God’s Day of Judgment - The Real Cause of Global Warming
By Douglas B. Vogt (ISBN 9780930808082, 2007)
(ISBN 9780930808082, 2007) LCC #Q175.V6375, Philosophy of Science and Religion Philosophy, 475 pages, paperback $31.95, hardcover out of print..
The Real Cause of Global Warming was the second iteration of the theory. The book proved that a 12,068-year clock cycle was the real cause of the polar reversals and the resulting ice ages, mass extinctions, creation of new species and many other phenomena. Anthropologists have estimated that only about 30 fertile females survived the end of the last ice age, that is at extension level. It also showed the connection between the Torah and the science presented within. Also covered are some of the discoveries made by the author, during his three Sinai expeditions.
Creation of the Hebrew Alphabet
ISBN 9780930808143, 143 pgs. Paperback, with illustrations. QA76.889 V64
Library of Congress Classification: Quantum Computing; Hebrew language--Alphabet--Philosophy; Civilization, Ancient. Price $17.95.
Creation of the Hebrew Alphabet, reveals what the Torah really is and by doing so, the surface story disappears entirely. The only part of the surface story that has importance is the Genesis Garden of Eden story of Adam and Eve. The Garden of Eden story told us who were the people who put the technology into the family burial cave. If you read the authors previous book, Moses and the Ten Code Systems, you will learn that the burial cave is located in Mount Sinai and nowhere else.