Vector Associates has focused on developing an information theory of the universe which the author calls The Theory of Multidimensional Reality, The beginnings of this theory date back to 1977 and published in the book Reality Revealed, The Theory of Multidimensional Reality. After that the authors continued research further developed the theory and discovered that the polar reversals (geomagnetic reversals) were caused by a clock cycle that existed in time every 12,068 -years. The next philosophy book Mr. Vogt produced was God’s Day of Judgment, the Real Cause of Global Warming in 2007. During that research the author found the number 12,068 was embedded as a code within the Torah including a possible exact date for the next reversal. The third iteration of the theory is incorporated in the 2015 book The Theory of Multidimensional Reality. After 42-years of research it does look like we are in a created reality and the universe is the product of information. There is going to be a geomagnetic reversal during the next Gleissburg cycle between September to December 2046. The Torah gives an exact date of October 16, 2046. On that day hopefully man will be prepared and survive it. The following science books might help understand what and why it will happen. The individual web page for each book also has a list of the YouTube videos Mr. Vogt created as a teaching aid for those who wish to study the subject more closely.
The Theory of Multidimensional Reality By Douglas B. Vogt (ISBN # 9780930808105) LOC# Q175.V6384 2015 This is the third iteration of the Theory of Multidimensional Reality and a further refinement. It is the only information theory of existence that can explain all the phenomena know. The Library of Congress classified it Q175 .V6384, which is philosophy of science. 120 pages, paperback, $18.95. Also available as an eBook from

God’s Day of Judgment - The Real Cause of Global Warming

By Douglas B. Vogt (ISBN 9780930808082, 2007)

(ISBN 9780930808082, 2007) LCC #Q175.V6375, Philosophy of Science and Religion Philosophy, 475 pages, paperback $31.95, hardcover out of print..


The Real Cause of Global Warming was the second iteration of the theory. The book proved that a 12,068-year clock cycle was the real cause of the polar reversals and the resulting ice ages, mass extinctions, creation of new species and many other phenomena. Anthropologists have estimated that only about 30 fertile females survived the end of the last ice age, that is at extension level. It also showed the connection between the Torah and the science presented within. Also covered are some of the discoveries made by the author, during his three Sinai expeditions.

Gravitational Mystery Spots of The United States By Douglas B. Vogt (ISBN # 9780930808044) LC # QB337.5.U5V64, 1996, 82 pages, paperback, $14.95. The first book that scientifically explains the gravitational anomalies found in the United States. Find out why objects and people get smaller when walking towards the vortex and it takes greater force to push a weight towards the center of the vortex than away. Find out why trees bend inside the vortex. See the results of time experiments that show time changed inside the vortex. Mr. Vogt did the experiments in California and Oregon. The book demonstrates a number of time, weight and height experiments done at various locations.
Reality Revealed - The Theory of Multidimensional Reality By Douglas B. Vogt ISBN # 9780930808013, 460 pages, PDF format only for $15.00. This book was released in 1977 and sold out by 1981. The book was originally cataloged by the Library of Congress (LC) BF1031.V64 Psychical Research even though only one chapter covered psychic explanations. On April 4, 1994 one of the US intelligence agencies reclassified the book Q175.V538 Philosophy of Science. This book is the first time in history anyone developed an information theory of existence. The Theory was key to prove what caused the geomagnetic reversals (polar reversals) and the resulting ice ages. The book also connected the mythologies from around the world that also knew something terrible happened to their ancestors a very long time ago.

Creation of the Hebrew Alphabet

ISBN 9780930808143, 143 pgs. Paperback, with illustrations. QA76.889 V64

Library of Congress Classification: Quantum Computing; Hebrew language--Alphabet--Philosophy; Civilization, Ancient. Price $17.95.


Creation of the Hebrew Alphabet, reveals what the Torah really is and by doing so, the surface story disappears entirely. The only part of the surface story that has importance is the Genesis Garden of Eden story of Adam and Eve. The Garden of Eden story told us who were the people who put the technology into the family burial cave. If you read the authors previous book, Moses and the Ten Code Systems, you will learn that the burial cave is located in Mount Sinai and nowhere else.


11250 Old St. Augustine Road, #15

Suite 133

Jacksonville, FL 32257

Vector Associates has focused on developing an information theory of the universe which the author calls The Theory of Multidimensional Reality, The beginnings of this theory date back to 1977 and published in the book Reality Revealed, The Theory of Multidimensional Reality. After that the authors continued research further developed the theory and discovered that the polar reversals (geomagnetic reversals) were caused by a clock cycle that existed in time every 12,068 -years. The next philosophy book Mr. Vogt produced was God’s Day of Judgment, the Real Cause of Global Warming in 2007. During that research the author found the number 12,068 was embedded as a code within the Torah including a possible exact date for the next reversal. The third iteration of the theory is incorporated in the 2015 book The Theory of Multidimensional Reality. After 42-years of research it does look like we are in a created reality and the universe is the product of information. There is going to be a geomagnetic reversal during the next Gleissburg cycle between September to December 2046. The Torah gives an exact date of October 16, 2046. On that day hopefully man will be prepared and survive it. The following science books might help understand what and why it will happen. The individual web page for each book also has a list of the YouTube videos Mr. Vogt created as a teaching aid for those who wish to study the subject more closely.
The Theory of Multidimensional Reality By Douglas B. Vogt (ISBN # 9780930808105) LOC# Q175.V6384 2015 This is the third iteration of the Theory of Multidimensional Reality and a further refinement. It is the only information theory of existence that can explain all the phenomena know. The Library of Congress classified it Q175 .V6384, which is philosophy of science. 120 pages, paperback, $18.95. Also available as an eBook from
God’s Day of Judgment - The Real Cause of Global Warming By Douglas B. Vogt (ISBN 9780930808082, 2007) LCC #Q175.V6375, Philosophy of Science and Religion Philosophy, 475 pages, paperback $26.95, hardcover out of print.. The Real Cause of Global Warming was the second iteration of the theory. The book proved that a 12,068-year clock cycle was the real cause of the polar reversals and the resulting ice ages, mass extinctions, creation of new species and many other phenomena. Anthropologists have estimated that only about 30 fertile females survived the end of the last ice age, that is at extension level. It also showed the connection between the Torah and the science presented within. Also covered are some of the discoveries made by the author, during his three Sinai expeditions.
Gravitational Mystery Spots of The United States By Douglas B. Vogt (ISBN # 9780930808044) LC # QB337.5.U5V64, 1996, 82 pages, paperback, $14.95. The first book that scientifically explains the gravitational anomalies found in the United States. Find out why objects and people get smaller when walking towards the vortex and it takes greater force to push a weight towards the center of the vortex than away. Find out why trees bend inside the vortex. See the results of time experiments that show time changed inside the vortex. Mr. Vogt did the experiments in California and Oregon. The book demonstrates a number of time, weight and height experiments done at various locations.
Reality Revealed - The Theory of Multidimensional Reality By Douglas B. Vogt ISBN # 9780930808013, 460 pages, PDF format only for $15.00. This book was released in 1977 and sold out by 1981. The book was originally cataloged by the Library of Congress (LC) BF1031.V64 Psychical Research even though only one chapter covered psychic explanations. On April 4, 1994 one of the US intelligence agencies reclassified the book Q175.V538 Philosophy of Science. This book is the first time in history anyone developed an information theory of existence. The Theory was key to prove what caused the geomagnetic reversals (polar reversals) and the resulting ice ages. The book also connected the mythologies from around the world that also knew something terrible happened to their ancestors a very long time ago.

Vector Associates

11250 Old St. Augustine Rd., #15

Suite 133

Jacksonville, FL 32257