produces such high forces that it can penetrate objects.  The idea seems okay except you might still wonder why the glass didn’t crack or break.  Now a 2 x 4 pine scantling is very much larger than a piece of straw, but then again, so is a 5/8 inch steel I-beam very much more resistant than glass.  Such was the case after the great tornado of May 27, 1896.  Willis L. Moore, then chief of the Weather Bureau, reported seeing just such an event on the Eads Bridge in St. Louis, Missouri.  The scantling protruded several feet through the hole.

Can we still accept the experts theory of high velocity impact? We think not.  Have you ever noticed a steel plate, or even a 2 x 4 that has been penetrated by a high velocity bullet? The plate or board has deep indentations at point of entry and shattered, dis­figured remnants at point of exit.  The Engineering News-Record of June 11, 1925, reported some unusual projectile effects of debris carried by the Tri-State tornado of March 18, 1925.  They described a 1 x 5 plank being driven through a 2 x 6 pine plank.  The leading end of the 1 x 5 had a beveled knot which was not battered by the penetration.  Also, the 1 x 5 had a tongue along one edge which plowed a “clean” furrow through the 2 x 6. An-


other interesting phenomenon was pointed out in the same report: the projectiles seemed to behave like compass needles, all pointing due north.

The first question to ask is, “What is a tornado?” Nobody really knows except that it has high-velocity cyclotronic winds.  Also, the tornado produces electromagnetic waves which can be seen on a television receiver.  Tornadoes turn in different directions depend­ing on the hemisphere in which they occur, Northern or Southern.  The earth’s magnetic field probably plays a part in this.

We are going to advance a theory on the nature of tornadoes and hurricanes.  We feel free to do so because the meteorologists haven’t come up with anything concrete in the last half century.  We hypothesize that the tornado is a nuclear particle accelerator in reverse.

The cyclotron uses high-frequency radio signals to propel charged particles at high velocities to a target.  What amounts to a high­frequency alternating current (AC), moves a nuclear particle like an atom until the mass of the atom becomes so great that the electromagnetic field can’t control the charged particle any more.

We contend that the tornado and the hurricane are examples of a cyclotron in -reverse.  At certain times of the year when the right temperatures exist, a giant capacitor is created.  The earth is one plate and the upper atmosphere is the other plate.  The earth’s magnetic field envelopes these electrostatic plates.  We theorize that when the earth is tilted at just the right angle, high-energy­charged particles are actually able to enter the earth’s magnetic field from space.  Because of the earth’s tilt angle in reference to the direction of the high velocity particle, the particle is siphoned down to the tornado belts or hurricane areas.  Here the right atmo­spheric conditions exist to form the electrostatic plates.

The high energy particle charges the plates of the capacitor and a damped, oscillating radio wave is created.  High voltage standing waves are also created.  The damped, oscillating wave, along with the earth’s magnetic field produces cyclotronic action of the atmo­sphere.  In other words, a nature-made cyclotron is created.

Because of the high electrical potentials created and the high standing waves produced, information that makes up the straw is translated (moved) in time; a translation in time is a translation in space.  A translation in time of a microsecond of information at the speed of light represents a space translation of about 985 feet.


Of course, if the straw just happens to be moved to the space oc­cupied by a window or steel I-beam, it appears as if it has been blown through these objects.  But what really happened is that the straw and the I-beam occupied the same space but at a different time, when the tornado was present.  When the tornado passed by, the time for the straw and the I-beam became one again.

The same thing can happen to living things.  There have been many observations of small animals being “moved in time and space,” but the problem is that man has never correlated these discoveries with moving something in time and space.  Some of these observations are listed below.  You will notice that the differ­ence between these discoveries and more common fossil finds of animals is that in these cases the creature after it is released from its entombment, comes to life again for a short period of time.

1.             The year 1829-Liverpool, England.  While working on the docks at George’s Basin, the workmen discovered a live toad embedded in a large granite block used for footing the dock.  The toad lived for a few hours. (3-p42)

2.             The date 1873-On Mount Diablo, California, near San Fran­cisco, while some miners were working in the Black Diamond Coal Mine, they discovered a large frog embedded in a layer of limestone.  The frog fit into a small cavity in the rock.  The cavity was the exact same size as the frog because the sides of the rock had the imprint of the frog’s body.  The frog lived for about one day. (3-p4l)

3.             The date April 22, 1881-near Ruby Hill, Nevada, while a miner was digging at the 60 foot level of the Wide West Mine, he discovered a small cavity in a rock that was filled with white worms.  Within an hour, the worms were crawling around, to the amazement of the half-dozen miners present. (3-p40)

4.             The date 1892-Clifton, Arizona.  A reddish-gray beetle was discovered embedded in a cavity from a rock of iron ore from the Longfellow Mine.  The specimen was sent to a geologist in El Paso, Texas.  A week after the beetle was orginally dis­covered, the geologist noticed a movement from the beetle.




He saw another small beetle emerge from the body of the large beetle.  The small beetle lived for several months. (3-p4l)

5.             The date October 1893-Acton, Ontario.  While sawing up a large pine log at the Brown & Hall Sawmill, the workmen dis­covered a toad in a four inch diameter smooth cavity that would have been located 60 feet above the ground and sur­rounded by 30 inches of wood.  The tree was calculated to be 200 years old.  The toad was very much alive when it was freed. (3-p4l)

6.             The date February 2, 1958-Utah.  Four miners found a tree toad embedded in a fossilized tree.  The tree was found cov­ered by eight feet of sandstone in the midst of a high-grade uranium deposit.  The toad lived 28 hours after being freed from the cavity. (3-p255)


It seems that since science has never been able to explain these phenomena, they are just ignored.  After all, what scientist wants to be reminded that his theories of existence may not be all that perfect?

There are several observations that are common to all these dis­coveries.

The first one is that the cavity in which the animal or insect was found, had the form of the entombed living thing-the question is, how can part of the inanimate rock disappear to make room for the living organism? This doesn’t seem logical if you use the con­ventional theories of existence.  After all, the rock is harder and denser than are the toad and the beetle.  Why was the living object not deformed by the surrounding harder material? The answer is in the amount of potential the living organism has over the in­organic substance.  This idea will be further elaborated upon in Chapter 3. For now we will say that the living organism was moved in time and space due to an increase in its potential caused by some source of high voltage, such as ball lightning or a tornado.  After the high-voltage-induced time warp passed and the living organism was occupying the same time and space as the other object, another phenomenon occurred.  The matter with the lower potential left this dimension in order to make room for the higher potential living object.  We won’t leave this explanation there, be­cause this phenomenon is telling us an important fact about the


workings of our own existence.  That is, that the diehold will not permit information of two different objects to occupy the same time and space in our dimension.  The factor that determines which object leaves this dimension is how much potential the object has.  Since a conscious entity always has more potential than inanimate objects, the living organism will prevail.  In the case of the toad found in the tree, the toad has more potential because it is a higher evolved conscious entity than is the tree.  So the part of the tree that occupied the same volume of space as the toad disappeared from our dimension.

The second observation that makes these discoveries much dif­ferent from ordinary fossil finds is the fact that the entombed animal comes alive shortly after it has been freed.  Some of the material that these animals are found in, such as the petrified wood, is at least 10,000 years old.  If you consider the amount of material that is covering these animals, you have to conclude that some of those animals have been there for many thousands of years.

The intriguing question is: Why is life preserved in this entombed state? After all, the toad or frog was deprived of all the necessary ingredients of life.  It couldn’t get any food, water or oxygen for many thousands of years but yet it lived.  Why?

Let’s recap what is happening.  After the information of the toad has been remodulated back into our dimension, it finds itself occupying the time and space formerly occupied by the rock.  But has all the information of the rock disappeared from our dimen­sion? Maybe not.  Matter is made up of many frequencies that represent the information for the matter.  Some of the frequencies represent the physical information of the object.  The other fre­quencies are synchronizing, resynchronizing, clocking and finally there is a carrier wave frequency on which all the frequencies are superimposed.  We know the frequencies that carry the informa­tion that makes up the physical matter are no longer in this dimen­sion, but what if the carrier wave or some of the, other frequencies are still being directed to that time and space? They could have a very interesting effect on the information and the frequencies that make up the conscious energy (the “soul”) of the animal.  The effect could be like grounding the conscious energy of the animal.  The result would be that time would stop for the conscious energy and its body would be put in a state of suspended animation.  When the animal is freed from the rock, it is not just being freed


from the cavity, it is also being removed from the coordinates of the information that make up the rock.  Once the animal is removed, time starts again for the conscious entity.

There is another related phenomenon where a person has lost a finger, arm, or leg.  This person can feel pain, hot, cold, and other feelings where the limb once was.  One might say that the nerve endings are being somehow stimulated.  If this is the case, how do we explain an amputee’s ability to predict weather many hours or days before it happens be feeling pain in the missing part.  We can explain this with the “tape theory.” If existence is somewhere else, then removing a part of the whole doesn’t really destroy that part (the phantom leaf effect).  The “diehold” tries to recreate the superstructure-carrier wave.  Since the nerve impulses from the missing part are no longer there as confusion noise, the information that makes up a weather front is detected.  It is detected because the weather front is made up of a great deal of information and potential.  The information for the missing limb still exists in the diehold, even though it is not being modulated into matter as part of the person.  The missing limb acts as a receiver and detects the potential of the weather front.  This phenomenon is comparable to gifted people who can hold belongings of other people and give detailed descriptions of those people and their lives (psychometry, see Chapter 8).  There are cases of people who can sense color with their fingers.  This all relates to sensing the information in its raw form, from the “diehold.”

How do we explain the man who could “throw” pictures in to cameras (Chapter 8)? He has been studied at several universities.  This gift caused him much psychological suffering.  How much power can the human mind create? Can the human mind create enough power to activate silver compounds in photographic film? Can the brain generate enough power to bend keys at a distance, start watches, disrupt time-generating systems in computers? Our answer is an emphatic No!

The people who do these tricks are walking time warps.  This includes people performing ESP and healing.  We contend that we are all in effect subroutines of the “diehold.” Some people have learned to tap into the main program better than others.  There are many people (such as Uri Geller) who tap into the system regularly to transmute information, displace information, and transmit and receive information on a regular basis.


What makes Geller or any of the other human phenomena dif­ferent from us? Probably the most pronounced personal trait these people possess is that they believe they can do their trick.  Without this deep belief, they wouldn’t be able to produce the results. Reality is what we believe it is.  This can be seen in children.  Psychokinesis is most commonly reported in young children; the Geller effect is also being discovered in many children who have seen his act.  In fact, Geller discovered his ability when he was very young.

The parameters of our reality are determined at a very early age.  When we are young, we are taught by the environment and by people what is possible and what isn’t possible.  If the right circum­stances prevail, and no negative thought patterns develop, the limits of reality are extended.  Children don’t have any firm idea of what reality is, therefore, their limits are larger until they are told what is possible and what isn’t.  If the mind of man provides the proper subroutine, anything is possible.  A more detailed de­scription of psychic phenomena will be covered in Chapter 8. There are plenty of facts and phenomena to indicate that existence can be translated into information.  These are indications that this information is stored in another time-space reality.  There is the possibility of moving this information around; in effect, moving ourselves and other objects in time and space without high-thrust vehicles.  There is every indication that human life, in fact all life and all things are just a stage of existence.

Mankind is evolving as preordained by a creative force in the universe.  This unfound DNA of our universe has the information which is leading all things, including man, to their natural con­clusion and a new beginning.


I .      Einstein, A., “Relativity-the Special and The General Theory” (N.Y., Crown Publishing, 1961).


2.        “Delayed Radio Signals” (QST-American Radio Relay League­vol. 55, No. 5, p. 54-58, May 1971).

3.        Edwards, Frank, “Stranger Than Science,” (N.Y., Lyle Stuart, 1959).