Volume IV The Prophets and the Priests. Decoding the Hebrew Scriptures.

242 pages with some color pictures. Price $21.95

ISBN #: 978-0930808228 (Paperback)

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Volume IV covers six important discoveries. 1. The first is that the prophets were also the High Priest and they also had a given name which showed up as a scribe. The author is the first person to discover all three names of all the High Priests and which books and parts of books they wrote. No one else previously ever discovered this. 2. The second discovery is that all the Priests were Ephraimites, not Levites and they knew it and wrote about it in code even up to the first destruction of the Temple. 3. The third is the real story about Jeremiah and to whom he married his daughter off. That act eventually made Jeremiah a relative of Nabopolassar, the founder of the Babylonian Empire. The book answers the statement in the II Kings 24:17, “And the king of Babylon made Mattaniah his father's brother king in his stead and changed his name to Zedekiah.” 4. The fourth discovery is that Baruch, the grandson of Jeremiah, is the priest who took the Ark of the Covenant out of Jerusalem and hid it back in the family burial cave at the Real Mount Sinai. The author discovered and covered in Volume 3. 5. The fifth discovery is that there were not ten commandments, but twelve. There was not one set of tablets but two. The one received on the 47-day of the second year was the Torah we have today with 304,805 letters. The second much smaller stone tablets were the replacements that were broken by Aaron. The set he broke where the first set was received in the first month the Hebrews arrived at Mount Sinai the year before. The story of the Assembly is told in Exodus 19:10-25. 6. What happened to the Jewish religion over the past 200 years and why the conflict between the Reform movement against the Conservative and Orthodox branches of the religion.


The Table of Contents  is listed below shows the completeness of the research and of the discoveries.


ISBN 978-0930808228 paperback, 242 pages,  $21.95,

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1, Introduction, 1 Men of Power and Greed, 5 What is to be Revealed, 6 What Really Happened at Sinai? 7 Chapter 2, The True Identity of the Priest Class, 11 Where did Esau live? 13 Slavery for Eleven of the Original Twelve Tribes, 14 Later Ancillary Proof, 20 What Actually happened to the Tribe of Levi? 21 Chapter 3, The Importance of the Ark of the Covenant 23 How the Ark Worked, 23 The Ark of the Covenant, 23 The Tabernacle, 24 The Ark, 27 The Two Objects That the Hebrews Did Not Make, 29 The Importance of Baruch and the Description of the Ark, 29 The Throne, 30 The Four Round Crystalline Disks, 32 How Was the Voice of God Heard? 34 What was the Ark of the Covenant? 36 What Was in the Ark, was Equally Important, 37 Were There Ten Commandments or Twelve? 38 The Other Thing that Bothered Me About the Surface Story, 39 The Following is the Correct Sequence of Events, 40 When Was the First Two Stone Tablets created and What Was on Them, 40 What Happened a Lunar Year Later, 41 The Obvious Problems with this part of the Surface Story, 46 How Did These Error Occur? 48 Chapter Conclusion, 49 Chapter 4, Joshua and the Judges Period, 51 When God Was King, 51 The Line of Priests and Prophets, 51 Why a Separate Prophet’s Name? 52 The Starting point, 52 The Descendants of Eleazar and Ithamar, 53 The Judges Period, 1200 B.C.E. to 1020 B.C.E, 54 The Battle with Benjamin, 56 The Line of Priests and Prophets, 58 Why the People wanted to have a King, 58 The Priest Class of the Judges Period, 59 Judges Period, 60 Dating the Period, 60 Samson, 66 First Samuel, 69 Who wrote the Book of Judges? 70 The Line of Ithamar, 71 David’s Family Line, 74 Chapter 5, David’s Assent to Power and the Kingdom, 79 The Cave called Adullam, 81 David the Ephraimite, related to the Priests, 82 First Samuel, 83 Chapter Conclusion, 83 Chapter 6, The Priests at the Time of Solomon, 85 Hiding the Family Secret, 85 Second Samuel, 85 First Kings, 86 Abiathar’s sons. 88 Chapter 7, The Pagan King who Changed the Calendar, 91 The First Step is Determining the Real Date for the Exodus, 91 Dates for the Exodus, 92 Ancient Calendars, 93 The Technical Problems with the Hebrew Lunar Calendar, 93 Ancient Calendars, 93 The Babylonian Calendar, 94 The Assyrian and Canaanite Calendars, 94 The Egyptian Calendar, 94 The Real Beginning of the Jewish Calendar, 95 and the Exodus, 95 Special Note about the Torah, 95 Why is the Torah so Elusive about when the Exodus really occurred? 96 The Month of the Year, 96 The Plants, the Nile River and the Lambs Do Not Lie—People Do, 98 The Sixth Plague, 99 The Lambs Do Not Lie—People Do, 100 Feast of Weeks, 102 Feast of Tabernacles and Sukkot, 105 Sukkot, 106 Other Evidence from the Hebrew Scriptures, 106 The Two Other Holidays, 111 Section conclusion, 113 How did the dates for observance get swapped? 114 Ahimelech II, aka Shisha 114 Seraiah, 115 Deliberate Changes in the Torah 116 The Beginning of the Problem 117 King Jeroboam of the kingdom of Israel, the Idolater 117 Chapter 8, The Prophets and the Priests to the Fall of Jerusalem, 121 Research Note, 121 Hanani, 122 Imla (Imlah), 123 Micaiah, the Prophet Elijah, 124 Shaphat, 124 Amittai, the Prophet Elisha, 126 Gehazi, 127 Shemaiah, aka the Prophet Amos, 129 Amoz, the father of Isaiah, and the Prophet Hosea, 130 Jeiel the scribe, aka Isaiah the Prophet, 131 Eliakim, the Prophet Micah, 132 Harhas, aka Hasrah, 134 Chapter 9, The Babylonians and Where They Came From, 141 The Conquering Babylonians, 141 The Babylonian Revolt against the Assyrian Empire, 141 King Nabopolassar, 142 The Arameans, 142 Who were they? 143 Where did they come from and why did they come to Babylonia? 145 What effects did they have on Assyria and Babylon? 147 The Town of Riblah was the key, 148 Chapter 10, The Prophets Jeremiah and what Happened to Him. 151 The Prophets Jeremiah and what Happened to Him, 151 Shaphan who became the Prophet Jeremiah., 151 A Strange Statement in the Scriptures about the Fall of Judah., 152 The Town of Riblah was the key, 154 The Answer to the Riddle, 155 Corroborating Literary Evidence, 157 Ahikam aka Neriah and his son Gedaliah, 160 Neriah and his younger son Baruch, 160 Changing of the Calendar , 161 Section Conclusion, 165 Tikvah, 135 Meshullam, the Prophet Nehum, 135 Azaliah, the Prophet Zephaniah, 136 The political state of affairs, 137 Chapter 11, Thanks to Baruch 167 Baruch, aka Seraiah, the Prophets Ezekiel and Joel, 168 The Book of Ezekiel, 170 The Book of Joel, 174 Baruch’s other writings 175 The Legends of the Jews., 175 Chapter 12 177 The Books the Piso’s Inserted Into the Hebrew Scriptures, 177 The Rabbinical Leadership Was Ordered to Rome and a Deal was Made, 177 Why Did Arius Piso Saw Himself as Another Minos, the Greek Law Giver? 178 Pliny the Younger’s Authorship of one of the Books in the New Testament, 183 Why did the Piso’s Want to Create a New Religion? 183 How did the New Testament start and who wrote it, 185 The Ultimate Proof of Authorship, 186 The Cast of Characters, 187 Why did Arius see himself as the Greek gods of Ares, Apollo, and the new Numa Pompilius? 196 The Family Trees of the Families Mentioned, 200 Chapter 13, What are the main reasons this knowledge had not been discovered before? 205 Colleges and University Policy, 208 What Happened to the Jewish Religion, 208 Since the 19th Century? 208 Czarist Imperial Russia, 209 God Moves in Mysterious Ways. 210 Russian Jewish Acceptance to Socialist Philosophies, 210 February Revolution, 211 The Russian Jews in America, 212 The Reform Movement in Germany, 212 The Formation of the United States and Freedom of Religion in the U.S. Bill of Rights, 214 The Jewish Reform Movement of Today, 214 “Social Justice” agenda in the Reform Movement, 21 Appendix A, Moses 10 Code Systems, 217 1 and 2. Large and Small Numbering, Sequence System, and Cumulative Small Numbering., 217 3. The Algebraic Principle, 218 4. Composite Word Code, 219 5. Adjacent Letter Swapping, 219 6. The Number Seven, 219 7. The Chapter and Verse Code, 219 8. The Number 400, 220 9. The Length of the Sacred Cubit, 220 10. The Number 12,068, 221 Appendix B, Creation of the Hebrew Alphabet, 225 The Steps I Went Through, 225 The Formula, 225 The Wave Form, 226 Where the Symbols/Letters are Formed, 227


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Volume IV The Prophets and the Priests. Decoding the Hebrew Scriptures.
Volume IV covers six important discoveries. 1. The first is that the prophets were also the High Priest and they also had a given name which showed up as a scribe. The author is the first person to discover all three names of all the High Priests and which books and parts of books they wrote. No one else previously ever discovered this. 2. The second discovery is that all the Priests were Ephraimites, not Levites and they knew it and wrote about it in code even up to the first destruction of the Temple. 3. The third is the real story about Jeremiah and to whom he married his daughter off. That act eventually made Jeremiah a relative of Nabopolassar, the founder of the Babylonian Empire. The book answers the statement in the II Kings 24:17, “And the king of Babylon made Mattaniah his father's brother king in his stead and changed his name to Zedekiah.” 4. The fourth discovery is that Baruch, the grandson of Jeremiah, is the priest who took the Ark of the Covenant out of Jerusalem and hid it back in the family burial cave at the Real Mount Sinai. The author discovered and covered in Volume 3. 5. The fifth discovery is that there were not ten commandments, but twelve. There was not one set of tablets but two. The one received on the 47-day of the second year was the Torah we have today with 304,805 letters. The second much smaller stone tablets were the replacements that were broken by Aaron. The set he broke where the first set was received in the first month the Hebrews arrived at Mount Sinai the year before. The story of the Assembly is told in Exodus 19:10-25. 6. What happened to the Jewish religion over the past 200 years and why the conflict between the Reform movement against the Conservative and Orthodox branches of the religion. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1, Introduction, 1 Men of Power and Greed, 5 What is to be Revealed, 6 What Really Happened at Sinai? 7 Chapter 2, The True Identity of the Priest Class, 11 Where did Esau live? 13 Slavery for Eleven of the Original Twelve Tribes, 14 Later Ancillary Proof, 20 What Actually happened to the Tribe of Levi? 21 Chapter 3, The Importance of the Ark of the Covenant 23 How the Ark Worked, 23 The Ark of the Covenant, 23 The Tabernacle, 24 The Ark, 27 The Two Objects That the Hebrews Did Not Make, 29 The Importance of Baruch and the Description of the Ark, 29 The Throne, 30 The Four Round Crystalline Disks, 32 How Was the Voice of God Heard? 34 What was the Ark of the Covenant? 36 What Was in the Ark, was Equally Important, 37 Were There Ten Commandments or Twelve? 38 The Other Thing that Bothered Me About the Surface Story, 39 The Following is the Correct Sequence of Events, 40 When Was the First Two Stone Tablets created and What Was on Them, 40 What Happened a Lunar Year Later, 41 The Obvious Problems with this part of the Surface Story, 46 How Did These Error Occur? 48 Chapter Conclusion, 49 Chapter 4, Joshua and the Judges Period, 51 When God Was King, 51 The Line of Priests and Prophets, 51 Why a Separate Prophet’s Name? 52 The Starting point, 52 The Descendants of Eleazar and Ithamar, 53 The Judges Period, 1200 B.C.E. to 1020 B.C.E, 54 The Battle with Benjamin, 56 The Line of Priests and Prophets, 58 Why the People wanted to have a King, 58 The Priest Class of the Judges Period, 59 Judges Period, 60 Dating the Period, 60 Samson, 66 First Samuel, 69 Who wrote the Book of Judges? 70 The Line of Ithamar, 71 David’s Family Line, 74 Chapter 5, David’s Assent to Power and the Kingdom, 79 The Cave called Adullam, 81 David the Ephraimite, related to the Priests, 82 First Samuel, 83 Chapter Conclusion, 83 Chapter 6, The Priests at the Time of Solomon, 85 Hiding the Family Secret, 85 Second Samuel, 85 First Kings, 86 Abiathar’s sons. 88 Chapter 7, The Pagan King who Changed the Calendar, 91 The First Step is Determining the Real Date for the Exodus, 91 Dates for the Exodus, 92 Ancient Calendars, 93 The Technical Problems with the Hebrew Lunar Calendar, 93 Ancient Calendars, 93 The Babylonian Calendar, 94 The Assyrian and Canaanite Calendars, 94 The Egyptian Calendar, 94 The Real Beginning of the Jewish Calendar, 95 and the Exodus, 95 Special Note about the Torah, 95 Why is the Torah so Elusive about when the Exodus really occurred? 96 The Month of the Year, 96 The Plants, the Nile River and the Lambs Do Not Lie—People Do, 98 The Sixth Plague, 99 The Lambs Do Not Lie—People Do, 100 Feast of Weeks, 102 Feast of Tabernacles and Sukkot, 105 Sukkot, 106 Other Evidence from the Hebrew Scriptures, 106 The Two Other Holidays, 111 Section conclusion, 113 How did the dates for observance get swapped? 114 Ahimelech II, aka Shisha 114 Seraiah, 115 Deliberate Changes in the Torah 116 The Beginning of the Problem 117 King Jeroboam of the kingdom of Israel, the Idolater 117 Chapter 8, The Prophets and the Priests to the Fall of Jerusalem, 121 Research Note, 121 Hanani, 122 Imla (Imlah), 123 Micaiah, the Prophet Elijah, 124 Shaphat, 124 Amittai, the Prophet Elisha, 126 Gehazi, 127 Shemaiah, aka the Prophet Amos, 129 Amoz, the father of Isaiah, and the Prophet Hosea, 130 Jeiel the scribe, aka Isaiah the Prophet, 131 Eliakim, the Prophet Micah, 132 Harhas, aka Hasrah, 134 Chapter 9, The Babylonians and Where They Came From, 141 The Conquering Babylonians, 141 The Babylonian Revolt against the Assyrian Empire, 141 King Nabopolassar, 142 The Arameans, 142 Who were they? 143 Where did they come from and why did they come to Babylonia? 145 What effects did they have on Assyria and Babylon? 147 The Town of Riblah was the key, 148 Chapter 10, The Prophets Jeremiah and what Happened to Him. 151 The Prophets Jeremiah and what Happened to Him, 151 Shaphan who became the Prophet Jeremiah., 151 A Strange Statement in the Scriptures about the Fall of Judah., 152 The Town of Riblah was the key, 154 The Answer to the Riddle, 155 Corroborating Literary Evidence, 157 Ahikam aka Neriah and his son Gedaliah, 160 Neriah and his younger son Baruch, 160 Changing of the Calendar , 161 Section Conclusion, 165 Tikvah, 135 Meshullam, the Prophet Nehum, 135 Azaliah, the Prophet Zephaniah, 136 The political state of affairs, 137 Chapter 11, Thanks to Baruch 167 Baruch, aka Seraiah, the Prophets Ezekiel and Joel, 168 The Book of Ezekiel, 170 The Book of Joel, 174 Baruch’s other writings 175 The Legends of the Jews., 175 Chapter 12 177 The Books the Piso’s Inserted Into the Hebrew Scriptures, 177 The Rabbinical Leadership Was Ordered to Rome and a Deal was Made, 177 Why Did Arius Piso Saw Himself as Another Minos, the Greek Law Giver? 178 Pliny the Younger’s Authorship of one of the Books in the New Testament, 183 Why did the Piso’s Want to Create a New Religion? 183 How did the New Testament start and who wrote it, 185 The Ultimate Proof of Authorship, 186 The Cast of Characters, 187 Why did Arius see himself as the Greek gods of Ares, Apollo, and the new Numa Pompilius? 196 The Family Trees of the Families Mentioned, 200 Chapter 13, What are the main reasons this knowledge had not been discovered before? 205 Colleges and University Policy, 208 What Happened to the Jewish Religion, 208 Since the 19th Century? 208 Czarist Imperial Russia, 209 God Moves in Mysterious Ways. 210 Russian Jewish Acceptance to Socialist Philosophies, 210 February Revolution, 211 The Russian Jews in America, 212 The Reform Movement in Germany, 212 The Formation of the United States and Freedom of Religion in the U.S. Bill of Rights, 214 The Jewish Reform Movement of Today, 214 “Social Justice” agenda in the Reform Movement, 21 Appendix A, Moses 10 Code Systems, 217 1 and 2. Large and Small Numbering, Sequence System, and Cumulative Small Numbering., 217 3. The Algebraic Principle, 218 4. Composite Word Code, 219 5. Adjacent Letter Swapping, 219 6. The Number Seven, 219 7. The Chapter and Verse Code, 219 8. The Number 400, 220 9. The Length of the Sacred Cubit, 220 10. The Number 12,068, 221 Appendix B, Creation of the Hebrew Alphabet, 225 The Steps I Went Through, 225 The Formula, 225 The Wave Form, 226 Where the Symbols/Letters are Formed, 227

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